Title: Arenguuuringud 4. hiskonna areng. Ksitlused, hindajad, vaatepunktid, andmebaasid
1Arengu-uuringud4. Ühiskonna areng. Käsitlused,
hindajad, vaatepunktid, andmebaasid
- Mati Heidmets
- 2008 sügissemester
2Ühiskonna areng
- Kas 21 sajandi Eesti on arenenum kui 19 sajandi
Eesti? Kas Euroopa aastal 2008 on arenenum kui
Euroopa aastal 1898? - Mis on arenenud ühiskonna tunnused?
- Ühiskond sarnaste tunnustega (keel, kultuur,
mälu, territoorium ) inimeste vaheline püsiv
suhtevõrgustik, mida toetavad ühised
institutsioonid (õigusemõistmine, korratagamine,
kirik, riigivõim ) ning mille kaudu
ühiskonnaliikmed ennast määratlevad - Jaotus arenenud maailmaks ja arenguriikideks?
Kust pärit, kellele vajalik? - Arengutelg - valdav viis kategoriseerida ja
hoiakuid kujundada
3Arengusuuna otsingud
- Tõdemus inimühiskond oma ajaloo jooksul pidevalt
muutunud (kohanenud sise- ja väliskeskkonnale) - Kas on olemas ühtne muutuste suund, kuidas seda
defineerida, kuidas hinnata? - Teaduslikus kontekstis defineerida püütud alates
19 saj keskpaigast, tõukeks darwinism,
evolutsionism, arenguparadigma - Järgnev lühipilk arengusuuna otsingutele alates
19 saj lõpust tänased arenguhindajad,
lähenemised, andmebaasid
4Auguste Comte (1798-1857)
- Auguste Comte areng inimese (inimkonna) tarkus
mõista looduses toimuvat. Liikumissuund - hirmult
ja müütidelt arusaamisele ja loodusjõudude
ärakasutamisele - Auguste Comte, known as father of sociology,
formulated the law of three stages human
development progresses from the theological
stage, in which nature was mythically conceived
and man sought the explanation of natural
phenomena from supernatural beings, through
metaphysical stage in which nature was conceived
of as a result of obscure forces and man sought
the explanation of natural phenomena from them
until the final positive stage in which all
abstract and obscure forces are discarded, and
natural phenomena are explained by their constant
relationship. This progress is forced through
the development of human mind, and increasing
application of thought, reasoning and logic to
the understanding of the world
5Auguste Comte (1798-1857)
6Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)
- Herbert Spencer liikumine jõuühiskonnast
huviühiskonna suunas. Tsentraliseeritud
allutamiselt vabatahtliku koostöö ja iseenese
vaoshoidmiseni. Sotsiaaldarvinist, olelusvõitlus
ühiskonnas, mõnu vs valu, arengu eesmärk -
perfektsionism - Herbert Spencer, who believed that society was
evolving toward increasing freedom for
individuals, differentiated between two phases of
development, focusing on the type of internal
regulation within societies. Thus he
differentiated between military and industrial
societies. The earlier, more primitive military
society has a goal of conquest and defence, is
centralised, economically self-sufficient,
collectivistic, puts the good of a group over
the good of an individual, uses compulsion, force
and repression, rewards loyalty, obedience and
discipline. - The industrial society has a goal of production
and trade, is decentralised, interconnected with
other societies via economic relations, achieves
its goals through voluntary cooperation and
individual self-restraint, treats the good of
individual as the highest value, regulates the
social life via voluntary relations, values
initiative, independence and innovation
7Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)
8Emile Durkheim (1858-1917)
- Emile Durkheim liikumine mehhaaniliselt, jõuga
kooshoitavalt ja seetõttu repressiivselt
ühiskonnalt indiviidikeskse, spetsialiseerunud ja
tööjaotusel baseeruva nn orgaanilise ühiskonna
suunas - Emile Durkheim, another of the "fathers" of
sociology, has developed a dichotomal view of
social progress. His key concept was social
solidarity, as he defined the social evolution
in terms of progressing from mechanical
solidarity to organic solidarity. In mechanical
solidarity, people are self-sufficient, there is
little integration and thus there is the need for
use of force and repression to keep society
together. In organic solidarity, people are much
more integrated and interdependent and
specialisation and cooperation is extensive.
