Turner syndrome is a health complication that affects only girls and women when the X chromosome (a sex chromosome) is partially or completely missing. The syndrome can lead to developmental problems like short height, failure to start puberty, infertility, heart problems, learning issues and social behavior problems.
Brachial plexus neuropathy syndrome, also termed as brachial plexopathy, is a nerve disorder in the brachial plexus, a bundle of nerves from the spinal cord that separates in to individual shoulder and arm nerves.
Brachial plexus neuropathy syndrome, also termed as brachial plexopathy, is a nerve disorder in the brachial plexus, a bundle of nerves from the spinal cord that separates in to individual shoulder and arm nerves.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a condition that affects hand movements. It occurs when the median nerve in the wrist gets compressed. The carpal tunnel consists of multiple bones within the wrist, and the roof of the carpal tunnel includes the transverse carpal ligament. Even the median nerve with nine tendons passes through the carpal tuner.
Flatback Syndrome was first identified in patients who underwent scoliosis treatment using early scoliosis treatment options using Harrington spinal instrumentation.
Turner syndrome is a health complication that affects only girls and women when the X chromosome (a sex chromosome) is partially or completely missing. Turner syndrome is usually diagnosed in prenatal stages, during infancy or in early childhood.
Nephrotic Syndrome is a kidney disorder, when filters present in the kidney drips large amount of protein from the blood into the urine, which leads to the, shortage of protein level in your body.
This power point presentation describes about causes and natural treatment for polycystic ovary syndrome Or PCOS. You can find more details about Gynecure capsule at http://www.naturalhealth-supplements.com
Nephrotic Syndrome is a kidney disorder, when filters present in the kidney drips large amount of protein from the blood into the urine, which leads to the, shortage of protein level in your body.
Alagille syndrome is a rare, inherited disorder. It can affect the liver, heart, eyes, bones, kidneys and nervous system. This disorder is present at birth, although it may not become apparent until later in life.
Alagille syndrome is a rare, inherited disorder. It can affect the liver, heart, eyes, bones, kidneys and nervous system. This disorder is present at birth, although it may not become apparent until later in life.
Noonan Syndrome is a form of genetic disorder that prevents normal development in various parts of the body. The main cause of the noonan syndrome is a genetic mutation and it is acquired when a child inherits a copy of an affected gene from a parent.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a state in which a woman's levels of the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone are out of balance. This leads to the growth of ovarian cysts. PCOS can affect a women's menstrual cycle, fertility, cardiac function, and appearance etc.
Cubital tunnel syndrome is a nerve disorder that leads to continual pressure or stretching of the ulnar nerve. The ulnar nerve supplies feeling to the little finger and ring finger and controls small muscles of the heart.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a state in which a woman's levels of the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone are out of balance. This leads to the growth of ovarian cysts. PCOS can affect a women's menstrual cycle, fertility, cardiac function, and appearance etc.
Cubital tunnel syndrome is a nerve disorder that leads to continual pressure or stretching of the ulnar nerve. The ulnar nerve supplies feeling to the little finger and ring finger and controls small muscles of the heart.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a disorder that affects the hands and wrists, which can be quite painful. The carpal tunnel is a passageway at the base of the hands or the wrists, made up of bones and ligaments, through which the median nerve passes.
Brachial plexus neuropathy syndrome, also termed as brachial plexopathy, is a nerve disorder in the brachial plexus, a bundle of nerves from the spinal cord that separates in to individual shoulder and arm nerves.
Le syndrome fémoro-patellaire, ou syndrome rotulien, est une source très fréquente de douleurs aux genoux. Il est caractérisé par des inconforts siégeant à l’arrière de la rotule, plus précisément au niveau de l’articulation fémoro-patellaire. Le syndrome fémoro-patellaire est alors décrit par une irritation présente entre la rotule et le fémur, soit à l’articulation fémoro-patellaire. Pour l'article complet, c'est ici: http://chiroste-foy.com/syndrome-femoro-patellaire/
Alport syndrome is a genetic condition characterized by kidney disease, hearing loss, and eye abnormalities. People with Alport syndrome experience progressive loss of kidney function. Almost all affected individuals have blood in their urine (hematuria), which indicates abnormal functioning of the kidneys.
