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Din acel moment, componenta a fost urmatoarea: ... the speed and dexterity of early Metallica with the guttural death-yowls of the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ROMNA:

ROMÂNA Formatia L.O.S.T a luat fiinta în martie
2004, dupa una din repetitiile formatiei Abigail
în care activau în acel moment 3 dintre membri
(Vlad, Dragos, George). Dupa scurt timp, BB
Hanneman, deasemenea fost coleg cu cei trei, se
alatura trupei. Din acel moment, componenta a
fost urmatoarea -         BB Hanneman - chitara,
voce (ex Adrenaline, Cronos, Abigail, Icon of
Sin, Magma) -         Vlad Busca - bass, voce (ex
Abigail, Tornado, Cronos) -         Dragos
Halmagi - keyb (ex Abigail) -         George
Angel Tudor - tobe, voce (ex Abigail,
Dust) Incepând cu luna septembrie 2006, un nou
membru se alatura trupei Dorin Costea, un tanar
si talentat baterist ce a mai cantat in trupe ca
Asgard, Kendo, Colt 44, Brainstrip si Deadeye
Dick. Având o experienta îndelungata în scena
româneasca, de aproape 20 ani, ce a cuprins
printre altele numeroase premii la festivaluri,
aparitii radio-tv precum si 2 albume înregistrate
anterior cu Abigail si Cronos, trupa L.O.S.T. a
avut un impact rapid în underground, toate
concertele fiind foarte reusite si cu un nucleu
de fani devotati in continua crestere. Cu ocazia
concertului de debut din Club A din 5 noiembrie
2004 (împreuna cu Enthrallment - Bulgaria si
Avatar) a fost prezentat si primul cd promo, în
conditii calitative si de prezentare deosebite.
Materialul promo mentionat anterior se
intituleaza Ziua ce vine si cuprinde 2 melodii
(Ziua ce vine si Last Breath), înregistrate
în studioul Recreate Records din Bucuresti în
perioada octombrie-noiembrie 2004. Sesiunea de
înregistrari a cuprins un total de 5 piese, care
au fost editate de Meta4 Productions pe un MCD
intitulat Last Breath lansat oficial pe data de
4 martie 2005, si distribuit in toata reteaua
nationala de magazine. Trupa a mai sustinut
concerte in 2005-08 impreuna cu trupe ca Ancient
Ceremony (Ger), Vokodlok, Avatar, Deviant,
Interitus Dei, Grimegod, Avskild, Taine, The
Claymore (Ger), Possession (Aut), Thunderstorm,
Trooper, Gothic, Psycho Symphony, Hathor, Sepsys
(Md), Holy Blood (Ukr), Cartwheel (Bg), MG42,
Bucium, Luna Amara, Novembre (Ita), Obituary
(USA), Behemoth (Pol) si Dismember (Swe).
Deaemenea, trupa a participat la Metal Healing
Festival din Grecia alaturi de formatii ca Rage,
Orphaned Land, Aborted, Leaves Eyes, Septic
Flesh, The Haunted si Destruction, la Rockin
Transilvania Festival alaturi de Helloween, Doro,
Testament si Kreator, iar in 2009 au urcat pe
aceeasi scena cu Sepultura si In Flames. In
acesta perioada se lucreaza la noul album
L.O.S.T. ce se doreste sa fie gata in 2009 si
care se va intitula Remains of Pain. Band
contact Website
ENGLISH The band L.O.S.T. formed in March 2004,
after one of the rehearsals of the band Abigail
where three from the members were activating
(Vlad, Dragos, George). After a short period of
time, BB Hanneman, also former colleague with the
other members, joins the band. From that time,
the line-up was -         BB Hanneman - guitars,
vocals (ex Adrenaline, Cronos, Abigail, Icon of
Sin, Magma) -         Vlad Busca - bass, vocals
(ex Abigail, Tornado, Cronos) -         Dragos
Halmagi - keyb (ex Abigail) -         George
Angel Tudor - drums, vocals (ex Abigail,
Dust) Starting with September 2006, a new member
joins the band Dorin Costea, a young and
talented drummer that formerly played with bands
like Asgard, Kendo, Colt 44, Brainstrip and
Deadeye Dick. Having a vast experience on the
Romanian scene, of almost 20 years, which
contained, among others, numerous festival
awards, radio and tv appearances and 2 albums
recorded with Abigail and Cronos, L.O.S.T.
succeeded with its main objective, a fast impact
on the underground scene, with excellent live
shows and with a growing mass of devoted
fans. With the occasion of the debut show in
Bucharest on November 5th, 2004 (along with
Enthrallment - Bulgaria and Avatar Romania) it
was also released the first promo cd, of a great
sound quality and artwork. The promo material is
entitled Ziua ce vine and consists in 2 tracks
(Ziua ce vine and Last Breath), recorded at
Recreate Studio from Bucharest between
October-November 2004. The band recorded a total
of 5 tracks, which were released by Meta4
Productions as an MCD named Last Breath on
March 4th 2005 and it had nationwide
distribution. Other shows in 2005-2008 were with
Ancient Ceremony (Ger), Vokodlok, Avatar,
Deviant, Interitus Dei, Grimegod, Avskild, Taine,
The Claymore (Ger), Possession (Aut),
Thunderstorm, Trooper, Gothic, Psycho Symphony,
Hathor, Sepsys (Md), Holy Blood (Ukr), Cartwheel
(Bg), MG42, Bucium, Luna Amara, Novembre (Ita),
Obituary (USA), Behemoth (Pol) or Dismember
(Swe). The band also played at Metal Healing
Festival in Greece along with bands like Rage,
Orphaned Land, Aborted, Leaves Eyes, Septic
Flesh, The Haunted and Destruction, at Rockin
Transilvania Festival with Helloween, Doro,
Testament and Kreator, and in 2009 they shared
the stage with Sepultura and In Flames. Currently
the band is working at the new L.O.S.T. album
planned to be ready in 2009 and entitled Remains
of Pain. Band contact
Important dates -30 Mar 2009 Opening act for
In Flames in Bucharest. -7 Feb 2009 Opening act
for Sepultura at the first edition of My Metal
Festival. -28 Nov 6 Dec 2008 Special guests
at Troopers album release party and headlining
a show in Live Metal Club. -2229 August 2008 -
Another couple of shows, at Olimpiada de Rock and
Heavy Riders Bike Fest. -13 July 2008 - L.O.S.T.
played at Rockin' Transilvania Festival along
with other acts like Testament, Kreator,
Helloween, Axxis and Doro . -28 June 2008 -
L.O.S.T. played at Heartrock Festival's third
edition in Botosani. The entire festival was
broadcasted in streaming video. -12 April 2008 -
Vlad and Dragos were invited to play at a My
Dying Bride Tribute live show in Bucharest.
-December 2007 - Latest live shows of the year
on 22 and 23 of December in Petrosani and Deva
along with the friends from Gothic at their 15th
anniversary. -21 July 2007 - L.O.S.T. were in
Greece for the first edition of the biggest Greek
festival so far, Metal Healing Festival. -20 June
2007 - Another great show at Studio Martin, as
opening act for Dismember (Swe). -2 June 2007 -
The first edition of Rock'n'Iasi Festival took
place. Very nice surroundings and atmosphere. -31
May 2007 - Extremely crazy show at Preoteasa
Club, as opening act for Behemoth (Pol). -17 May
2007 - Enthusiastic show at TopT Festival from
Buzau, the oldest and more important festival in
Romania. -May 2007 - L.O.S.T. was confirmed as
opening act for the Swedish death metal legends
Dismember in Bucharest on June 20th. -5 May 2007
- L.O.S.T. performed at the opening of the Live
Metal Club from Bucharest. -April 2007 - Another
benefit concert for Alex Luchici in Suburbia Club
from Bucharest on 18th and one show on the
seaside in El Comandante Club from Constanta on
22nd. -24 March 2007 - Great show in Old School
Club from Bucharest, along with Negura Bunget and
Argus Megere, in front of more than 400
people. -March 2007 - Three shows around the
country on March 3rd in Iasi, along with Trooper
and Skepsys, a benefit concert for Alex Luchici,
and a mini-tour on March 9th and 10th along with
Atlantis (Ger) in Petrosani (Barock Club) and
Timisoara (Metalbox Club). Unfortunately, for the
last two shows, Bogdan couldn't be with us
because of personal problems. -February 2007
L.O.S.T. begins the live activity of the year
with two shows on 16th and 18th of February in
Cluj (King Club) and Bucharest (Utopia Club, with
Rising Shadow). These were the first appearances
with the band for the new guitar player, which
was announced for the very first time on February
9th at Radio 3net. He is Bogdan Visan and he
previously played as a guitarist and bassist in
bands like Taine, Cronos and Adrenaline.
  • Important dates
  • -7 December 2006 L.O.S.T. had a show in Utopia
    Club from Bucharest along with Fortress of Faith.
    With this occasion we introduced to the public
    our new member in the band, the drummer Dorin
  • Communic and Primordial.
  • -August 2006 Ten days with three shows
    (Utopia/Bucharest, Metal Valley
    Festival/Petrosani, University Square Open
  • -August 2006 A demo video for the song Closure
    was posted on our Myspace page
  • July 2006 - The song Clipa appeared on Heavy
    Metal Magazine Compilation Vol 11
  • June 2006 - A new member joined our band, the
    very talented guitar player Andrei Gânga, a very
    good and old friend of ours with whom we also
    played together in bands like Cronos, Abigail or
    Tornado. Unfortunatelly, the collaboration lasted
    for only 3 live shows.
  • 17 June 2006 - L.O.S.T. performed as opening act
    for death metal legends OBITUARY, along with
    Novembre, Taine, Avskild and Leprosy Abscess.
  • 12-19 May 2006 A hell of a week for the band
    on 12th, Bucharest Metal Nights IV in Bucharest
    (along with NPH, Nexus, Interitus Dei, Psycho
    Symphony and Taine), on 13th in Chisinau,
    Republic of Moldova, headlining at Neformat
    Festival (along with 8 local bands and Ukrainians
    Holy Blood), and then on 19th in Brasov (with Ora
    H, Dispersia and Trooper).
  • 24 March 2006 - Second show of 2006, in Viking
    club, along with Psycho Symphony and MG42. Great
    atmosphere, again.
  • Friday the 13th January 2006 First live show
    of the year, along with Hathor, in Viking Club,
  • November 2005 The song Clipa appeared on
    Support the Underground compilation released by
    Promusic Prod (
  • 4 November 2005 Another great show in Viking
    Club, along with legendary technical metal band
    Psycho Symphony
  • October 2005 The album "Last Breath" is now
    distributed also through Bestial Records label.
    Details at email, website
  • 12 October 2005 - Metalhead's webzine published their very first interview
    ever, with Vlad, signed by Oana G.
  • October 2005 - From October 2005, the debut album
    "Last Breath" is distributed in Czech Republic by
    View Beyond Productions, known as an elitist
    label, dedicated mostly to vinyl releases.
  • 5 August 2005 Great show in Viking Club,
    Bucharest, along with Gothic
  • 1 July 2005 BMN1 Festival (Bucharest Metal
    Nights) at Baza Miltara Club, Bucharest, along
    with Leprosy Abscess, Bolthard, Thunderstorm,
    Avskild, Trooper and Taine
  • 22 June 2005 Promoting the BMN1 festival,
    Dragos and Vlad were invited at Radio Romania (2
    tracks were aired)

