Folie 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Folie 1


The purpose of the course is to enable the students to ... Interpersonal - figurehead, leader, liaison. Informational - monitor, disseminator, spokesperson ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Folie 1

Subject Management decision making
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Purpose The purpose of the course is to enable
the students to understand the capabilities of
information technology and its role in decision
support in health and social care systems and to
provide them with understanding of quantitative
modeling by using of several decision science
approaches (linear programming, gaming, computer
simulation modeling etc.) to help management
sharpen judgment and effectiveness in
  • Learning objectives
  • Develop a general understanding of the management
    science/operations research approach to decision
    making in health and social care organizations.
  • Realize that quantitative applications begin with
    a problem situation.
  • Obtain a brief introduction to quantitative
    techniques and their frequency of use in
  • Understand that managerial problem situations
    have both quantitative and qualitative
    considerations that are important in the decision
    making process.
  • Learn about models in terms of what they are and
    why they are useful.
  • Identify the step-by-step procedure that is used
    in most quantitative approaches to decision
  • Obtain an introduction to microcomputer software
    packages and their role in quantitative
    approaches to decision making

Structure of the course Chapter 1
Introduction Chapter 2 Linear programming
Chapter 10 Project scheduling
PERT/CPM Chapter 12 Waiting line
models Chapter 13 Simulation Chapter
14 Decision analysis Chapter 15 Multicriteria
decision problems Chapter 16 Forecasting
Chapter 1 Introduction
Management is a process by which organizational
goals (outputs) are achieved through the use of
corporate resources (inputs). These
organizational decisions (processes) are
typically made by managers.
  • A manager's role can be categorized into
  • Interpersonal - figurehead, leader, liaison
  • Informational - monitor, disseminator,
  • Decisional - entrepreneur, problem solver,
    resource coordinator, and negotiator

Chapter 1 Introduction
A decision refers to a choice made between
alternatives. Decision making in organizations
can be classified into two broad categories
problem solving and opportunity exploitation.
  • Why Managers Need the Support of Information
    Technology.  It is very difficult to make good
    decisions without valid, timely and relevant
  • Number of alternatives to be considered is
  • Many decisions are made under time pressure.
  • Due to uncertainty in the decision environment,
    it is frequently necessary to conduct a
    sophisticated analysis.
  • It is often necessary to rapidly access remote

Chapter 1 Introduction
Discovery, communication and collaboration tools
provide indirect support to decision making,
however there are several other information
technologies used to directly support decision
  • Decision Support Systems (DSS) provide support
    primarily to analytical, quantitative types of
  • Executive (Enterprise) Support Systems (ESS)
    support the informational roles of executives.
  • Group Decision Support Systems supports managers
    and staff working in groups.
  • Intelligent Systems

Chapter 1 Introduction
Decision Process
Decision makers go through a fairly systematic
Chapter 1 Introduction
A model (in decision making) is a simplified
representation of reality. It is simplified
because reality is too complex to be copied and
there is no need to contain irrelevant details.
  • The benefits of modeling in decision making are
  • The cost of virtual experimentation is much lower
    than the cost of experimentation with a real
  • Models allow for the simulated compression of
  • Manipulating the model is much easier than
    manipulating the real system.
  • The costs of mistakes are much lower in virtual
  • Modeling allows a manager to better deal with the
    uncertainty by introducing what-ifs and
    calculating the risks involved in specific
  • Mathematical models allow the analysis and
    comparison of a very large number of possible
    alternative solutions.
  • Models enhance and reinforce learning and support

Chapter 1 Introduction
Representation by models can be done at various
degrees of abstraction. Models are thus
classified into four groups according to their
degree of abstraction
  • An Iconic or Scale model is a physical replica of
    a system.
  • An Analog model does not look like the real
    system but behaves like it.
  • A Mathematical (Quantitative) model describes the
    system with the aid of mathematics and is
    composed of three types of variables (decision,
    uncontrollable and result)
  • A Mental models provides a subjective description
    of how a person thinks about a situation. The
    model includes beliefs, assumptions,
    relationships and flows of work as perceived by
    that individual.

Chapter 1 Introduction
  • Mathematical model
  • simplified quantitative
  • representation of a real world
  • Represents the essence of a problem

Chapter 1 Introduction
Real world
1 cat
Qualitative (iconic) model
Quantitative (mathematical) model
Chapter 1 Introduction
The role of IT?