Bartter syndrome is a rare inherited congenital defect that affects the kidneys. Bartter syndrome is caused by genetic mutations. Bartter syndrome is of two types - Neonatal Bartter syndrome and classic Bartter syndrome.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition, which causes hormonal disorder in women, causing the enlargement of ovaries with small fluid-filled sacs, called cysts, inside them. Periods happen when the ovaries release the eggs. The uterine wall that builds up to protect the egg sheds. Together they release the egg and the uterine wall cause the menstrual bleeding. In a healthy condition, ovaries produce the female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, and a small amount of male hormone called androgen. These three hormones cause menstrual periods, which is the periodic release of eggs (ovulation). Polycystic Ovary Syndrome triggers the excessive formation of androgen, which causes an imbalance of these 3 hormones.
Gilbert’s Syndrome is a genetic condition in which the liver enzyme becomes abnormal and cannot properly process bilirubin (waste due to worn out-red blood cells).
Acute Radiation Syndrome Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS) ARS, or radiation sickness, occurs in humans after whole-body reception of large doses of ionizing radiation ...
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common disorder that causes pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand and wrist. It occurs when there is a high amount of pressure within the wrist on a nerve called the median nerve. This median nerve provides sensation to the thumb, index, and middle fingers, and half of the ring finger. The little finger (the “pinky”) is typically not affected. This median nerve also provides strength to few muscles at the base of the thumb and index finger.
Young child with Down Syndrome. 20. Karyotype of typically developing female. 21. Turner's syndrome ... cry sounds like a cat (for which the syndrome was named) ...
SARS is a respiratory illness that is caused by a corona virus called SARS-associated corona virus (SARS-CoV). Corona viruses are a common cause of upper respiratory illnesses - including the common cold - in humans and cause a number of diseases in animals.
SARS is a respiratory illness that is caused by a corona virus called SARS-associated corona virus (SARS-CoV). Corona viruses are a common cause of upper respiratory illnesses - including the common cold - in humans and cause a number of diseases in animals.
Kluver-Bucy syndrome is a very rare cerebral neurological disorder associated with damage to both temporal lobes resulting in abnormalities in memory, social and sexual functioning and idiosyncratic behaviours.
This power point presentation describes about symptoms and natural remedies of premenstrual syndrome or PMS. You can find more details about Gynex capsule at http://www.dharmanis.com
Kluver-Bucy syndrome is a very rare cerebral neurological disorder associated with damage to both temporal lobes resulting in abnormalities in memory, social and sexual functioning and idiosyncratic behaviours.
Short Bowel Syndrome Following resection, diarrhea and/or steatorrhea can appear due to decrease in the area of the absorptive surface. * 4.Bacterial Overgrowth ...
Le syndrome du tunnel carpien est une condition fréquente qui peut vite devenir très incapacitante chez les gens qui en souffrent. Elle est caractérisée par des engourdissements et des pertes de force dans la main atteinte. Le syndrome du tunnel carpien est décrit par une compression du nerf médian lors de son passage dans le canal carpien. Pour lire l'article complet, c'est ici: http://chiroste-foy.com/syndrome-tunnel-carpien/
Restless legs syndrome can keep a guy from getting the good night’s sleep that he needs to function properly – but could it also sometimes contribute to a sore male organ in the man?
Abdominal Compartment Syndrome John Hartley Academic Surgical Unit The University of Hull Abdominal Compartment Syndrome (ACS) Definition The adverse physiological ...
Le syndrome de la bandelette ilio-tibiale (BIT) est la cause la plus commune de douleurs à la face externe du genou chez les athlètes. La bandelette ilio-tibiale est une longue bande de tissu fibreux reliant la hanche au genou. Plus précisément, elle nait du muscle tenseur du fascia lata et se termine au niveau du tibia. Juste avant d’arriver à son point d’attache sur le tibia, la bandelette passe par-dessus le condyle latéral du fémur (os de la cuisse) où elle peut « frotter » et devenir irritée lors de la pratique de certains sports. C’est alors ce qui crée un syndrome de la bandelette ilio-tibiale. Pour lire l'article complet, c'est ici: http://chiroste-foy.com/syndrome-de-bandelette-ilio-tibiale/
ST-elevation myocardial infarction: A report of the ACC/AHA Task Force on ... However, only a small fraction of these abnormalities cause symptomatic ischemia. ...
Thus, various foot and leg problems will occur with excessive or prolonged ... internal rotation of the bones of the leg can also cause problems in the knees, ...