Title: FP62005IST5
1FP6-2005-IST-5 Research Networking
Testbeds Maria F. Ramalho Maria.Ramalho-Nata
rio_at_cec.eu.int 2 June 2005
2Research Networking Testbeds (SO 2.5.6.)
synergies within the whole FP6 Programme
3Research Networking Testbeds (SO 2.5.6.)
synergies within IST
4eInfrastructureFP6 Calls for proposals
Year 2005
eInfrastructure Grid initiatives Continue to
build advanced Grid-empowered infrastructures Prod
uction quality ready-to-use SW-infrastructures
Address industry requirements Environments
dynamically adaptable to user needs
55 M
- Research Networking Test-beds
- Emphasis on
- Optical, Wireless, Security, Grids, other
technologies. - Real world settings / user involvement
- Technology services interoperability / open
source - Open test-bed infrastructure
- Roadmaps, strategic guidance for eInfrastructure
18 M
5eInfrastructureIST Programme SO 2.5.6.
Research Networking Testbeds
- Call identifier FP6-2005-IST-5
- Call Text fp6.cordis.lu/fp6/call_details.cfm?C
ALL_ID208 - Call Publication 18 May 2005
- Electronic Submission Deadline 21 Sept. 2005
1700(1GMT) - Available Budget from the EC 18 Million
- Evaluations 3 to 7 Sept. 2005
- Hearings 7 to 11 Nov. 2005
- Instruments open for this Call
- Integrated Projects (IP)
- Network of Excellence (NoE)
- Specific Targeted Research Projects (STREP)
- Specific Support Action (SSA)
- Coordination Action (CA)
6eInfrastructureIST Programme SO 2.5.6.
Research Networking Testbeds
- Integrate, test, validate and demonstrate new
fixed and wireless networking technologies -
including disruptive technologies - and services
in real-world settings and production
environments. (IPs, NoEs, STREPs) - Provide open test infrastructures for third party
researchers. (IPs, NoEs, STREPs) - Foster interoperability of solutions to achieve
broader-scale up-take of new state-of-the-art
infrastructure technology and promote
open-source. (IPs, NoEs, STREPs) - Develop roadmaps and strategic guidance for
infrastructure development in Europe (SSAs, CAs)
Complement and exploit synergies with relevant
National and International Activities !
7eInfrastructureIST Programme SO 2.5.6.
Research Networking Testbeds
From IST Call 3 FP6-2004-IST-3
8IST Research Networking Testbeds IP Instrument
- EUQoS Telefonica ID
9IST Research Networking Testbeds SSA Instrument
- IPv6TF-SC Siemens
- SEEFIRE Telefonica ID
- 6DISS Martel
Testbeds Support Actions
10IST Research Networking Testbeds CA Instrument
- LOBSTER Hellas
Testbeds Co-ordinating Actions
11eInfrastructurenew Calls for proposals
Year 2005
- eInfrastructure Grid initiatives
- Continue building advanced Grid-empowered
infrastructures - Emphasis on
- Production quality ready-to-use
- SW-infrastructures
- Address industry requirements
- Environments dynamically adaptable to user needs
55 M
- Research Networking Test-beds
- Optical, Wireless, Security, Grids, other
technologies. - User involvement / technology validation
18 M
12Call information
- Title Communication Network Development
eInfrastructure - Grid initiatives - Specific Programme Structuring the European
Research Area - Call identifier FP6-2005-Infrastructures-7
- Date of publication 11 May 2005
- Closure date 8 September 2005 at 1700 (Brussels
local time) - Total indicative budget 55 million
- Call Info
- http//fp6.cordis.lu/infrastructures/call_de
tails.cfm?CALL_ID209 - Projects expected to be launched in Q1-Q2 2006
13eInfrastructureCall b.4 Grid initiatives
- Infrastructures exhibiting production-level
performance capabilities - Distributed facilities at gigabit/terabit scales
for use by a broad range of different research
disciplines. - Emphasis on initiatives to lead to
production-quality and ready-to-use software for
both science and engineering - Complement and add value to national
Grid-initiatives - Favor interconnection to major Grid-based
experimental infrastructures in other parts of
the world - Support integration on eInfrastructures of Grid
and Semantic/Web technological and business
14Grid Initiatives what next? consolidation,
extension, deepening
- Consolidation
- Sustainable resource provision, operation,
support and training model - EU-wide AAA scheme, resource sharing policies
- EU-wide Grid-SW testing and validation scheme
MW-repository - Interoperable, integrated infrastructures
(clusters-supercomputers) - Extension
- New user communities (including industry)
- Geographical extension
- Deepening
- Flexibly configurable, reliable end-to-end
(optical) network provision - Intelligent, cognitive, dynamically adaptable RI
15Strategic building blocks of eInfrastructure today
16For further information
Background information on eInfrastructures
www.cordis.lu/ist/rn IPR helpdesk
www.ipr-helpdesk.org CORDI
S partner search facility http//www.cordis.lu/f
p6/ncp.htm International cooperation
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helpdesk 32 2 233 37 60 support_at_epss-fp6.org