Why managers need the
support of IT?

number of alternatives

time pressure

sophisticated analysis


Can the managers job be
fully automated?
Chapter 1 Introduction
Decision making ranges from simple to very
complex decisions that fall along a continuum
that ranges from structured to unstructured.
Structured processes refer to routine
repetitive problems with standard solutions.
While Unstructured are "fuzzy," complex problems
with no clear-cut solutions.
New Service
Chapter 1 Introduction
Decision support system (DSS) is a computer-based
information system that combines models and data
in an attempt to solve semistructured and
unstructured problems with user involvement.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Every DSS consists of at least data management,
user interface, model management components, and
the end users. A few also contain a knowledge
management component.
  • A DSS data management subsystem contains all the
    data that flow from several sources, and are
    extracted prior to their entry into a DSS
    database or a data warehouse.
  • A model management subsystem contains completed
    models (financial, statistical, management
    science, or other quantitative models), and the
    routines to develop DSSs applications.
  • The user interface covers all aspects of the
    communications between a user and the DSS.
  • The Users.  The person (manager, or the decision
    maker) faced with the problem or decision that
    the DSS is designed to support
  • A knowledge-based or intelligent subsystem
    provides the expertise for solving some aspects
    of the problem, or the knowledge that can enhance
    the operation of the other DSS components.

Chapter 1 Introduction
DSS Process
When users have a problem they evaluate it using
these processes.
Seven-Step Modeling Process
  • Step 1 Problem Definition - Define the problem
    including the objectives and the parts of the
    organization that must be studied.
  • Step 2 Data Collection Collect the data to
    estimate the value of parameters that affect the
    organizations problem.
  • Step 3 Model Development Develop an analytical
    or simulation model.
  • Step 4 Model Verification Determine whether
    the model is an accurate representation of
  • Step 5 Optimization and Decision Making Given
    the model and a set of possible decisions, the
    analyst must choose the decision that best meets
    the organizations objectives.
  • Step 6 Model Communication to Management The
    analyst presents the model and the
    recommendations to the organization.
  • Step 7 Model Implementation If the
    organization accepts the model then the analysts
    assists with implementation. Implementation must
    be monitored constantly to ensure that the model
    enables the organization to meets its objectives.

Methods used most frequently
  • Generally
  • Linear programming
  • Integer programming
  • Network models
  • Simulation
  • In health and social care systems
  • Linear programming
  • Project scheduiling
  • Waiting line models
  • Simulation
  • Decision analysis
  • Multicriteria decisions
  • Forecasting

Chapter 2 Linear programming
  • Learning objectives
  • Obtaining an overview of the kinds of problems
    linear programming has been used to solve.
  • Learning how to develop linear programming models
    for simple problems.
  • Being able to identify the special features of a
    model that make it a linear programming model.
  • Learning how to solve two variable linear
    programming models by the graphical solution
  • Understanding the importance of extreme points in
    obtaining the optimal solution.
  • Being able to interpret the computer solution of
    a linear programming problem.

Chapter 2 Linear programming
  • resource allocation
  • inventory management
  • transport optimization
  • portfolio selection
  • work force assignments
  • financial mix strategy
  • blending problems
  • data envelopment analysis
  • revenue management

Kinds of optimization
Chapter 2 Linear programming
  • Linear optimization
  • Linear optimization with integer variables
  • Nonlinear optimization
  • Multi-objective decision making

Linear optimization
Chapter 2 Linear programming
  • Mathematically LP involves
  • optimizing a linear function
  • subject to several linear constraints (expressed
    as linear inequalities or equalities)
  • Modelling
  • Decision variables
  • Constraints
  • Objective function
  • During World War II (George Dantzig)

Chapter 2 Linear programming
  • Many software packages for solving LP problems
    exist (Solver in MS Excel, LINDO...)
  • Sensitivity analysis which provides additional
    information that is important for managers
  • Our emphasis
  • mathematical formulation of the problem
  • interpretation of the results

Chapter 2 Linear programming
  • A simple maximization
  • problem
  • Golf bag manufacturing
  • Objective
  • Maximize the total profit
  • Decision variables
  • S number of standard bags
  • D number of deluxe bags