  • Important dates
  • June 2005 - At the death/black metal charts from, L.O.S.T. reached 10.000
  • 21 May 2005 The fourth edition of Super Metal
    Live Festival, along with Avskild, Taine,
    Interitus Dei and The Claymore (Ger)
  • 20 May 2005 A 35 minutes show at MotorRock
    Festival, Ploiesti
  • -13 May 2005 L.O.S.T. opened the show for the
    Austrian band Possession in Cluba A, Bucharest
  • 12 May 2005 The band performed at one of the
    most important Romanian festival, Top T Buzau
  • 23 April 2005 Noni Hutterer reviewed the MCD
    Last Breath for Heavy Metal Magazine
  • 23 April 2005 A whole two-pages interview is
    published in Heavy Metal Magazine (by Titus
  • 22 April 2005 - The band was invited again at
    Radio 3 Romania, where Dragos participated and
    also 2 songs from the MCD were aired.
  • 19 April 2005 L.O.S.T. performed with Grimegod
    and Bolthard at Underworld Club, Bucharest.
  • April 2005 - At the death/black metal charts from, L.O.S.T. reached 7500
    downloads, an all-time record for any Romanian
    artist! Theyre positioned at no. 4 on the
    websites death/black metal category and also at
    no. 33 at the Hard Rock / Metal category.
  • 5 April 2005 Another show at Underworld Club,
    Bucharest, along with Interitus Dei.
  • 3 April 2005 - The band was invited at Radio City
    FM, where Vlad and Dragos promoted the next show.
    2 songs from the MCD were aired.
  • 18 March 2005 - The band was invited again at
    Radio 3 Romania, where BB and Vlad participated
    and also all the 5 songs from the MCD were aired.
  • 4 March 2005 Meta4 Productions released the
    first official CD, Last Breath, at the concert
    that L.O.S.T. performed in Club A, Bucharest,
    along with Deviant (RO), Avatar (RO) and
    Cadaverous Condition (AUT).
  • 15 February 2005 The bands first show in
    Underworld Club, Bucharest, along with Vokodlok
    and Elivagor.
  • 9 February 2005 L.O.S.T. opened the show for
    the German act Ancient Ceremony in Club A,
  • December 2004 At the death/black metal charts
    from, L.O.S.T. reached 1000
    downloads, a record that also determined the
    listing of the band in the weekly newsletter of
    the website.
  • 4 December 2004 L.O.S.T. was invited at one of
    the main festivals in 2004 Super Metal Live 3 in
    Constanta, Romania, along with Magica, Avskild,
    Interitus Dei, Taine and Web (also Webs 6 years

  • Important dates
  • October 2004 The band enters Recreate Studio to
    record a demo. The initial idea was to record 2
    songs but due to some fortunate circumstances 5
    songs came out. Only 2 songs were used for the
    promo CD Ziua ce vine (Ziua ce vine / Last
  • March 2004 Vlad, Dragos and George decided to
    start a new band, apart from what they previously
    had done with Abigail for almost 10 years. In a
    few weeks BB joins the band and also decided for
    the name L.O.S.T..

