Title: Dias nummer 1
1Workshop - 23. august 2006 Skejby, Århus Dansk
Landbrugsrådgivning Landscentret Optimering
af biogasproduktion med fokus på energimajs -
Energiafgrødepotentiale til bioraffinering Jens
Bo Holm-Nielsen Afdelingsleder -
Bioenergigruppen Syddansk Universitet Esbjerg
Aalborg Universitet Esbjerg Niels Bohrs Vej 8-10,
DK-6700 Esbjerg Tlf. 7912 7715, mobil 2166
2511 E-mail jhn_at_aaue.dk Hjemmeside www.acabs.dk
2Energy crops Paradigm shift through land
productivity and energy balance
- The Sun as energy source
- Special energy crops that use the
- entire vegetation period
- Total digestion of the whole plant
- Nutrient cycle possible
- Low Input High Output
- Large installations work efficiently
- and are friendly towards
- the environment
- Upgrading of biogas enables complete
- utilisation of the crop (the gas can be
- stored)
Digested plant residue
Gas cleaning
Heat Electricity Fuel
3Optimisation of the biomass production
Vegetation period Average intensity of the sun
radiation during the year (Simplified model for
Göttingen, Germany)
Sun light
KWh / m2
The global sun radiation reaches an average of
approximately 1000 KWh/m2 in the southern part
of Niedersachsen, Germany. This energy is used by
green plants in the photosynthesis to create
biomass. At the end of Juli in modern agriculture
most of the fields are no longer green.There are
no longer active parts available to conduct the
photosynthesis. Demand In order to take full
advantage of the energy contained in the sun
radiation using photosynthesis, varieties that
are utilising the vegetation period to its
maximum should be developed and used. This means
green fields all year round.
4Source Report from the Danish working Group on
the Co-existence of Genetically Modified Crops
with Conventional and Organic Crops (DJF, 2003)
5Cultivation target stepwise increase of the
energy yield to approximately 100 in 10 years
Energy Maize
30 t/ha
Nowadays silo maize varieties
15 - 18 t/ha
Source KWS
6Objective of the energy maize cultivation
- Implementation of short-day genes
- Cold tolerance in late varieties and late
growing season - Nutrient / water efficiency, drought resistance
- First variety announcement in 2005
- Commerciel varieties available from 2007
- (Source KWS)
7Growth Progress of a Conventional Silo Maize (SM)
and an Energy Maize (EM) Clearly later
harvest of the Energy Maize
GTM- yield/ha
Flowering SM
Source KWS
8Biogaspotentiale for udvalgte energiafgrøder
) Amon et. al. (2003) Optimierung der
Biogaserzeugung aus den Energiepflanzen Mais und
9Biogaspotentiale for energimajs i Danmark
Forudsætninger TS 1,10 x VS methanudbytte
290 L per kg VS methanandel 55 Vol-
10Biogaspotentiale for energimajsafgrøder
Kilde Amon et. al. (2003) Optimierung der
Biogaserzeugung aus den Energiepflanzen Mais und
11Biogaspotentiale for energimajsafgrøder
Kilde Amon et. al. (2003) Optimierung der
Biogaserzeugung aus den Energiepflanzen Mais und
12Perspectives for crop cultivation
Effect of the variety and the ripeness on the
methane production
Source AMON et. al. 2003
CH4 Nl/kgTM
Sort B
Sort R
Sort P
Sort A
Sort S
Source KWL
Source KWS
13LP92_ Wesel, 90 BC1S1-lines from (5G3552 x Mex)
x Flinttester 10 Standards
Source KWS
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21World energy scenarios Goals for the future
22Konklusioner Methanudbyttet fra energimajs er
stærkt afhængigt af dyrkningsoptimering og
- Energiafgrøder er et upåagtet eller et endnu ikke
værdsat, uopdyrket område med et stort potentiale
indenfor biogasproduktionen i Danmark. - Der har siden år 2000 foregået en kraftig og
interessant udvikling i Tyskland og Østrig. I
Østrig er der etableret ca. 200 gårdbiogasanlæg
frem til 1/7 2006 efter en specifik ordning der
sattes i kraft i 2003. Det største område
indenfor afgrøder er majsensilage og græs
anvendelse, omsat i biogasanlæg sammen med
husdyrgødning eller som rene energiafgrødeanlæg. - Der er en spændende udfordring foran os, hvor
landbrugets primærproduktion, er råvareleverandør
af husdyrgødning og afgrøder, så biogasanlæg
primært kan omsætte gårdens egene produkter.
Dermed kan man evt. nedtrappe leverancerne af
organisk industriaffald. - Med husdyrgødning og afbalanceret afgrøde tilsats
er biogasudbytter på 35-40 m3 biogas/m3 biomasse
opnåelige. -