Title: Dias nummer 1
1Asylum seekers in Denmark
2Registration with the police
The Dublin Phase
The asylum seeker is sent back to the first safe
country either in or outside the EU
The police check the travel route
The Immigraion Service accepts to process the
asylum casse
Manifestly unfounded (åbenbart grundløs)
Normal procedure The Immigration The Immigration
Service grants asylum Service
rejects positive (10) negative (90)
Normal Procedure
Automatically processed by the Refugee
Board Positive(in 2002, 14) Negative(in 2002,
3 years integration programme in a kommune
Appeal Case
3Rights and obligations
- Activities and work
- Compulsory work in the centre
- Participation in Danish or English classes, 10
hours per week - Internal or external activation, 10 hours per
week - Money
- Basic grant
- 1,290 kroner per month (or cafeteria)
- Supplementary grants (when work or school)
- 214 kroner per month when in Dublin Phase or
rejected - 748 kroner per month when in normal procedure
- Association of Local Governments in Denmark
- Care4You
- The Confederation of Danish Industries
- Danish Food and Allied Workers Union
- The Association for Integration of New Danes in
the Labour Market - CO-Industries
- Municipal of Copenhagen
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
5want2work - step by step
step 5
Ongoing skills audit
Use of general vocational training offers
Step 4
Step 3
Work placement
Basic Red Cross training courses
Step 2
Language training at Danish Red Cross
Step 1
6- Education
- HF
- VUC inklusive kvindehold
- Christianhavns Gymnasium
- Højskoleophold
- Teknisk skole
- Dansk lægehold
- Ingeniørhøjskolen
- MIK,
- Københavns Erhvervsakademi
- Bjørns International School
- Work placement
- AA Revision
- SatAir
- Martin Professional
- Svanholm Gods
- AA Rengøring
- Beredskabsstyrelsen
- Danmarks Radio
- Colo Plast
- Tulip
- Danmission Genbrug
- Vemax Ekspert
- Hackenbusch
- Haugaard
- Spar
- Sahin Import
- New Times
- Sygehuse
- Plejehjem
7- want2work labour market activities
- Start your own business
- Sewing and hair dresser courses in combination
with Start your own business - PC driving licences
- Mine awareness courses
- Security Guard courses
- Solar and wind energy
- Basic construction
- Skills 4 Life
- CV workshops www.want2work.org/cv
- Match making with Danish companies
8Job Card Scheme
IT-specialists for example data technology and
information engineers, network consultants,
programmers, application designers, Engineers
for example, engineers in the construction
sector, environment and planning, electronics
etc. Scientists in the natural sciences and
technology sector for example, mathematicians,
statisticians, physicists, etc. Doctors all
applicants must possess an authorisation from the
National Board of Health. Nurses all applicants
must possess an authorisation from the National
Board of Health.
9Returning home with dignity
- Over all goal to offer asylum seekers relevant
opportunities to - prepare and realize a homecoming and
reintegration in Iraq with dignity. - Through
- Support to children and families
- Want2work vocational training activities
- Counselling and support
10Supporting families and children Psycho
Education Family groups The purpose of these is
to add to the families' knowledge of the
psychic reactions that occur for the children
when returning home Families with children aged
0 -18 4 sessions of 2 hours Children groups
The purpose of these is to add to the children's
knowledge of the psychic problems connected to
the return Target group Children aged 7 12
and 13 17. 7 sessions of 2 hours Mother-tongu
e teaching 3 lessons per. week in 6 weeks