Progress from mechanical to organic solidarity is
based first on population growth and increasing
population density, second on increasing
"morality density" (development of more complex
social interactions) and thirdly, on the
increasing specialisation in workplace. To
Durkheim, the most important factor in the social
progress is the division of labour.
9Emile Durkheim (1858-1917)
10Ferdinand Tönnies (1855-1936)
- Tönnies liikumine reguleerimata,
mitteformaalsest (kaootilisest) ühiskonnast
normistatud ja standardiseeritud ühiskonna
suunas (vrdl N.Elias!) - Ferdinand Tönnies describes the evolution as the
development from informal society, where people
have many liberties and there are few laws and
obligations, to modern, formal rational society,
dominated by traditions and laws and are
restricted from acting as they wish. He also
notes that there is a tendency of standardisation
and unification, when all smaller societies are
absorbed into the single, large, modern society.
Thus Tönnies can be said to describe part of the
process known today as the globalization.
Tönnies was also one of the first sociologists to
claim that the evolution of society is not
necessarily going in the right direction, that
the social progress is not perfect, and it can
even be called a regress as the newer, more
evolved societies are obtained only after paying
a high cost, resulting in decreasing satisfaction
of individuals making up that society.
11Ferdinand Tönnies (1855-1936)
12Max Weber (1864-1920)
- Maw Weber
- liikumine karismaatiliselt ja
traditsiooniliselt domineerimistüübilt
ratsionaalse domineerimistüübi suunas - Max Webers theory of tripartite classification
of authority can be viewed as an evolutionary
theory as well. Weber distinguishes three ideal
types of political leadership, domination, and
authority charismatic domination (familial and
religious), traditional domination (patriarchs,
patrimonalism, feudalism) and legal (rational)
domination (modern law and state, bureaucracy).
He also notes that legal domination is the most
advanced, and that societies evolve from having
mostly traditional and charismatic authorities to
mostly rational and legal ones.
13Max Weber (1864-1920)
14Lev Gumiljov (1912-1992)
- Ühiskonna (etnose) elukaar ja elutsüklid.
Arengutee?! - Etnost kooshoidev jõud passionaarsus.
Samastumine, ühishuvi kõrgemaleseadmine,
ohvrimeelsus. Võime ja soov ennast ohverdada
illusiooni eest! - Etnose elutsükkel ca 1200 aastat, läbib 6
staadiumit - Passionaarne tõuge, dünaamiline
kujunemisprotsess, passionaarsuse langus,
etnilise inertsi faas, lagunemisfaas,
mälestustefaas - Passionaarsus looduslik nähtus
15Lev Gumiljov (1912-1992)
16Tänaseks mõtteliinid hargnenud ...
- Sotsiobioloogia paralleelselt toimunud
bioloogiline ja sotsiokultuuriline evolutsioon - Sociobiologists have argued for a dual
inheritance theory, which posits that humans are
products of both biological evolution and
sociocultural evolution, each subject to their
own selective mechanisms and forms of
transmission (i.e. in the case of biology, genes,
and cultural evolutionary units are often called
memes). - Tsivilisatsiooniteoreetikud väline kontroll
sisemiseks sunniks - Valikuvabaduse apologeedid individuaalsed
valikud vs väline surve - Varia. Current political theories of the new
tribalists consciously mimic ecology and the
life-ways of indigenous peoples, argumenting them
with modern sciences. Ecoregional Democracy
attempts to confine the "shifting groups", or
tribes, within "more or less clear boundaries"
that a society inherits from the surrounding
ecology, to the borders of a naturally occurring
17... ja pilt kirju
- Postindustrialiseerumine tehnokraatia ja
pragmatism, teenindusmajandus, IT-domineerimine,
uus hierarhia (spetsialistid) - In 1974 Daniel Bell, author of The Coming of
Post-Industrial Society, introduced the concept
of postindustrial society. Like many more
classical evolutionists, he divided the history
of humanity into three eras pre-industrial,
industrial and postindustrial. He predicted that
by the end of the 20th century, United States,
Japan and Western Europe would reach the
postindustrial stage. - A.Toffler põllumajandusrevolutsioon (10 000 a
tagasi), industriaalrevolutsioon (19 saj),
postindustriaalne revolutsioon (20 saj II pool).