Chapter 2 Linear programming
Objective function Total profit contribution
10S 9D Maximization problem Max 10S
9D Constraints Total hours of cutting time used
lt hours of cutting time available 7/10S 1D
lt 630 Total hours of sewing time used lt hours
of sewing time available 1/2S 5/6D lt
600 Total hours of finishing time used lt hours
of finishing time available 1S 2/3D lt
708 Total hours of packing time used lt hours of
packing time available 1/10S 1/4D lt 135 Two
additional constraints S gt 0, D gt 0
(nonnegativity constraints)
Chapter 2 Linear programming
Mathematical statement Max 10S 9D Subject to
(s.t.) 7/10S 1D lt 630 cutting 1/2S 5/6D
lt 600 sewing 1S 2/3D lt 708
finishing 1/10S 1/4D lt 135 packing S, D gt
0 This mathematical model is a linear
programming model or linear program (Objective
function, Constraints). LP has notting to do
with computer programming.
Chapter 2 Linear programming
Linear equation Y aX b
b the value of the Y when X0 (intercept on Y
axis) (constant) a the slope of the line (a1
gtslope is 45degrees) (constant)
Possible notations Y - b aX Y - aX b Y aX
Chapter 2 Linear programming
7/10S 1D lt 630 cutting gt linear equation
7/10S 1D 630 constraint equation
Constraint line
Chapter 2 Linear programming
Redundand constraint line
Feasible region
Chapter 2 Linear programming
Max 10S 9D
Feasible region
Chapter 2 Linear programming
System of two equations with two
variables 7/10S 1D 630 1S 2/3D
708 Solution D252, S540
10S 9D 7668
Optimal (graphical) solution (D252, S540) at an
extreme point of the feasible region
10S 9D 5400
10S 9D 3600
Chapter 2 Linear programming
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Max 3X1 4X2 s.t. 2X1 3X2 lt 24 3X1 X2
lt 21 X1 X2 lt 9 X1, X2 gt0
Chapter 2 Linear programming
Max 3X1 4X2 s.t. 2X1 3X2 lt 24 3X1 X2
lt 21 X1 X2 lt 9 X1, X2 gt0
Chapter 2 Linear programming
Chapter 2 Linear programming
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Chapter 2 Linear programming
  • When the optimal solution is found
  • How changes in a LP's parameters (objective
    function coefficients and right-hand sides)
    affect the optimal solution?
  • Dual price for the constraint the amount by
    which the optimal value is improved if the right
    hand side of the constraint is increased by 1.
  • Reduced costs indicates how much the objective
    function coefficient of each decision variable
    would have to increase (maximization problem)
    before it would be possible for that variable to
    assume a positive value in the optimal solution.
    If a decision variable is already positive in the
    optimal solution, its reduced cost is zero.

Integer programming problem
Chapter 2 Linear programming
  • Some or all of the variables are required to be
    nonnegative integers
  • Many real-life situations may be formulated as
  • Integer variables
  • Binary variables

Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
Project management Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • Describe project management tools and how they
    are used
  • Describe the steps used in project planning,
    scheduling, monitoring and controlling, and
  • Explain techniques for estimating task completion
    times and costs
  • Describe various scheduling tools, including
    Gantt charts and PERT/CPM
  • charts
  • Calculate completion times, start dates, and end
    dates for a project
  • Understand the reasons why projects sometimes fail

Project Management Overview
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • Project management is the process of planning,
    scheduling, monitoring and controlling, and
    reporting upon the development of an system
  • The goal of project management is to deliver an
    system that is acceptable to users and is
    developed on time and within budget
  • Project manager or project leader or
  • Project coordinator

Project Management Overview
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • Project managers typically perform four main
  • Project planning
  • Project scheduling
  • Project monitoring and controlling
  • Project reporting

Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
Project Management Overview
  • Task or activity
  • Event or milestone
  • The project manager leads and coordinates the
    team, monitors events, and reports progress

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Project Management Overview
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • Identifying Tasks
  • One of the most important variables is the size
    of the project, because the amount of work does
    not relate directly to the size of the project
  • If one project is twice the size of another
    project, the larger project will take more than
    twice as many resources to develop
  • Six times as many relationships can mean more
    delay, misunderstanding, and difficulty in
    coordinating tasks
  • The capabilities of project team members also
    affect time requirements
  • A less experienced analyst usually will need more
    time to complete a task than an experienced team
    member will

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Project Planning
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • Estimating Task Completion Time and Cost
  • Person-days
  • Some tasks can be divided evenly so it is
    possible to use different combinations of time
    and people, up to a point
  • In most tasks, however, time and people are not

Project Planning
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • Estimating Task Completion Time and Cost
  • Best-case estimate (B)
  • Probable-case estimate (P)
  • Worst-case estimate (W)
  • Weight
  • Expected task duration
  • (B4PW)
  • 6

Project Planning
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • Factors Affecting Time and Cost Estimates
  • Project size and scope
  • IT resources
  • Prior experience with similar projects or systems
  • Constraints

Overview of Project Scheduling
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • Project scheduling involves the creation of a
    specific timetable
  • Dependent task
  • Must balance task time estimates, sequences, and
    personnel assignments
  • Several graphical planning aids can help

Project Scheduling with Gantt Charts
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • Gantt Chart
  • A detailed Gantt chart for a very large project
    might be quite complex and hard to understand
  • Task groups
  • Are not an ideal tool for controlling a complex

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Project Scheduling with PERT/CPM Charts
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • The Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT)
  • Critical Path Method (CPM)
  • The important distinctions between the two
    methods have disappeared over time, and today the
    technique is called either PERT, or CPM, or