  • Media
  • 01.12.2004 "Ziua ce vine" CD
    promo Hailing from Romania by way of Hades,
    L.O.S.T. creates a fearsome black-metal racket.
    Combining the speed and dexterity of early
    Metallica with the guttural death-yowls of the
    Norse black-metal scene, L.O.S.T. has found the
    perfect balance between speedy annihilation and
    old-school metal melodies. Death by Romanian
    thrash is imminent.
  • 12.02.2005 concert Bucuresti,
    Club A 09.02 (Ancient Ceremony) bucurestenii
    L.O.S.T., una dintre cele mai interesante trupe
    aparute in underground-ul romanesc in ultima
  • 19.02.2005 concert
    Bucuresti, Club A 09.02 (Ancient Ceremony) Este
    pentru prima data când îi vad la lucru pe
    L.O.S.T. si pot spune ca am fost placut
  • 20.02.2005 concert Bucuresti,
    Underworld 15.02 (Vokodlok, Elivagor) () iata
    ca m-am trezit cu onoranta misiune de a vorbi eu
    despre ce mi-au ascultat urechile neutre dar
    incarcate de nostalgii in Underworld, unde
    L.O.S.T. a fost balsamul binevenit intre doua
    reprize de vaj-metal. () Baietii canta ce le
    place si se simte, degaja de pe scena bucuria
    muzicii facute cu placere care nu poate sa nu fie
    contagioasa, sa nu antreneze publicul. As zice ca
    de la concert la concert isi fac tot mai multi
    fani, pe masura ce oamenii incep sa le recunoasca
    piesele, poate tocmai de aceea cele mai
    cunoscute, Last Breath si Ziua ce vine sunt
    si cele mai apreciate
  • 19.03.2005 concert Bucuresti,
    Club A 04.03 (Avatar, Cadaverous Condition,
    Deviant) Metalul prestat de cei de la L.O.S.T.
    este unul care isi trage seva din death metal,
    dar inteligenta celor 4 a facut ca muzica lor sa
    inglobeze si elemente din alte arii stilistice,
    astfel incat sa nu avem nici o clipa senzatia de
    liniaritate. S-a cantat cu multa pofta (este
    vital sa fie asa), energic si destul de dinamic,
    dovada stand faptul ca publicul le-a recunoscut
    toate piesele si a reactionat foarte pozitiv la
    fiecare aparitie live a trupei. Prestatia din
    Club A nu a facut exceptie. Asteptam cu nerabdare
    albumul full-length .
  • 30.03.2005 Review at
    Promising. 64 Written by Corimngul on March
    30th, 2005. Its easy to see why L.O.S.T. got
    signed. They are simply one of the best
    melo-death acts of lately, if just a little
    generic. Ive only reached the mp3s of this
    single but I wait, theyve got the potential to
    get big.
  • 01.04.2005 lansare album "Last
    Breath L.O.S.T. este o trupa noua cu "nume
    vechi", componentii ei activand de peste 10 ani
    pe scena metal underground romaneasca, dar voi
    evita sa reiau numele trupelor in care au activat
    cei patru, pentru a evita confuziile de genul
    L.O.S.T, fostii X. Si asta pentru ca trupa
    L.O.S.T, adica Vlad Busca (bass/vocal), BB
    Hanneman (guitar/vocal), Dragos Halmagi (keys) si
    George Angel Tudor(tobe), are deja, dupa numai
    cateva luni de activitate, o individualitate, a
    sustinut deja destule concerte si, fapt mai rar
    pe piata noastra, a lansat deja un produs de
    debut oficial, mini-CD-ul Last Breath, editat de
    Meta4 Productions. Albumul contine 5 piese
    old-school doom-death, sunetul este satisfacator
    si lay-out-ul este excelent.

  • 01.04.2005 "Last Breath album
    release L.O.S.T. is a new band with an "old
    name", the band members being since already 10
    years in the underground Romanian metal, but we
    will not mention the old bands where they
    activated, in order to avoid confusions like
    ex.... And this is because L.O.S.T., I mean Vlad
    Busca (bass/vocal), BB Hannerman (guitar/vocal),
    Dragos Halmagi (keys) and George Angel Tudor
    (drums) already has, only after a few months of
    activity, an individuality, enough live shows and
    already an official product, a mini-CD, called
    "Last Breath", under Meta4Productions. The
    product contain 5 old-school doom-death songs,
    sound is satisfactory and the lay-out is
  • 17.04.2005 recenzie "Last
    Breath" MCD Ce ar fi de spus despre Last
    Breath, mini CD-ul recent lansat? Faptul ca este
    un produs ingrijit spune multe despre trupa.
    Booklet-ul este simplu si sobru si se potriveste
    de minune cu muzica, fiind o prelungire fireasca
    a acesteia. In momentul in care am apasat play
    parca s-a deschis cutia Pandorei. M-au napadit
    toate nostalgiile si m-am trezit teleportat in
    urma cu un deceniu, in momentul in care foarte
    multe trupe cantau melanjul de death metal si
    doom pe care si L.O.S.T. ni-l propune pe Last
    Breath. Este pe de o parte un act de curaj dar si
    o dovada clara ca lui B.B. si colegilor sai chiar
    le place ce canta si o fac cat se poate de
    serios. Am sa evit sa intru in detalii tehnice
    neinteresante sau sa pic in capcana de a compara
    L.O.S.T. cu nu stiu ce trupa occidentala. Ei
    merita incurajati si sustinuti permanent pentru
    ca merita mai mult.
  • 23.04.2005 live report,
    Bucharest, Underworld (Grimegod, Bolthard) The
    last band of the night was L.O.S.T., which is a
    well known combo for the Underworld public
    judging by their members () and also by their
    large amount of live appearances. What everyone
    expected to be a side project proved to be a band
    of its own. BBs voice, doubled at some points by
    Vlads growling, is already a trade mark for
    L.O.S.T., while Dragos keyboard work give a
    specific note to the sound. The gig was based on
    the songs from the first official product of the
    band, the Last Breath MCD which was launched just
    a while ago. Dreams In Black, Ziua Ce Vine,
    Clipa, Nowehere To Run, Last Breath were
    presented on stage and the top moment was when
    the lied Becoming A Lie was announced. The
    playlist included some very new songs, a good
    sign proving that the band is on a creative level
    right now. Even if it was quite late the public
    stayed until the end and that proves very well
    that the band is quite appreciated there,
    L.O.S.T. rewarding them with a bis for Becoming A
    Lie. Performance 9 Khæotix
  • 23.04.2005 concert Bucuresti,
    Underworld (Grimegod, Bolthard) Au urcat apoi
    pe scena L.O.S.T., new-comeri, daca pot spune
    astfel unei trupe ai carei componenti au peste 12
    ani de muzica la activ. Nu am sa le fac aici
    istoria, in primul rand pentru ca multi dintre
    voi o stiti si pentru ca L.O.S.T. si-a creat deja
    o identitate aparte in scena romaneasca. De
    remarcat prestatia lor excelenta, fara balbe si
    cu o coeziune extraordinara intre instrumente.
    Piese bune, cu substanta, cu un touch de
    Crematory un pic prea accentuat totusi. (Ma refer
    la vechiul Crematory, cel din perioada
    Transmigration si Just Dreaming, pentru a se
    evita confuziile). Dupa atatia ani de cantat,
    baietii se dedica total pe scena. Din recitalul
    lor am remarcat piesa Rise, un tribute adus celui
    care a fost Chuck Schuldiner. Chitara mi-a adus
    aminte foarte pregnant de Death, dar poate
    pasajele de clapa ar fi fost de preferat sa fi
    fost mai estompate. Si L.O.S.T. au creat agitatie
    in randul spectatorilor, muzica lor fiind foarte
    bine primita.