Sisu võimukeskuste ümberpaiknemine jõud
raha teadmine. - Moderniseerumine tehnoloogiline areng
institutsiooniehitus ratsionaalne
ühiskonnakorraldus - Theories of modernization have been developed
and popularized in 1950s and 1960s and are
closely related to the dependency theory and
development theory. Western countries are the
most developed, and rest of the world (mostly
former colonies) are on the earlier stages of
development, and will eventually reach the same
level as the Western world. - Postmoderniseerumine relativistlik,
paljusubjektne, ilma suurte narratiivideta,
arenguteema ei huvita - Arenguskeptikud Rooma Klubi, ressursside
ammendumine, kliimasoojenemine
18Kokkuvõtteks liikumissuuna otsingutel on enam
rõhutamist leidnud
- Inimestevaheliste suhete tüüp indiviid vs
kooslus, jõud vs kokkulepe, reegel vs suhted - Suhted looduskeskkonnaga hirm vs teadmine,
domineerimine vs kaitsmine, tänased huvid vs
tulevikuhuvid - Tehnoloogiline areng tehnoloogia,
institutsiooniehitus, ratsionaalne
ühiskonnakorraldus, elukvaliteet, - Trend süvenev spetsialiseerumine
arengukäsitlustes ja arenguhindamises. Eraldi
majandusareng, vabaduse laienemine, inimareng,
tervis, haridus, korruptsioon - 19 sajandi lõpu ja 20 saj esimese poole suure
pildi asemele palju väikeseid. Suur
(arengu)narratiiv pudenenud paljudeks väikesteks
jutukesteks. Vaikne eeldus ideaal on olemas nn
arenenud lääne kujul, teised vaja järele tuua
19Tänased arenguhindajad
- Palju vaatepunkte, igal oma tegijad, mõõtjad,
hindajad - Kuidas orienteeruda, keda usaldada, keda tõsiselt
võtta? - Järgnev olulisemad tegijad tänapäeva
arenguhindamises. Valik tuntuse, mõjukuse,
usaldusväärsuse alusel. Need, kellel oma
konstrukt! Valik nagu ikka subjektiivne. - Rahvusvahelised organisatsioonid - kombinatsioon
teaduslikust lähenemisest ja poliitiliselt
mõjukusest - Olulisemad tegijad, igaühe kohta kes ja miks,
milline konstrukt, mõõtmisinstrumendid,
andmebaasid - Milleks teada võrdlustööstuse tegijaid, kasutada
andmeid MA töös, lähtematerjal arenguanalüüsiks
- Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsioon, asutatud 1945,
192 liikmesriiki. Keskne ülesanne
arengutoetamine. Organisatsioonide võrgustik üle
200 ÜRO-ga seotud organisatsiooni - The UN is involved in supporting development,
e.g. by the formulation of the Millennium
Development Goals. The UN Development Programme
(UNDP) is the largest multilateral source of
grant technical assistance in the world.