Project Scheduling with PERT/CPM Charts
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • Overview of PERT/CPM
  • PERT/CPM is called a bottom-up technique
  • Project tasks
  • Once you know the tasks, their duration, and the
    order in which they must be performed, you can
    calculate the time that it will take to complete
    the project

Project Scheduling with PERT/CPM Charts
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • PERT/CPM Chart Format
  • Task box
  • T (task duration, or time)
  • ES (earliest start)
  • EF (earliest finish) expected project duration
  • LF (latest finish)
  • LS (latest start)

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Project Scheduling with PERT/CPM Charts
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • Task Patterns
  • Sequential tasks
  • Multiple successor tasks
  • Concurrent task
  • Predecessor task
  • Successor task
  • Multiple Predecessor Tasks

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Project Scheduling with PERT/CPM Charts
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • Complex Task Patterns
  • When various task patterns combine, you must
    study the facts carefully in order to understand
    the logical sequence of tasks
  • A project manager must understand that project
    calculations will not be accurate unless the
    underlying task pattern is logically correct

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Project Scheduling with PERT/CPM Charts
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • A PERT/CPM Example with Five Tasks
  • Figure shows a PERT/CPM chart with five tasks
  • You must calculate LS and LF
  • Remember that LS and LF work just the opposite
    from ES and EF
  • Next figure shows the final version with LS and
    LF entered

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Project Scheduling with PERT/CPM Charts
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • Critical Path
  • Slack time
  • If any task along the critical path falls behind
    schedule, the entire project is delayed
  • A critical path includes all tasks that are vital
    to the project schedule

Project Scheduling with PERT/CPM Charts
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • Transforming a Task List into a PERT/CPM Chart
  • You must develop three versions
  • Version 1 Basic Structure
  • Version 2 Enter ES and EF Values
  • Version 3 Add LF and LS Values
  • After you enter the LS and LS figures, you will
    be able to identify the critical path

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Project Scheduling with PERT/CPM Charts
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • Comparing Gantt Charts and PERT/CPM
  • One significant advantage of PERT/CPM charts is
    that all individual tasks and dependencies are
  • A PERT/CPM chart displays the critical path for
    the overall project and the slack time
  • A Gantt chart offers a rapid overview
  • PERT/CPM and Gantt charts are not mutually
    exclusive techniques

Project Monitoring and Controlling
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • Monitoring and Control Techniques
  • The project manager must keep track of tasks and
    progress of team members, compare actual progress
    to the project plan, verify the completion of
    project milestones, and set standards and ensure
    that they are followed

Project Monitoring and Controlling
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • Maintaining a Schedule
  • Maintaining a project schedule can be a
    challenging task
  • The better the original plan, the easier it will
    be to control the project
  • If enough milestones and frequent checkpoints
    exist, problems will be detected rapidly
  • It is mathematically possible for a project to
    have more than one critical path

Project Reporting
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • Project Status Meetings
  • Most project managers schedule regular status
    meetings with the entire project team
  • Each team member updates the group and identifies
    any problems or delays
  • The meetings also give the project manager an
    opportunity to update the entire group, seek
    input, and conduct brainstorming sessions

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Project Reporting
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • Project Status Reports
  • A project manager must report regularly to his or
    her immediate supervisor, upper management, and
  • Should explain what you are doing to handle and
    monitor the problem
  • Most managers recognize that problems do occur on
    most projects it is better to alert management
    sooner rather than later

Project Management Software
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • Project Management Software
  • Project Management Example Using Microsoft
  • Create a Gantt chart showing the necessary
  • After you complete the Gantt chart, you decide to
    view the data in the form of a PERT chart

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Project Management Software
  • Project Management Example Using Microsoft
  • Network diagram
  • Each task box contains the task description, task
    identification number, task duration, start date,
    and end date
  • Project planning is a dynamic task and involves
    constant change

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Keys to Project Success
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • Business Issues
  • The major objective of every system is to provide
    a solution to a business problem or opportunity
  • A system that falls short of business needs also
    produces problems for users and reduces morale
    and productivity

Keys to Project Success
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • Budget Issues
  • Cost overruns typically result from one or more
    of the following
  • Unrealistic estimates
  • Failure to develop an accurate cost forecast
  • Poor monitoring of progress and inadequate
    reaction to early signs of problems
  • Schedule delays due to unanticipated factors
  • Human resource factors

Keys to Project Success
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • Schedule Issues
  • Problems with timetables and project milestones
    can indicate a failure to recognize task
    dependencies, confusing effort with progress,
    poor monitoring and control methods, personality
    conflicts among team members, or turnover of
    project personnel

Keys to Project Success
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • Successful Project Management
  • When problems occur, the project managers
    ability to handle the situation becomes the
    critical factor
  • Sometimes, when a project experiences delays or
    cost overruns, the system still can be delivered
    on time and within budget if several less
    critical requirements are trimmed