  • 23.04.2005 Heavy Metal Magazine 101 Wow! Asta
    da album! In procent de 100 este cel mai bun
    disc romanesc pe care l-am ascultat de cand a
    inceput anul 2005! L.O.S.T. este profi! Suna
    intr-un fel, piesele sint compuse si aranjate
    intr-un fel. Trupa asta are un mare potential si,
    cu riscul de a parea rautacios (eh, de parca n-as
    fi...), chiar nu-mi pare rau ca the bad boys s-au
    tirat din Abigail, mai ales ca sint aruncate in
    lupta si ceva reminiscente ale trecutului
    atmospheric/doom/gothic. Suflarea Scandinaviei
    este prezenta in toate cele cinci piese ale
    materialului, fapt care pe mine nu poate decat sa
    ma bucure. Last Breath este sinonimul unui death
    metal de calitate, in care vocile guturale si
    partile brutale nu sint folosite gratuit sau in
    mod abuziv. Mi-e clar ca nimic n-a fost lasat la
    intamplare tematica pieseior suna unitar si
    compozitiile sint foarte bine legate. E drept ca
    nici unul dintre membri nu e incepator, caci
    experienta acumulata a fost foarte bine pusa in
    aplicare. Primele doua piese, Ziua ce vine si
    Clipa, sunt cele pe care le gust cel mai mult.
    Cum sangele apa nu se face, intro-urile lor
    readuc in lumina atomosfera Anathema/Paradise
    Lost/My Dying Bride, insa nu sunt decat prologul
    unei combinatii bine gindite de death si mici
    doze de death melodic. Urmeaza piesa de tillu si
    Dreams In Black, alte doua compozilii foarte
    bune, executate cat se poate de corect in tempo
    mediu. Ultima pe lista este No More..., un
    strigat de protest, daca e sa ma iau dupa text,
    cu inceput si sfarsit gloomy, dar cu miezul tare
    ca o stanca. Chiar imi place Last Breath! Cu
    usoare accente thrashy si atmosfera predominant
    death metal, primul disc L.O.S.T. este o reusita.
    Ideal ar fi ca acesta sa fie numai inceputul, iar
    potentlalul care zace" in aceasta trupa sa fie
    folosit la maximum si in viitor. Acum sunt numai
    cinci piese. S-a mers probabil pe principiul
    putin si bun", insa astept un full length care
    sa confirme ca L.O.S.T. si-a inscris definitiv
    numele printre cele mai bune trupe de death din
    Romania. Noni Hutterer 9.
  • 21.05.2005 live report,
    Bucharest, Super Metal Live 4 (Avskild, Taine,
    Interitus Dei, The Claymore - Ger) L.O.S.T.
    had the honour of getting everything started. The
    bands experience had its say once again, the
    guys easily surpassing the strain of playing two
    nights in a row (after playing at the very break
    of dawn at the Motor Rock concert planed by
    SILVER PISTONS the bikers from Ploiesti). With
    a setlist that included Becoming A Lie, Ziua Ce
    Vine, Last Breath and No More, Bebe Co. got the
    crowd going from the very start. The high point
    of their performance was Rise a tribute to
    Chuck Schuldiner. Performance 8,5 Khæotix.
    Atmosphere Public A very good band and the
    public loves them for the simple reason they know
    how to start a concert!

  • 27.05.2005 concert Bucuresti,
    Preoteasa 21.05 Super Metal Live 4 (Avskild,
    Taine, Interitus Dei, The Claymore - Ger) Dupa
    o intarziere de aproximativ 40 de minute,
    datorata necesitatii unui soundcheck prelungit,
    bucurestenilor de la L.O.S.T. le-a revenit
    sarcina de a deschide ostilitatile. Sarcina de
    care s-au achitat foarte bine, recitalul lor
    fiind in opinia mea cel mai reusit concert pe
    care baietii l-au sustinut de la recenta lor
    infiintare (astea in conditiile in care i-am
    vazut de vreo 4-5 ori pana acum). De fapt, cred
    ca tocmai dorinta lor de a canta peste tot, sau
    cel putin acolo unde au fost invitati, i-a facut
    sa devina in scurt timp o buna trupa live. Fara
    indoiala ca si experienta lor anterioara isi
    spune cuvantul, cert este ca L.O.S.T. au sunat
    excelent, fapt lesne de constatat si din reactia
    pozitiva a publicului. Cum era de asteptat, BB,
    Vlad, Dragos si George si-au alcatuit playlist-ul
    in special din compozitii incluse pe ultima lor
    realizare discografica, mini-albumul Last Breath.
    Desi nu as putea spune ca genul abordat de ei, un
    death metal melodic cu influente doom este unul
    din preferatele mele, am ramas placut impresionat
    de acest concert. Presupun ca si de acum inainte
    ne putem astepta la ce e mai bun de la
    bucuresteni. Ca o curiozitate personala, ma
    intreb daca L.O.S.T. vor continua pe aceeasi
    linie stilistica sau au de gand sa aduca unele
    modificari. Ramane sa vedem
  • 12.07.2005 concert Bucuresti,
    Bucharest Metal Nights 1, Baza Miltara (Leprosy,
    Bolthard, Thunderstorm, Avskild, Trooper, Taine)
    L.O.S.T. au fost din nou printre preferatii
    publicului iar recitalul acestora a fost unul mai
    lung decat se preconizase. Mai lung si banuiesc
    ca mai bun, avand in vedere agitatia din fata
    scenei si de pe scena. Chiar ma intreb ce au
    simtit B.B. si restul cand au vazut ca lumea le
    stie textele pieselor si reactioneaza atat de
    misto. La bis s-a cantat chiar piesa care da
    numele ultimului EP al trupei, Last Breath, iar
    cele cateva sute de metalheads au avut parte si
    de Closure, o bucata in premiera, care a sunat
    neasteptat de bine si a fost parca mai catchy
    decat alte piese ale celor de la L.O.S.T. La cat
    mai multe!
  • 18.09.2005 Ziua ce
    vine review Its easy to see why L.O.S.T. got
    signed. They are simply one of the best
    melo-death acts of lately, if just a little
  • 04.11.2005 concert Bucuresti,
    Club Viking (Psycho Symphony) L.O.S.T. si-a
    facut treaba bine. Nu ma refer neaparat la
    show-ul din Viking ci in general la intreaga lor
    perioada de activitate, nu lunga, dar destul de
    intensa. Iar primul rand, L.O.S.T. si-au creat un
    public al lor, pe care si-l intretin permanent,
    care creste ca numar si le ramane dedicat. Cred
    ca nu gresesc daca spun ca, vineri, L.O.S.T. nu
    si-au dezamagit deloc fanii, prestand in stilul
    obisnuit, clar, corect, balansat. Refrenele se
    cunosc, publicul recunoaste imediat piesele,
    headbanging-ul e continuu. Pauze de bere si de
    sampanie, aniversand zile de nastere si un an de
    la primul concert L.O.S.T. Aplauze multe, urari
    de bine si multe voci scandand numele trupei.
    Doar un an, dar un an bun, marcat de un spectacol
    relaxat si placut .
  • 01.12.2005 "Last
    Breath review With their latest album the band
    wants to give us their opinion of the death
    metal. "Last Breath" is the title of their album
    and it was released last May through Meta4
    Productions. So in these five tracks the band
    gives us their project for the death metal but
    with the addition of the keyboards we have
    another atmosphere through the madness of death
    metal. For sure their compositions are well
    worked with interesting ideas and you can see
    that these guys want to give the best to the
    listeners. Score 7.2/10. Antonis Maglaras

