Title: Slajd 1
1Vienna, May 18th 2007
Commissioned Research Project COST531
Presentation of SYNT_at_LL program
2The elements, if arranged according to thier
atomic weights, exhibit an evident periodicity of
properties Dmitri Mendeleev Faraday Lecture,
June 4th 1889
3Starting with a genuine concept of Lothar Meyer,
the classic method of displaying relationships
that are said to exist between the properties of
chemical elements and their atomic number has
been developed. It is well known and still in
common use nowadays. Gulaevs concept is more
convenient and easy to understand is a visual
representation, which consists in application of
zonal approach, according to which the three main
zones are distinguished period I-III (first
zone), period IV-VII (second zone), lanthanides
and actinides (third zone). The zonal approach
enables analysing (and predicting) the changes
which will take place in a selected property
within each zone ("horizontally") and in
individual groups corresponding to the zones
("vertically). Gulwev proposed classification
diagrams as two-dimensional set of points, which
allows to define the role of alloying elements
- main alloying elements - auxiliary
alloying elements - neutral admixtures -
harmful admixtures. Our concept is based on
three-dimensional presentation of the values of
the individual properties, distributed above the
basic plane, which represents the whole periodic
system. A combination of the individual values of
the properties is of strictly conventional
nature, as in no case a continuous function can
be expected here.
4In monolateral approach (a sequence related with
the division into properties linear,
tangensoidal, and sinusoidal
- I. In monolateral approach (a sequence related
with the division into properties linear,
tangensoidal, and sinusoidal - Number of valency electrons
- Electric conductivity, MS/m
- Specific heat, W/cm.K
- Electronegativity
- Tensile strength, MPa
- Brinell hardness, HB
- Young's modulus, GPa
- Coefficient of thermal expansion, mm/m.K
- Density (determined by X-rays and by pycnometry),
g/cm3 - Surface tension, N/m
- Molar surface tension, kJ/mol
- Melting point, C
- Boiling point, C
- Molar heat of evaporation, J/mol
- Atomic radius, Å
- Atomic-ionic radius, Å
- Atomic volume, cm3/mol
- Specific volume, cm3/g
- II. In bilateral approach (for Al, Mg, Ti, Ni,
Cu, Au, Ag, Zn, Pb, Sn, Cr, Mo and W) - Solubility criterion a (solubility limit in solid
state of every element in base element), atom. - Bonds criterion b (solubility limit in liquid
state), atom. - Distribution criterion w, that is ab
- Temperature of the first transformation, which
the base element and other elements are
undergoing, C - III. Classification diagrams (Classification)
5CRITERIA of Solubility
acd Bonds bbd Distribution
wcd/bd a/b Fluidity l(od/bd)(ad/b) Heat
treatment gcf/hg Shrinkage porosity
d(ad/cd)(ad/a) Temperature
tod/oa Hot cracking pbd/ba
6- Solubility criterion a cd
- represents the solubility limit (maximum
solubility) of an element in solid phase ( at ).
- is referred to the temperature of phase
transformations, i.e. eutectic, peritectic, or
monotectic. indicates the number of atoms of one
single element that the matrix can hold in its
crystal lattice without recurring to the
formation of a new phasethe solubility criterion - refers to the level of ultrastructure and as such
can be considered a dimensionless quantity
forming the, so called, lyotectic point
7Bonds criterion (bbd) corresponds to the
solubility limit of a given element in liquid
phase and to the eutectic (peritectic,
monotectic) point.
8Distribution criterion ? cd/bd a/b It
indicates the degree of potential segregation of
elements in the alloy, i.e. in which part of the
grain the concentration of an element (alloying
constituent or contaminant) will change during
primary solidification and at what rate this
change will proceed
9- The SYNT_at_LL program has been written in a modern
object-oriented language C. - Microsoft - Visual C Studio 2005 has been
used, due to which it was possible to implement
the libraries of Microsoft Foundation Class, as
well as the graphic libraries of DirectX,
extending Windows potentials in the field of
multimedia - DirectX is a platform (API - programming
interface), composed of dynamic DLL libraries and
VXD drivers, which enable direct access to
various types of hardware. Basing on DirectX, the
programmer can create applications with most
realistic, three-dimensional animations, video,
stereo sound, etc., used most often in games and
various utilities - All components necessary for a correct running
of the "SYN_at_ALL" program are available on an
optical CD - To update the program and the database, the
authors introduced an auto update, which is
available in the main menu.
Main Toolbar of Synt_at_all program
10Main panel displayed with program started up
(plotted relationship between properties of
elements and atomic number in classic approach)
11Plotted relationship between element property and
atomic number in zonal approach
12Plotted relationship between element property and
atomic number in 3-D approach
13The next drawings show examples of the results of
a bilateral analysis made for the binary aluminum
Diagram of relationship between the elements
solubility criterion ? for aluminum and the
atomic number in zonal approach (Al solubility
criterion )
14Diagram of relationship between the elements
combination criterion ? for aluminium and the
atomic number in zonal approach (Al
combination criterion )
15General form of classification diagram for binary
aluminum alloys
16General form of database solder alloy (Cost
Action 531)
17Selected function in Synt_at_ll program
automatically update program by Internet