Keys to Project Success
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • Successful Project Management
  • If a project is in trouble because of a lack of
    resources or organizational support, management
    might be willing to give the project more
    commitment and higher priority
  • A typical response is to push back the completion
  • Option only if the original target date is
    flexible and the extension will not create
    excessive costs or other problems

Toolkit Summary
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • Project management is the process of planning,
    scheduling, monitoring and controlling, and
    reporting upon the development of an system
  • Begins with identifying and planning all specific
    tasks or activities
  • Can use graphical tools such as Gantt charts and
    PERT/CPM charts to assist in the scheduling

Toolkit Summary
Chapter 10 Project Scheduling (PERT/CPM)
  • A project manager uses a variety of techniques to
    monitor, control, and report project tasks
  • Every successful system must support business
    requirements, stay within budget, and be
    available on time

Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • Learning objectives
  • Be able to identify where waiting line problems
    occur and realize why it is important to study
    these problems.
  • Know the difference between single-channel and
    multiple-channel waiting lines.
  • Understand how the Poisson distribution is used
    to describe arrivals and how the exponential
    distribution is used to describe services times.

Chapter 12 Waiting line models
Learning objectives 4. Learn how to use formulas
to identify operating characteristics of the
following waiting line models Single-channel
model with Poisson arrivals and exponential
service times Multiple-channel model with Poisson
arrivals and exponential service
times Single-channel model with Poisson arrivals
and arbitrary service times Multiple-channel
model with Poisson arrivals, arbitrary service
times, and no waiting 5. Know how to incorporate
economic considerations to arrive at decisions
concerning the operation of a waiting line.
Chapter 12 Waiting line models
Server- order filling
Customer leaves
Customer arrivals
Waiting line
Chapter 12 Waiting line models
Waiting lines in health care organizations can be
a serious problem and the money spent to reduce
these lines is often money well spent. Staffing
a centralized appointment scheduling department
in Lourdes hospital Lourdes Hospital decided to
use a centralized system to schedule appointments
for outpatients and inpatients and ambulatory
services requested by physicians, their staff,
hospital personnel, and patients. Several
queuing models, each for different time of the
day, have been solved. A new system was a big
success. The number of formal complaints fell
from three or four each week to less than one per
Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • A fact of life is that everyone spends a great
    deal of time in queues.
  • Why look at waiting lines?
  • Want to examine existing system to quantify its
    operating characteristics.
  • Want to learn how to make a system better or find
    the best system

Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • Basic approach
  • First objective
  • Analysis of an existing system to quantify its
    operating characteristics by using two
  • basic modeling approaches
  • 1. analytical search for mathematical
    formulas that describe operating characteristics
  • problem mathematical models are typically to
    complex to solve simplification with often
    unrealistic assumptions
  • simulation allows us to analyze much more
    complex systems
  • problem commercial software packages need to
    be used instead of spreadsheets

Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • Basic approach
  • Second objective
  • Optimization, where we attempt to find the best
  • 1. analysis of each of several competing systems
    (analytically or by simulation)
  • problem its difficult to estimate the cost of
    making a patient wait an extra 2 minutes in line
    - but necessary
  • choice between the cost of waiting and the cost
    of more efficient service

Chapter 3 Waiting line models
Elements of waiting line Models
  • Characteristics of arrivals
  • Interarrival time are the times between
    successive customer (patient) arrivals.
  • Assume customers arrive one at a time and all
    have the same priority
  • Assume there is no balking or reneging.
  • Balking is when a customer decides not to wait in
  • Reneging is when a customer gets in line and then
    changes their mind and leaves the line.
  • Limited waiting room

Elements of waiting line Models
Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • Service discipline is the rule that states which
    customer, from all who are waiting, goes into
    service next.
  • First-come-first-served (FCFS) always assume
    this discipline
  • Service-in-random-order (SRO)
  • Last-come-last-served (LCLS)
  • Shortest-processing-time (SPT)
  • Service Characteristics
  • Where customers join a single line and are then
    served by the first available tell, the servers
    or tellers are in parallel.
  • A waiting line network is when each machine has
    its own service time distribution, and a typical
    part might have to wait in line behind any or all
    of the machines on its routing.

Interarrival times are the times between
successive patient arrivals
Chapter 12 Waiting line models
Distribution of patient arrivals Poisson
probability distribution
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Chapter 12 Waiting line models
Mean The mean is the sum of a set of observations
divided by the number of the observations.
Standard deviation The standard deviation
represents the average deviation of each value
from the mean. Variance The variance is the
square of the standard deviation. Probability Pro
bability is a way of expressing uncertainty.
Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • Discrete versus continuous
  • A distribution is discrete if it has a finite
    number of positive values.
  • A distribution is continuous if its possible
    values are essentially some continuum.
  • Graphical Characteristics
  • Discrete distribution is a series of spikes
  • Continuous distribution is characterized by a
    density function, a smooth curve. Probabilities
    are found as areas under the density function.

Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • Symmetric versus Skewed
  • A distribution is symmetric if the distribution
    to the left of the point is a mirror image of the
    distribution to the right of the point.
    Otherwise, it is skewed.
  • Skewed to the right (or positively skewed) if the
    longer tail is the right tail. Otherwise it is
    skewed to the left (or negatively skewed)

Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • Bounded versus Unbounded
  • A distribution is bounded if there are values A
    and B such that no possible value can be less
    than A or greater than B.
  • A is then the minimum possible value, and the
    value of B is the maximum possible value.
  • A distribution is unbounded if there are no such
  • Possible for a distribution to be bounded in one
    direction but not the other.
  • Positive (or Nonnegative) versus Unrestricted
  • Special case of bounded distributions occurs with
    variables that are inherently positive (or
    possibly nonnegative).

Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • Common Probability distributions
  • A family of distributions has a common name,
    such as normal. Each member of the family is
    specified by one or more numerical parameters.
  • Uniform distribution
  • The uniform distribution is the flat equally
    likely distribution.

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Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • The RAND function is Excels building block
    function for generating random numbers.
  • Enter the formula RAND( ) into any cell. Press
    F9 to make it randomly change.
  • Numbers created by this function have two
  • Uniform property all numbers between 0 and 1
    have the same chance of occurring
  • Independence property Different numbers
    generated are probabilistically independent.
  • Sometimes called pseudo-random numbers.
  • Each successive random number follows the
    previous random number by a complex arithmetic

Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • A histogram, also called a frequency chart,
    indicates the number of observations in each of
    several user-defined categories.
  • Create histograms with an Excel add-in such as
  • Situations may require that random numbers stay
    fixed. A technique called freezing them can be
  • RISKView is a separate software package that can
    be used to analyze probability distributions.

Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • The interactive capabilities of RISKView, with
    its sliders, make it perfect for finding
    probabilities or percentiles for any given

Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • A discrete distribution is useful for many
  • The RISKDISCRETE functions can be used to
    generate random numbers.
  • Enter the formula RISKDISCRETE(valRange,progRange
    ) into any cell.
  • valRange is the range where the possible values
    are stored
  • probRange is the range where their probabilities
    are stored.

Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • The normal distribution (familiar bell-shaped
    curve) is useful in simulation modeling as a
    continuous input distribution.
  • It is not always the most appropriate
  • Symmetric drawback because skewed distribution
    is more realistic
  • Allow negatives often not appropriate in many
  • Two parameters are its mean and standard

Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • Normally distributed random numbers will almost
    certainly be within three standard deviations of
    the mean.
  • Random numbers can be generated with the _at_RISKs
    RISKNORMAL function.
  • Enter the formula RISKNORMAL(Mean,Stdev)

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Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • A triangular distribution is similar to a normal
    distribution but it is more flexible and
    intuitive. It is a good choice in many simulation
  • The shape of a triangular density function is a
  • Specified by three easy-to-understand parameters
    the minimum possible value, the most likely
    value, and the maximum possible value.
  • Use the _at_RISK function RISKTRIANG to generate
    random numbers.
  • Enter the formula RISKTRIANG(MinVal,MLVal,MaxVal)
    in any cell.

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The Poisson and Exponential Distribution
Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • waiting line systems generally contain
  • Most common probability distributions used to
    model these uncertain quantities are the the
    Poisson distribution (interarrival time) and the
    exponential distribution (service time).

Example 1 The Exponential and Poisson
Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • A bank manager wants to study the congestion at
    the banks automatic teller machines (ATMs).
  • During a period of time when business is fairly
    steady, several employees use stopwatches to
    gather data on interarrival times and service

Ex. 1 (contd) The Solution
Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • To see whether these times are consistent with
    the exponential distribution, histograms of the
    interarrival times and the service times are

Important waiting line Relationships
Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • Two general types of outputs that are typically
    calculated in waiting line models are time
    averages and customer averages.
  • Typical time averages are
  • L expected number of customers in system
  • LQ expected number of customers in the waiting
  • LS the expected number of customers in service
  • P(all idle) probability that all servers are
  • P(all busy) probability that all servers are

Chapter 12 Waiting line models
Important waiting line Relationships
  • Typical customer averages are
  • W expected time spent in the system (waiting or
    being served)
  • WQ expected time a customer waits in the
    waiting line
  • WS expected time spent in service
  • Littles formula relates time averages and
    customer averages.
  • ? is the average arrival rate L ?W LQ
    ?WQ LS ?WS

Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • Two other formulas that relate these quantities.
  • All customers are either in service or in the
    waiting line, so LLQLS
  • Time spent in the system is the time spent in the
    waiting line plus the time spent in
    service WWQWS
  • Server utilization, denoted by U, is the long-run
    fraction of time a typical server is busy.