  • 27.11.2005 "Last Breath
    review When I first heard this EP I was
    strongly and positively surprised. The second
    song, Clipa really opened my eyes for what this
    band reminded me of. When listening to the
    single, it never struck me that L.O.S.T. must
    have been listening a lot to early Therion. Much
    of their material sound like Lepaca Kliffoth and
    like what Symphony Masses wouldve sounded like
    without its symphonic parts and some of the
    stranger pieces.Now, this does express itself
    through rather slow, minimalistic, heavy song
    backbones. The guitars sting into it all every
    now and then. We have melody, carefully laden by
    the keyboardist. There are breakdowns, the way
    the compositions circle. There are undertones
    from Therion all around it. The riffs and bass
    lines, the way they keep them hanging, have a
    Therion feel too. It wouldnt be fair to call
    this a total Therion-rip-off though, as L.O.S.T.
    have a very different guitar tone. It is stinging
    and pretty constant. Also L.O.S.T. never leaves
    the slow-tempo land, which theyve mastered well
    enough. Unfortunately, I dont think itll work
    for an entire album without more variation. ()
    Sounding a bit like Therion wins my vote, and
    sounding this much like Therion while retaining
    some originality gets more of it, I suppose. I
    like this, but I think the repertoire must be
    broadened some speed must be let in if they
    should go for a full-length in the future. 75
    Written by Corimngul
  • 27.11.2005 "Last Breath
    review Right from the start its clear that the
    band has put some real effort in the recordings
    of the MCD. The intro of the first song Ziua ce
    Vine (which is also on the two-track promo, as
    well as Last Breath) is very impressive and
    would do very well live, I suppose. The guitar
    parts are quite slow but this could only be
    considered as an advantage. In this way, the
    chords are very powerful and the perfect timing
    of the guitar player gives the music this extra
    powerful dimension. The influence of the
    keyboards is not to be underestimated. The empty
    spaces that exist due to the guitar parts are
    well filled with mystical keyboards.() So,
    L.O.S.T. did a fine job with a great production
    of their Last Breath. I do think that, for a
    big 12-song release, the band has to come up with
    more variation and maybe little softer vocals.
    But due to the fact that the instruments seem to
    fit very well to each other, I would consider
    L.O.S.T. as a band to keep an eye on.
  • 23.12.2005 "Last Breath
    review This MCD, entitled Last Breath, seems
    to be the band's first release. It presents us
    five songs, from which two are presented in the
    Romanian mother-tongue of the guys. The music
    could be described as conglomerate of black and
    death metal. With a slight touch of gothic and
    atmosphere. The best song of this MCD in my
    opinion is the Romanian-language title Clipa.
    It's about both rough energy and great
    atmosphere. Also I like the usage of Romanian
    vocals here, what makes the band more original in
    comparison to most of the metal bands, singing
    (too) often in English. Clipa is the most black
    metal orientated title of Last Breath. Other
    great songs are Ziua Ce Vine and Dreams In
    Black. () All in all Last Breath is a really
    recommendable release, which shows a sure feeling
    for good melodies, hit quality and atmosphere,
    and which is, by the usage of Romanian vocals in
    two of the songs, also somehow original.
    Reviewer WOLOS

  • 30.12.2005 "Last Breath
    review Goth doom inspired debut breathes plenty
    of life.
  • The slow, meandering beat of the Ziua ce vine
    (which also featured on the promo EP) is
    eventually joined by the menacing down tuned
    guitars and haunting keyboards that are
    L.O.S.T.s signature gothic doom sound. Clipa
    continues the eerie, deathly vibe with a slightly
    quicker pace, and like the opening track, it is
    also sung/growled in the bands native tongue.
    The title tracks soft acoustic intro soon makes
    way for a plooding, grinding riff that builds and
    drops with every phrase as it takes you through
    wave after wave of emotive highs and lows, easily
    marking itself as the strongest track on offer.
    The early Therion and My Dying Bride qualities
    continue with the decidedly quicker but no less
    interesting Dreams In Black and the doom laden
    closing track, No More. L.O.S.T. has crafted an
    interesting and enjoyable debut EP in Last
    Breath. It would be wise for fans of material
    that mixes early My Dying Bride and Therion laced
    with smatterings of black and thrash metal to
    invest their time into checking out this one! If
    this EP is any indication, I for one will
    definitely be keen to check out their debut long
    player whenever that surfaces! Reviewer Simon
    Milburn. Score 3.5/5
  • 13.01.2006 concert review,
    Viking Club L.O.S.T. was the second band
    playing that night, the conjuncture headliner, as
    both bands have similar value and we cant talk
    about headliner and opening-act within the two.
    What I was speaking with Vlad during that
    interview turned out to be very realistic once
    again this new band with old members is one of
    the most beloved in Bucharest at the moment,
    their success competing with the success bands
    with 10 years of live performances have or with
    the success they had back in time, with their
    former bands (Abigail and Cronos mainly).
    L.O.S.T. walked the stage with a visible appetite
    for the show it was very clear they havent been
    playing for a while and they missed it. As Marius
    from Hathor, BB Hanneman, the front man of
    L.O.S.T. was in a kidding mood Welcome to our
    first showtogether as I have playing with the
    Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and at Hamburger
    Sport Verein! Looks like the training in the two
    locations- ha-ha- was helpful to BB, as they have
    played no more, no less than 72 minutes!!!! As I
    have also seen and reviewed L.O.S.T. a lot of
    times, I have not much to add about their show.
    They sang 16 songs (4 encores)- the already known
    Ziua ce vine, Last Breath, Clipa, Rise,
    Nowhere to Run (about this one I have recently
    found out it was composed for Abigail), Becoming
    A Lie, but also two brand-new yet untitled songs
    which sound more fresh and more 2000-like
    than the others.
  • Still, my personal favorites are Ziua ce vine
    and Rise, although the latter I imagine with
    less keyboard parts and I seem to enjoy better
    what I hear in my mind. A very successful concert
    after all, although my opinion is once again
    inauspicious speaking of sound and Vlad told me
    they heard themselves very weak on the stage.
    Thats all! Bands 9/10 Sound 7/10 Lights 8/10
    Public 10/10 General 8.5/10

  • 12.02.2006 "Last Breath
    review Normally when I get something to review,
    the first time I listen to it I can identify the
    genre, and the second time I can come up with a
    couple of bands that are similar. LOST had me
    completely thrown until Id listened to it about
    ten times the only thing that I was certain of
    was that it was good. Very good, in fact.
    Eventually it came to me that there was something
    about it, which reminded me of something that I
    knew, in a vague, insubstantial way. Nothing
    daunted, I carried on listening (meanwhile the
    band had anxiously contacted Live4Metal in case
    wed forgotten them) until at long last my
    synapses began to function and I realised what
    Id been thinking of all along. Theres something
    about the music, particularly the structure that
    reminds me of early Tiamat (Clouds, for example).
  • Last Breath is twenty minutes of beautifully
    wrought tripped-out heaven. The first couple of
    tracks are sung in what Im assuming is Romanian
    (being as thats where the band hail from).
    Whatever language it is, it sounds appropriately
    menacing and sombre. At least two, possibly three
    band members are involved in the vocals on these
    tracks, but instead of going down the
    well-trodden path of one distorted vocal, one
    clean vocal, L.O.S.T. go for harmonised (if you
    can call it that) distorted vocals. It comes off
  • I think that Clipa is probably my favourite
    track, although I couldnt even speculate as to
    what its about. It has that wonderful rhythmic
    quality where the lyrics are almost chanted,
    which puts me (inevitably) in mind of some of my
    favourite Rotting Christ tracks, but with
    completely different keyboards, more towards the
    prog end of the scale.
  • Another trick that these guys have got down to a
    fine art is introducing pauses after which the
    music comes tumbling back into inevitability.
    Think Metal Heart (Accept). I wouldnt describe
    them as predictable at all, but once theyve
    started off down a route, they are obviously
    going to pursue it to the bitter, bludgeoned end.
    And yet they are capable of some very fine and
    delicate guitar work as well.
  • Overall, I have to say that this is a very
    impressive release, with a hypnotic quality that
    will ensure it sticks in my (admittedly addled)
    brain for quite some time. A great start to the