Organizations like the World Health Organization
(WHO), UNAIDS, and The Global Fund to Fight AIDS,
Tuberculosis and Malaria are leading institutions
in the battle against diseases around the world,
especially in poor countries. The UN Population
Fund is a major provider of reproductive
services. The UN also promotes human development
through various related agencies. The World Bank
Group and International Monetary Fund (IMF), for
example, are independent, specialized agencies
and observers within the UN framework, according
to a 1947 agreement. - ÜRO arengualase tegevuse eesmärgid defineeritud
MDG-s - The Millennium Development Goals are eight goals
that all 192 United Nations member states have
agreed to try to achieve by the year 2015.This
was declared in the United Nations Millennium
Declaration, signed in September 2000. MDG
eradicate extreme poverty and hunger achieve
universal primary education promote gender
equality and empower women reduce child
mortality improve maternal health combat
HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases ensure
environmental sustainability and develop a
global partnership for development
- ÜRO Arenguprogramm UNDP http//www.undp.org/ -
kõige mastaapsem arenguinstrument maailmas - UNDP tegevussuunad/alaprogrammid
- poverty reduction and achievement of the MDGs
- democratic governance
- crisis prevention and recovery
- environment and sustainable development
- UNDP analüütiline tegevus Inimarengu aruanded
http//hdr.undp.org/en/ - 2007/2008 globaalne Inimarengu aruanne Fighting
climate change Human solidarity in a divided
world - Nii globaalsed, regionaalsed kui rahvuslikud
HDR-d saadaval http//hdr.undp.org/en/reports/ - Muud publikatsioonid http//hdr.undp.org/en/repor
ts/publications/ - Näit Readings in Human Development Concepts,
Measures and Policies for for a Development
Paradigm, Oxford, 2007
22 HDR teemad
- 2007/2008 Fighting climate change Human
solidarity in a divided world -
- 2006 Beyond scarcity Power, poverty and the
global water crisis -
- 2005 International cooperation at a
crossroads Aid, trade and security in an unequal
world - 2004 Cultural Liberty in Today's Diverse World
- 2003 Millennium Development Goals A compact
among nations to end human poverty -
- 2002 Deepening democracy in a fragmented world
- 2001 Making new technologies work for human
development -
- 2000 Human rights and human development
- 1999 Globalization with a Human Face
23UNDP arenguprogrammide rahaline maht 2007
24MDG raportid
- Millennium Development Goals http//www.undp.org/
mdg/ - MDG Progress Report 2008 http//www.undp.org/mdg/
basics_ontrack.shtml - Ülevaade eesmärkide saavutamisest riikide kaupa
html - Andmebaas globaalse arengu hindajatele ja
25Sõnumid UNDP-lt ja MDG analüütikutelt
- MDG tänapäeva globaalne arengukonstrukt. Sisu
esitatud eitusena - selle eitamine, mida ei
soovita vaesus, nälg, harimatus, haigused,
ebavõrdsus, keskkonna saastamine, osavõtmatus - Areng ebameeldivate asjade puudumine?!
- Loogika ideaal on leitud, tuleb mahajäänute
sinnajõudmist toetada?! Sama EL strateegia
uusliikmete suhtes?! - Vrdl 19 sajandi arengukäsitlustega?!
- OECD Organisation For Economic Cooperation and
Development - Asutatud 1961, peakorter Pariisis, 30
liikmesriiki, töötajaid ca 2500, eelarve ca 359
miljonit EUR aastas, peasekretär Angel Gurria,
ca 250 publikatsiooni aastas. Rikaste riikide
klubi! - Mitte segamini ajada - OSCE (The Organization for
Security and Co-operation in Europe) - OECD brings together the governments of countries
committed to democracy and the market
economy from around the world to - Support sustainable economic growth
Boost employment Raise living standards
Maintain financial stability Assist other
countries' economic development Contribute to
growth in world trade - Üks suuremaid ja usaldusväärsemaid
arenguteemaliste andmete kogujaid ja
analüüsijaid. Samas fookus oluliselt erinev
UNDP-ga võrreldes. Vaesuse vältimine vs rikkuse
saavutamine!? - For more than 40 years, OECD has been one of the
world's largest and most reliable sources of
comparable statistics, and economic and social
data. As well as collecting data, OECD monitors
trends, analyses and forecasts economic
developments and researches social changes or
evolving patterns in trade, environment,
agriculture, technology, taxation and more.