Analytical waiting line Models
Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • Basic Single-Server Model
  • M/M/1 model Kendalls notation
  • First M implies that there is the Poisson
    distribution of interarrival times
  • Second M implies that the distribution of service
    times is exponential
  • 1 implies that there is a single server
  • ? is the average service rate
  • ? ?/? is the traffic intensity which is very
    useful for measuring the congestion of the system

Example 2 Basic Single-Server Model
Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • The Smalltown postal branch employs a single
  • Customers arrive at this postal branch according
    to a Poisson process.
  • Rate of 30 customers per hour
  • Average service time is exponentially distributed
    with mean 1.5 minutes.
  • All arriving customers enter the branch,
    regardless of the number already waiting in line.
  • The manager would like to decide whether to
    improve the system.
  • To do this, she first needs to develop a waiting
    line model that describes the steady-state
    characteristics of the current system.

Ex. 2 (contd) The Solution
Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • Must choose a common unit of time and then
    express the arrival and service rates (? and ?)
    in this unit.
  • Could measure time in seconds, minutes, hours, or
    any other convenient time unit, as long as they
    are consistent.
  • Will use minutes. Then, because 1 customer
    arrives every 2 minutes, ? ½. Also, ? 0.667.
  • The traffic intensity is ? ?/? or 0.75.
  • The system is stable and steady state will occur
    because of this being less than 1.

Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • In general, the formulas for the M/M/1 model are
    somewhat complex.
  • Use the M/M/1 template file.

Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • Results from completed template
  • The arrival rate is 0.5 and the service rate is
    0.667, the expected number of customers in the
    waiting line is 2.25 and the expected time a
    typical customer spends in the waiting line is
    4.5 minutes.
  • However 25 of all customers spend no time in the
    waiting line, while 53.7 spend more than 2
    minutes in the waiting line.
  • The steady probability of having exactly 4
    customers in the system is 0.079. Equivalently,
    there are exactly 4 customers in the system 7.9
    of the time.
  • The bank manager can experiment with other
    arrival rates or services rates in cells B5 and
    B6 to see how the various output measures are

Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • One particularly important insight can be
    obtained through a data table.

Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • The table shows how bad things can get when the
    service rate is just barely above the arrival
    rate, so that the server utilization is just
    barley below 1.
  • The corresponding line chart shows that the
    expected time in waiting line increases extremely
    rapidly as the service rate approaches the
    arrival rate.
  • The manager now knows that she does not want a
    services rate close to the arrival rate, at least
    not for extended periods of time.

Analytical waiting line Models
Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • Basic Multiple-Server Model
  • The simplest version of this multiple-server
    parallel system, labeled the M/M/s model
  • The s in M/M/s denotes the number of servers.
  • There are two types of waiting line
  • One where each server has a separate line.
    Customers decide which line to join.
  • One where there is a single waiting line.
    Customers are served in the FCFS fashion.
  • The M/M/s assumes that all customers wait in a
    single line and are served in FCFS fashion.

Chapter 12 Waiting line models
Analytical waiting line Models
Multiple-server Model
  • There are three inputs to this system
  • The arrival rate ?
  • The service rate (per server) ?
  • The number of servers s.
  • Assume that the traffic intensity is less than 1.
  • Arrival rate ? is less than the maximum service
    rate s?
  • The associated formulas are complex. The are
    implemented with a VBA macro in Excel.

Example Multiple-server Model
Chapter 12 Waiting line models
Analytical waiting line Models
  • County Bank has several branch location.
  • Customers arrive at a Poisson rate of 150 per
  • The branch employs 6 tellers.
  • Each teller takes, on average, 2 minutes to serve
    a customer, and service times are exponentially
  • All tellers perform all tasks, so that customers
    can go to any of the 6 tellers.
  • Customers who arrive and find all 6 servers busy
    join a single waiting line and are then served in
    FCFS fashion.
  • The manager wants to develop a waiting line model
    of the current system.
  • He then wants to find the best number of
    tellers, given that tellers are paid 8 per hour.

The Solution
Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • An M/M/s template is available

Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • Enter the inputs in cells B4 through B7 and then
    click on the button to use the template.
  • The template file uses a macro to calculate the
    probability that the system is empty. Built-in
    formulas then calculate all other steady-state
  • It is determined that
  • There are 6 tellers and the server utilization is
  • The expected number of customers in the system is
    7.94 and the expected time a typical customer
    spends in the system if 0.053 hour.
  • The server utilization in an M/M/s system,
    calculated as the arrival rate divided by the
    maximum service rate, is always the expected
    fraction of time a typical server is busy.