  • 11.02.2006 "Last Breath
    review Heavy death/doom metal permeated with a
    thick coat of melancholy is what this rather new
    Romanian band delivers. The band was formed in
    2004 and this is their first release, if we don't
    count their 2 track promo-release. "Last Breath"
    consists of 5 atmospheric tracks, which fit the
    Danish winter perfectly.
  • The atmospheres are bleak, drenched over the
    music as dark thick clouds. The down-tuned
    guitars leads the battle, with its well-weighed
    riffs and good melodies, the guitar work is
    pretty good and well-written and carries the
    songs a long way. The drumming is simple, but
    fits the music well, shifts pace when it's needed
    and the cymbal work is nice and varied. The bass
    pummels below the guitar, always audible and
    quite interesting to follow and plays a big part
    in the overall sound of L.O.S.T. The music is
    also spiced up with some delicate synth work here
    and there, and that works fine in this sinister
    environment the band creates. The growls that
    accompany the music aren't of the best quality,
    slowly pronounced, which is good as it is easy to
    understand, besides the 2 tracks where the lyrics
    are in Romanian that is. Though the slow and
    almost narrating growls, sounds forced once in
    awhile and doesn't seem to fit in, the more spins
    the CD gets, the better the vocals fits. The
    growl pursued in the first 'Ziua Ce Vine' works
    very well and sounds good, opposed to the vocals
    in the last track 'No More', which really tests
    the listener.
  • Overall a good debut mini-album the band here has
    made, we are offered good and melancholic
    death/doom with a nice and bleak atmosphere
    surrounding it. Good song writing and effective
    and well executed tracks, this is for sure a band
    to watch on the future, they could very well end
    up delivering an album or 2, which will end up
    with a classical status. Rating 7/10
  • -21.03.2006 "Last
    Breath review Car ce nest pas un simple
    disque de death metal mélodique que vous avez
    entre les mains mais bel et bien un joyau taillé
    a coup de riff dévastateur. Cest simple il a
    tourné en boucle toute la journée.
  • Il faut dire que dès le premier morceau le groupe
    place la barre très haut avec un intro très
    atmosphérique préparant idéalement le terrain
    pour ce qui va suivre. Du death metal bien
    puissant et mélodique a souhait. Sans être ultra
    rapide le groupe impose son tempo, marque
    distinctive qui savéra plus que payante sur la
    durée. En effet on sort de lécoute enchanté par
    la musique très bien structurée de L.O.S.T. . Il
    ny a aucune fioriture que se soit dans le jeu ou
    dans les orientations musicales. Car même lintro
    à la guitare acoustique de Last Breath est
    magnifique. Et pourtant le pari nest pas gagné
    davance cest toujours un risque dintroduire
    des parties acoustiques dans une musique extrême.
    Les changements de tempos dun morceau à lautre
    sont notable mais ils tendent plus à prouver que
    le groupe sait varier les plaisirs. Le titre
    Dreams in black très mélodique et le plus raide
    de tous tranche avec Ziua ce vine qui est
    plus lent et plus lourd. Non un sans fautes
  • Le chant est lui aussi parfaitement exécuté et il
    nen ressort que du bon. Même en chant clair
    cest impeccable, enfin il faut reconnaître que
    ce nest pas du chant aigue. Cest un chant qui
    reste assez appuyé.
  • La grande qualité du groupe et ça je suis sur que
    je ne vais pas être le seul à le remarquer cest
    que le groupe sest forgé une identité musicale
    qui le rend unique. Que se soit le son ou la
    manière de composer cest unique.
  • Voilà en espérant que le groupe perdure et que
    lon ai des nouvelles très rapidement vous pouvez
    vous ruer sur cet EP qui est ENORME !!!!! Une
    tuerie !!!!!!!!!! note 17/20

  • 30.03.2006 "Last Breath
    review THis is a crushing band that comes from
    Romania.Their music can be described as modern
    death metal with some thrashcore elements and
    excellent keyboards that are an essential
    instrument here. The guitars sound really huge
    delivering riff after riff on each composition,
    driving the pace of each of the tunes. The
    drumming is precise and there are multiple
    arrangements created by using double bass with
    clockwork precission. The keyboards add a lot of
    atmosphere to each tune and also some melody here
    and there making each composition really
    original. Some of the climatic parts reminded me
    a little bit to Tiamat but taken to the extreme.
    The sound of the recording is direct and loud,
    specially in the guitars that sound really loud.
    A band that you should listen and dont miss.
  • 19.04.2006 http// "Last Breath
    review L.O.S.T. is a new band from Romania that
    plays a very atmospheric kind of Death Metal,
    slow and heavy, slightly melodic, but never
    becoming a Doom/Death band as we usually
    understand it. Last Breath can remind me of
    albums like Symphony Masses by THERION, but
    without the orchestral parts, more simple and
    slower. Other groups like early CREMATORY
    (Transmigration) or even ACHERON (Those Who
    Have Risen) also come to my mind when listening
    to this. Lyrics are written in English but also
    in Romanian. The production and the presentation
    are quite professional, and even if their music
    is rather simple, they seem to be skilled and
    experienced musicians. This MCD is their first
    release, but it seems they are not newcomers,
    being all of them ex-members of a Doom/Death band
    called ABIGAIL which released some demos and
    singles during the nineties. Quite recommendable
    for those who like Death Metal with keyboards and
    no fast parts but still dark and heavy. RATING
  • 31.07.2006 "Last Breath
    review Only formed in 2004 and now in 2006 they
    release their debut MCD with 5 track. L.O.S.T.
    comes from Romania and plays melodic mid paced
    death metal. With a touch of doom and gohic.
    Think of the old My Dying bride of even Therion.
    Keyboards are heard frequently through out the
    songs but not on an anoying level and carry the
    melody. Growling vocals (that could use more
    variation in intonation) over short powerful
    riffing guitars. The songs are melodic with
    groove and keeps you listened. With this EP they
    show some good potentional but when they make a
    bit more variation between the songs the next
    release will be much better.
  • 20.08.2006 "Last Breath
    review L.O.S.T. este o trupa cu un potential
    enorm. Dovada a acestui lucru o reprezinta
    albumul in sine precum si profesionalismul si
    seriozitatea membrilor. Nu pot sa spun decat ca
    Last Breath m-a impresionat intr-un mod cat se
    poate de placut si astept cu mare interes
    evolutia acestora. Nota 9/10
  • 11.10.2006 "Last Breath
    review Over the five tunes and twenty-one
    minutes plus of darkened metal you find a host of
    similarities with other bands that I hope you
    have encountered. As in Paradise Lost, old
    Anathema, Moonspell, and old My Dying Bride
    mostly. L.O.S.T. have traits akin to the dark,
    doomy death vibe. They arent to the level of the
    aforementioned, but it should give them a goal.
    Definitely some promising melodic death rhythms
    working for them. The death vocals are awesome,
    but the rarely used singing vocals need
  • 24.03.2007 live review Dupa
    o pauza de cablat si instalat, bucurestenii de la
    L.O.S.T. au urcat pe scena in aplauzele
    publicului. Nu cred ca se asteptau la asta, dar
    pur si simplu au facut furori intr-unul dintre
    cele mai bune prestatii live. Au sunat ZID si
    publicul a reactionat pe masura. Moshpit pe toata
    durata concertului. O bila neagra pentru doi-trei
    spectatori mai beti care pur si simplu se
    impingeau fara noima imitand niste dansuri
    probabil din Uganda din luptele pentru eliberarea
    bananierilor. Spiritele s-au calmat pana la urma,
    si renegatii s-au conformat, prestatia L.O.S.T.
    continuand in uralele publicului. Se vedea pe
    fetzele lor cat de bine se simt pe scena si au
    dat tot ce-au putut. L.O.S.T., o trupa ce creste
    de la concert la concert, si-au meritat pana la
    capat pozitia pe afisul concertului Negura
    Bunget, si au fost la inaltime.