27OECD members and partners
- 30 member countries
- Countries invited to membership talks
- Enhanced engagement
28OECDs mission
- Article 1 of the OECD Convention defines the
Organisations mission as being to -
- support economic growth
- boost employment
- raise living standards
- maintain financial stability
- assist other countries economic development
- contribute to growth in world trade
29OECD tegevussuunad
- Economy
- Competition, Development, Economics and Growth,
Enterprise, Industry and Services, Regional,
Rural and Urban Development, Trade - Society
- Population, Education, Employment, Social and
Welfare Issues, Health, Migration - Governance
- Corporate Governance, Fighting Corruption, Public
Governance and Management, Regulatory Reform - Finance
- Financial Markets, Insurance and Pensions,
Investment, Tax - Innovation
- Biotechnology, Information and Communication
Technologies, Science and Innovation - Sustainability
- Agriculture and Fisheries, Energy, Environment,
Sustainable Development
30OECD publikatsioonid
- OECD publikatsioonid http//www.oecd.org/site/
- OECD Factbook 2008
- This is the fourth edition of a comprehensive and
dynamic statistical annual from the OECD. More
than 100 indicators cover a wide range of areas
economy, agriculture, education, energy,
environment, foreign aid, health and quality of
life, industry, information and communications,
population/labour force, trade and investment,
taxation, public expenditure and RD. This year,
the OECD Factbook features a focus chapter on
productivity. Data are provided for all OECD
member countries with area totals, and in some
cases, for selected non-member economies. For
each indicator, there is a two-page spread. - Näide rahvastikustatistikast Age sturcture,
Life expectancy at birth, Feritlity rate, Infant
mortality, Foreign population, Health spendings,
Pharmaceutical expenditure, Acute care beds,
Practising psysicians, MRI screen units, Tobacco
consumption, Alcohol consumption
31OECD haridusstatistika
- Education at a Glance 2008 http//www.oecd.org/
document/htm - Parim võrdluspilt haridusest sisseastujad ja
lõpetajad, väljakukkujad, maksumus, palgad,
vanemate hoiakud, haridus ja tööturg - Andmed analüüs. Eesti kõrghariduse ülevaade
2007. Protseduur kohalik ülevaade külastus
sõltumatu analüüs - Osundused Eestile võrdne juurdepääs, rahastamine
- Miks nad seda teevad? Oma arengukonstrukt.
32Näide Keskkooliõpetajate aastapalk riiklikes
õppeasutustes 2006 (USD, PPP)Allikas OECD
Education at a Glance 2008, lk 452
- Luxemburg 125 895
- Korea 84 139
- Soome 53 867
- Portugal 51 552
- Rootsi 38 760
- OECD maad 52 360
- EU 19 53 139
- Sloveenia 32 819
- Tsehhi 29 428
- Tsiili 18 321
- Türgi 15 780
- Eesti 13 922
33Sõnumid OECD-lt
- Parim arenguabi on teadmine tegelikust olukorrast
kohaliku võimekuse arendamine - Toetada neid, kes ise tahavad edeneda, haridus
keskne instrument - Jõukus on arengueeldus
34Transparency Internationalhttp//www.transparency
- Asutatud 1993, Saksamaal registreeritud
mittetulundusühing, 90 riigis rahvuslikud
üksused, idee korruptsioon keskne arengupidur - Transparency International, the global civil
society organisation leading the fight against
corruption, brings people together in a powerful
worldwide coalition to end the devastating impact
of corruption on men, women and children around
the world. TIs mission is to create change
towards a world free of corruption. - Transparency International challenges the
inevitability of corruption, and offers hope to
its victims. Since its founding in 1993, TI has
played a lead role in improving the lives of
millions around the world by building momentum
for the anti-corruption movement. TI raises
awareness and diminishes apathy and tolerance of
corruption, and devises and implements practical
actions to address it. - Transparency International is a global network
including more than 90 locally established
national chapters and chapters-in-formation.