Economic Analysis
Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • There is a cost and benefit from adding a teller.
  • The cost is the wage rate paid to the extra
    teller, 8 per hour.
  • The benefit is that customers wait less time in
    the bank.
  • The problem is evaluating the cost of waiting in
  • Key to the trade-off is assessing a unit cost,
    cQ, per customer per hour of waiting in the
    waiting line.
  • If the manager can assess this unit cost, then
    the total expected cost per hour is cQ?WQ.
  • Trade off this waiting cost against the cost of
    hiring extra tellers.

Chapter 12 Waiting line models
The general shape of waiting cost
Total cost
Service cost
Total cost per hour
Waiting cost
Number of channels
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Is the total cost per time period optimal ?
Chapter 12 Waiting line models
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Analytical waiting line Models
Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • Other Exponential Models
  • Limited waiting room model
  • Basic model but assumes that arrivals are turned
    away when the number already in the waiting line
    is at some maximum level.
  • Limited source model
  • Assumes that there are only a finite number of
    customers in the entire population

Chapter 12 Waiting line models
Analytical waiting line Models
  • Erlang Loss Model
  • In this model there is no waiting room so
    customers who arrive when all servers are busy
    are lost to the system.
  • The steady-state distribution depends on the
    service time distribution only through its mean.
  • General Multiple-Server Model
  • Variation of M/M/s is to allow nonexponential
    interarrival and/or service times.
  • G/G/s allows any interarrival time distribution
    and any service time distribution.
  • Difficult to obtain exact analytical results.
  • There is an approximation to this model that
    gives quite accurate results Allen-Cunneen

Waiting line Simulation Methods
Chapter 12 Waiting line models
  • A popular alternative to analytical models is to
    develop waiting line simulations.
  • Advantages
  • Not restricted to the assumptions required by the
    standard analytical waiting line models
  • Get to see the action through time
  • Downside
  • Traditionally difficult requiring computer
    programming skills

Chapter 13 Simulation
  • Learning objectives
  • Understand what simulation is and how it aids in
    the analysis of a problem.
  • Learn why simulation is a significant
    problem-solving tool.
  • Understand the difference between static and
    dynamic simulation.
  • Identify the important role probability
    distributions, random numbers, and the computer
    play in implementing simulation models.

Chapter 13 Simulation
  • A simulation model is a computer model that
    imitates a real-life situation.
  • The fundamental advantage of a simulation model
    is that it shows an entire distribution of
    results, not simply a single bottom-line result.
  • Simulation allows us to generate many scenarios,
    each leading to a particular net present value
  • Simulation models are useful for determining how
    sensitive a system is to changes in operating
  • Primary difference between analytical models and
    simulation models is that at least one of the
    input variable in a simulation model contains
    random numbers
  • Models that simulates how the system changes over
    time are dynamic simulation models

Chapter 13 Simulation
To simulate means to assume the appearance of
characteristics of reality. In DSSs simulation
generally refers to a technique for conducting
experiments, such as what-if analysis, with a
computer on a model of a management system. Such
type of the model is called a simulation
model. Simulation is one of the most frequently
used tools of DSSs. Reason DSS deals with
semistructured or unstructured situations which
involves complex reality which may not be easily
represented by optimization or other standard
models but often can be handled by simulation.
Chapter 13 Simulation
Simulation is not a regular type of model. Models
in general represent reality, whereas simulation
usually imitates it closely. Consequence There
are fewer simplifications of reality in
simulation models than in other
models. Simulation can describe or predict
characteristics of a given system under different
circumstances. Consequence Once the
characteristics values are computed, the best
among several alternatives can be selected. The
simulation process often consists of the
repetition of an experiment many times to obtain
an estimate of the overall effect of certain
actions. Consequence A computer is usually
Chapter 13 Simulation
  • Advantages of simulation
  • Simulation is used for decision support because
  • Allows for inclusion of the real-life
    complexities of problems. For example, simulation
    may utilize the real life probability
    distributions rather than approximate theoretical
  • Is descriptive.This allows the manager to ask
    what-if type questions. Thus, managers who
    employ a trial-and-error approach to problem
    solving can do it faster and cheaper, with less
    risk, using a simulated problem instead of a real

Chapter 13 Simulation
  • Advantages of simulation
  • Simulation is used for decision support because
  • Can handle an extremely wide variation in problem
    types, such as inventory and staffing, as well as
    higher managerial-level tasks like long range
    planning.The manager can experiment with
    different variables to determine which are
    important, and with different alternatives to
    determine which is best.
  • Can show the effect of compressing time, giving
    the manager in a matter of minutes some
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