  • 18.02.2007 live review Asa
    cum ii stim cu totii, L.O.S.T. au cantat si acum
    din tot sufletul, s-au tinut de glume si ne-au
    poftit sa cumparam noile tricouri (care arata
    foarte bine, de altfel). Oricum, cand ii asculti
    live pe oamenii astia, e foarte greu sa nu simti
    forta pe care o emana prin muzica lor si e
    imposibil sa nu intri in atmosfera pe care o
    creeaza. La final, dupa bisurile de rigoare si
    dupa o noua cadere a sunetului, baietii au
    incheiat seara ca niste adevarate vedete, cu Vlad
    purtat pe brate de public. Felicitari si keep on
    rockin, everyone!
  • 18.02.2007 live review Au
    urmat cei de la L.O.S.T., pe care i-am vazut de
    multe ori in concerte si le-am putut observa
    evolutia. Desi membrii sai sunt toti veterani
    intr-ale scenei metal romanesti, trupa in sine
    este una tanara si care a avut o ascensiune
    rapida. Cea mai mare parte a publicului le
    cunoaste versurile si se poate spune ca au deja
    fani devotati.
  • 24.03.2007 live review Dupa
    o pauza de cablat si instalat, bucurestenii de la
    L.O.S.T. au urcat pe scena in aplauzele
    publicului. Nu cred ca se asteptau la asta, dar
    pur si simplu au facut furori intr-unul dintre
    cele mai bune prestatii live. Au sunat ZID si
    publicul a reactionat pe masura. Moshpit pe toata
    durata concertului. O bila neagra pentru doi-trei
    spectatori mai beti care pur si simplu se
    impingeau fara noima imitand niste dansuri
    probabil din Uganda din luptele pentru eliberarea
    bananierilor. Spiritele s-au calmat pana la urma,
    si renegatii s-au conformat, prestatia L.O.S.T.
    continuand in uralele publicului. Se vedea pe
    fetzele lor cat de bine se simt pe scena si au
    dat tot ce-au putut. L.O.S.T., o trupa ce creste
    de la concert la concert, si-au meritat pana la
    capat pozitia pe afisul concertului Negura
    Bunget, si au fost la inaltime.
  • 09.05.2007 live review
    Ajungem la show-ul L.O.S.T. ! Exceptional !
    Probabil cel mai bun concert al lor, incununat de
    un joc scenic si o comunicare cu publicul de
    exceptie ! Piese mai noi si mai vechi, aranjate
    cu cap si cu o logica ascunsa, au spintecat pur
    si simplu Live Metal Club-ul. Fanii nu s-au lasat
    mai prejos si au facut o atmosfera de zile mari !
    Go L.O.S.T. !
  • 31.05.2007 live review
    L.O.S.T. - Ii stim cu totii. Lasand deoparte
    muzica, vreau sa spun ca L.O.S.T. cu siguranta
    este cea mai amuzanta formatie din tara. De data
    aceasta Hanneman a ironizat oarecum polemica old
    vs. new, aparand pe scena cu o sapca purtata pe
    laterala. Nu prea mai am ce sa spun despre
    bucuresteni, pentru ca totul s-a spus deja. De
    fapt, e ceva de spus. Noua piesa! Suna foarte
    foarte bine, un pic diferita fata de piesele
    "vechi". Suna mai tehnic, mai inchegat si se vede
    ca o mare contributie a avut-o si noul tobar. In
    rest, piesele vechi, piese ce vor aparea pe
    albumul L.O.S.T.(sunt curios cand va fi lansat).
    Hanneman si Vlad au presarat si cateva glume, asa
    cum de altfel ne-au obisnuit de-a lungul
    timpului. Inca o data felicitari L.O.S.T. pentru
    piesa cea noua. De mare efect! Ne vedem data
  • 31.05.2007 live review Spre
    final ajung si la una dintre trupele care chiar
    m-au impresionat si anume L.O.S.T care au fost la
    inaltime pacat ca au avut mici probleme cu
    sunetul, insa asta nu a afectat nici un fel
    reactia publicul prezent in sala, ce parea
    complet dezlantuit. Nu stiu de ce, dar cu toate
    ca recitalul celor de la L.O.S.T mi s-a parut si
    cel mai lung, a fost extrem de placut si propice
    pentru a pregati publicul pentru raul cu care
    aveau sa se confrunte in urmatoarea ora.

  • 20.06.2007 live review Intre
    timp, s-a mai adunat ceva lume pentru ca urmau
    romanii nostri de la L.O.S.T. Vazandu-i de
    nenumarate ori live, stiam la ce sa ma astept asa
    ca nu ma voi lungi prea tare. Ceea ce ma
    impresioneaza pe mine la aceasta trupa este
    frecventa deloc de neglijat a aparitiilor live,
    cu toate ca este relativ nou infiintata. Asta s-a
    vazut si s-a auzit din plin si in deschidere la
    Dismember. Un show foarte reusit care a
    beneficiat si el de un sound foarte bun, fiecare
    instrument s-a auzit perfect, iar baietii au dat
    dovada de un profesionalism rar intalnit la noi.
    Nu pot decat sa-i felicit si sa-mi intaresc
    convingerea ca, atunci cand stii sa canti si ai
    parte de un sunet profi, restul vine de la sine.
    O incalzire reusita pentru ceea ce avea sa urmeze
    - recitalul de neuitat al legendarilor deatheri
    suedezi reuniti sub un nume care spune totul
  • 21.07.2007 live review
    It was time for the Romanian deathsters LOST to
    appear on stage. Even though three years have
    only passed since their birth date and having
    recorded only 1 Promo-CD together with 1 Mini-
    CD, they are generally known to the Greek fans of
    the genre that reacted with great enthusiasm.
    Unfortunately, the bands sound wasnt very good,
    but that didnt bother us to enjoy their heavy
    sharp riffs and nice choruses that are cleverly
    mixed with beautiful keyboards. In the end, they
    dedicated a song to Chuck Schuldiner (R.I.P).
  • 28.06.2008 live review
    Metalheart Festival, Botosani Au urmat apoi
    L.O.S.T., care nici nu mai au nevoie de
    prezentare. Cred ca pot afirma fara probleme ca
    s-au ridicat la nivelul headlinerilor, iar piesa
    dedicata lui Chuck Schuldiner (Rise) a avut mare
    priza la publicul deja incins! Atmosfera
    electrizanta din timpul baietilor de la L.O.S.T.
    (care au strans un public atat de numeros ca
    puteau la fel de bine sa fie si ei cap de afis)
    si a headlinerilor a compensat pentru publicul
    mai putin numeros din timpul zilei.
  • 13.07.2008 live review Rockin
    Transilvania Festival, Sibiu Tot putin a cantat
    si L.O.S.T. si tot din aceleasi motive cei patru
    au inceput cu bine-cunoscuta Becoming a Lie si
    ne-au amintit car de bun este death-ul melodic
    practicat de ei si cu care au atras atentia de la
    inceput. Si ei au venit cu un preambul al
    viitorului album, efectul asupra celor inca
    putini spectatori fiind clar pozitiv.
  • 13.07.2008 live review Rockin
    Transilvania Festival, Sibiu A urmat in mod
    firesc L.O.S.T., trupa legata afectiv de Abigail
    prin nu mai putin de 3 componenti - Vlad, BB si
    Dragos trecand cu totii pentru perioade mai lungi
    sau mai scurte prin trupa lui Razvan. Recitalul a
    debutat cu un intro si una dintre glumele
    favorite ale lui BB "Asta a fost tot". Nu a
    fost tot, dar nici pana la final nu a mers, si
    L.O.S.T. fiind obligati sa renunte la doua piese
    incluse in playlist. O multime de glume din
    partea lui BB, prezentarea tricoului oficial,
    manechin de serviciu fiind tobarul Dorin,
    Becoming A Lie, Why, Closure, Victims, O viata.
    Astept - si sper ca nu o viata - sa apara albumul
    Remains of Pain, pentru ca piesele noi par a fi,
    compozitional vorbind, mult peste ceea ce am
    putut asculta pe Last Breath. Sau Last Breast,
    cum era, Dorine? P

