Title: P1254413668QKzdS
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21 Samuel 167 (NKJV) But the LORD said to Samuel,
Do not look at his appearance or at his physical
stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD
does not see as man sees for man looks at the
outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the
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4Luke 126-29 (NKJV) Now in the sixth month the
angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of
Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to
a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of
David. The virgins name was Mary. And having
come in, the angel said to her, Rejoice, highly
favored one, the Lord is with you blessed are
you among women! But when she saw him, she was
troubled at his saying
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6Luke 130-32,46-48 (NKJV) Then the angel said to
her, Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found
favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in
your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call
His name Jesus. He will be great, and will be
called the Son of the Highest For with God
nothing will be impossible. And Mary said My
soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has
rejoiced in God my Savior. For He has regarded
the lowly state of His maidservant   Â
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11Luke 146-49 (NKJV) And Mary said My soul
magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in
God my Savior. For He has regarded the lowly
state of His maidservant For behold,
henceforth all generations will call me blessed.
For He who is mighty has done great things for
me, and holy is His name. And His mercy is on
those who fear Him from generation to
generation.  Â
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