  • 28.11.2008 live review Trooper
    release show, Bucharest Pe L.O.S.T. nu i-am mai
    vazut live de foarte multa vreme si se pare ca si
    uitasem cat de bine pot sa sune live. Ne-au
    incantat cu acelasi death metal melodic, presarat
    cu glume pentru cunoscatori (intre piese).
    Playlist-ul a fost cumva "clasic", presarat cu
    piese mai noi si mai vechi, cantate asa cum le
    poate canta o trupa formata din membri cu cel
    putin 10 ani fiecare in lumina reflectoarelor.
    Asteptam un album de la L.O.S.T. si sincer ar
    trebui sa-i vedeti pe 6 decembrie in Live Metal
    Club alaturi de Rising Shadow, daca aveti chef de
    o pletoseala buna.
  • 06.12.2008 live review (w/
    Rising Shadow) Cand spui L.O.S.T. te gandesti
    automat la un sunet profi nu stiu daca se
    datoreste sau nu a ceea ce zicea Hanneman (ca
    sunt trupa care in aceasta seara a avut cele mai
    putine chitare si cele mai multe clape),
    important este ca atunci cand ii vezi urcandu-se
    pe scena stii ca vei avea parte de un concert
    bun. (...) Altfel nu am ce le reprosa, concert ca
    la carte marca L.O.S.T....
  • 07.02.2009 live review (w/
    Sepultura) Dupa o pauza de coada de bere si o
    tigara in zona de nefumatori de pe hol, au urcat
    pe scena L.O.S.T. alaturi de un invitat cu totul
    si cu totul special, R de la Abigail. Razvan a
    carmuit a doua chitara a trupei, iar rezultatul a
    fost simtitor un sound mai plin, mai inchegat
    care a lasat chiar loc de ceva experimente
    reusite pe piesele mai vechi ale trupei. Cred ca
    L.O.S.T. ar trebui sa ramana in doua chitari
    avand in vedere stilul destul de permisiv pe care
    il abordeaza. Playlistul bucurestenilor a fost
    cumva clasic si bucurandu-se de un sunet bun au
    dat tot ce-au avut mai bun. Mi-au placut foarte
    mult piesele cantate cu R, piese ce au avut un
    plus clar de ambianta si melodie.
  • 07.02.2009 live review (w/
    Sepultura) Pe cei de la L.O.S.T. i-am vazut cu
    placere in multe randuri, asa ca m-am bucurat
    sa-i regasesc in deschidere la Sepultura.
    Surpriza a venit din prezenta unui invitat
    special Razvan R Alexandru (Abigail) la a doua
    chitara nu stiu daca acest fapt s-a rezumat la o
    invitatie pentru concertul de fata sau daca va fi
    o mutare permanenta, deci ramane ca membrii
    L.O.S.T. sa ne lamureasca. Nu au lipsit
    piesele-pilon din orice concert al bucurestenilor
    Becoming A Lie, O viata, Ziua ce vine, mai
    noile Victims, Closure, Remains of Pain, plus
    promisiunea unui album cu titlul celei din urma
    in viitorul apropiat. Prestatia L.O.S.T. din
    seara asta a fost foarte buna cu exceptia
    faptului ca Vlad Busca (bas) nu s-a auzit mai
    deloc la backing vocals, dar altfel concertul
    sustinut a fost foarte bun, dublat de sonorizarea
    decenta. Sunetul a fost mai plin, mai inchegat
    datorita celei de-a doua chitare, dar se pare ca
    rolul acesteia s-a rezumat la atat, la a umple
    golurile, fara a contribui la armonia pieselor.
  • 07.02.2009 live review (w/
    Sepultura) Au urmat L.O.S.T., care si-au
    promovat si ei piesele de pe viitorul album,
    Remains of Pain, pe care-l vor lansa tot în vara.
    Sunetul a fost OK, auzindu-se bine si clapa, ceea
    ce a largit serios spectrul de armonii, facînd
    întregul sa para bine închegat. Mi-au placut
    Remains of Pain (piesa ce da titlul albumului),
    Rise (piesa dedicata lui Chuck Schuldiner de la
    DEATH) si Closure. Se vede treaba ca BB Hanneman,
    chitara si voce, a fost în mare forma, însa
    publicul, inexplicabil as putea spune, n-a
    reactionat chiar dupa cum ar fi meritat cei de la
  • 07.02.2009 live review (w/
    Sepultura) Au urmat ....cum era firesc L.O.S.T.
    plus special guest star Razvan de la Abigail. Un
    recital care avea sa ma loveasca frontal. Trebuie
    sa recunosc ca bucurestenii si-au inbunatatit
    constant stilul, surplusul de la chitara dat de
    Razvan, fiind binevenit. Un show inchegat cu un
    sound a la Scar Symmetry pentru cunoscatori.
    Astept cu nerabdare noul album.

  • 30.03.2009 live review (w/ In
    Flames) L.O.S.T. ne-au (in)cantat cu noua
    componenta care ii include pe Klepsy (My Shadow,
    Tiarra) si pe R (Abigail) oferind un setlist
    scurtat datorita intarzierilor. S-au axat doar pe
    hit-uri (daca le putem spune asa) si au avut un
    sunet destul de bun, "eroare" cauzata probabil
    datorita clapei si prezentei a doua chitari,
    combinatie destul de buna atunci cand nu esti var
    cu sunetistul, combinatie care egaliza destul de
    frumos sunetul pe fata. Revin cu laude pentru cum
    suna trupa in doua chitari si aduc ceva laude noi
    la adresa lui Klepsy care a "dat in ele" de le-au
    sarit la propriu capacele (la tobe!).
  • 30.03.2009 live review (w/ In
    Flames) Acestia, probabil constienti de
    intervalul foarte de scurt de timp pe care il au
    la dispozitie au comprimat playlist-ul pregatit
    si au cantat cele mai cunoscute piese ale lor,
    bucurandu-se din plin de sprijinul publicului
    L.O.S.T. s-au prezentat intr-o formula intregita,
    cu Razvan (Abigail) la chitara si Klepsy (My
    Shadow, Tiarra) la baterie.
  • 30.03.2009 live review (w/ In
    Flames) Dupa o scurta pauza si tot in criza de
    timp au fost bucurestenii de la L.O.S.T. Sunet
    imbunatatit, prestatie pe masura progresiv-death
    de o buna calitate (peste media din Romania) si
    cu Razvan de la Abigail la a doua chitara.
    Reactia publicului a venit, firesc, in acelasi
    ton aplauze indelungi, maini in aer, 2000 de
    oameni incantati de recital. Am mai scris de
    baieti si in cronica de la concertul Sepultura, o
    trupa care chiar merita luata in considerare.
    Recital restrans, dar la obiect, cu toate piesele
    consacrate reorchestrate pentru o chitara in
  • 30.03.2009 live review (w/ In
    Flames) L.O.S.T au fugit repede printre
    piese, vorbind putin si incercand sa cante cat
    mai mult. 5 piese au fost din cat am numarat eu,
    Closure si Ziua ce vine fiind cele care mi-au
    atras atentia cel mai mult. O componenta
    interesanta, cu Razvan de la Abigail la chitara a
    doua. De vazut neaparat, de preferinta in cadrul
    unor concerte mai lungi. Am avut impresia ca
    sunetul a mai fost reglat pe timpul recitalului
    lor, fiindca vocea s-a auzit mult mai ok decat la
    Snapjaw. Public din nou foarte cald..

(No Transcript)
Last Breath MCD 2005 (Meta4 Productions)
  • Ziua ce vine
  • Clipa
  • Last Breath
  • Dreams in Black
  • No More ...

Ziua ce vine promo cd 2004
  • Ziua ce vine
  • Last Breath

Heavy Metal Magazine Compilation Vol. 11
Song Clipa
Suport pentru underground Compilation Vol. 1
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