These bodies fight corruption in the national
arena in a number of ways. They bring together
relevant players from government, civil society,
business and the media to promote transparency in
elections, in public administration, in
procurement and in business. TIs global network
of chapters and contacts also use advocacy
campaigns to lobby governments to implement
anti-corruption reforms
35TI ülesehitus
- The Transparency International movement consists
of many elements a world-wide network of
national chapters, the International Secretariat,
the Board of Directors, senior advisors and other
volunteers. - Board of Directors
- National Chapters
- International Secretariat
- Governance at Transparency International
- Ethics at Transparency International
- Board of Directors
- The Board of Directors is Transparency
International's central governing body and is
elected at the Annual Membership Meeting by
accredited national chapters and individual
members. - National Chapters
- National chapters are independent,
locally-established organisations that actively
address corruption in their respective countries,
implementing their own national programmes as
well as agreed global and regional strategies. TI
national chapters are also instrumental in
shaping the movements strategy and policies, and
often work together on regional priorities.
36Mis on korruptsioon?
- TI - Korruptsioon on võimu, positsiooni
kuritarvitamine isiklikes huvides - Corruption is
the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. It
hurts everyone whose life, livelihood or
happiness depends on the integrity of people in a
position of authority. - Korruptsiooni liigid poliitiline (poliitik saab
soosiva otsuse vastu isiklikku kasu), majanduslik
(firma ostab soodsa detailplaneeringu)
professionaalne (arst ei puuri ilma kingituseta
õiget hammast), igapäevaeluline - altkäemaks
(raha eest eeliseid), nepotism (sugulaste ja
sõprade edutamine), väljapressimine (ähvarduse
teel eeliseid), katusepakkumine - Korruptsioon on kõik see, kus seaduse ja heade
tavade asemel maksab võim, jõud, isiklik huvi.
Korruptsiooni piirid?! - Korruptsioon kardab valgust ja läbipaistvust!
37TI näited korruptsioonist
- A father who must do without shoes because his
meagre wages are used to pay a bribe to get his
child into a supposedly free school. - The unsuspecting sick person who buys useless
counterfeit drugs, putting their health in grave
danger. - A small shop owner whose weekly bribe to the
local inspector cuts severely into his modest
earnings. - The family trapped for generations in poverty
because a corrupt and autocratic leadership has
systematically siphoned off a nations riches.
38TI näited mastaapsest korruptsioonist
- The prosperous multinational corporation that
secured a contract by buying an unfair advantage
in a competitive market through illegal kickbacks
to corrupt government officials, at the expense
of the honest companies who didnt. - Post-disaster donations provided by compassionate
people, directly or through their governments,
that never reach the victims, callously diverted
instead into the bank accounts of criminals. - The faulty buildings, built to lower safety
standards because a bribe passed under the table
in the construction process that collapse in an
earthquake or hurricane. -
39Korruptsiooni mõju
- TI konstrukt - Korruptsioon toodab autokraatiat,
vaesust, diskrimineerimist, korruptsioon takistab
demokraatia arengut, inimõiguste järgimist,
julgeolekut - Corruption is both a cause of poverty, and a
barrier to overcoming it. It is one of the most
serious obstacles to reducing poverty. - Corruption denies poor people the basic means of
survival, forcing them to spend more of their
income on bribes. Human rights are denied where
corruption is rife, because a fair trial comes
with a hefty price tag where courts are
corrupted. - Corruption undermines democracy and the rule of
law. - Corruption distorts national and international
trade. - Corruption jeopardises sound governance and
ethics in the private sector. - Corruption threatens domestic and international
security and the sustainability of natural
resources. - Those with less power are particularly
disadvantaged in corrupt systems, which typically
reinforce gender discrimination. - Corruption compounds political exclusion if
votes can be bought, there is little incentive to
change the system that sustains poverty.
40TI mõõtmisinstrumendid
- The annual TI Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI),
first released in 1995, is the best known of TIs
tools. It has been widely credited for putting TI
and the issue of corruption on the international
policy agenda. The CPI ranks more than 150
countries in terms of perceived levels of
corruption, as determined by expert assessments
and opinion surveys. - In recent years, TI has sought to develop other
corruption measurement tools to complement the
CPI. The Bribe Payers Index (BPI) assesses the
supply side of corruption and ranks corruption by
source country and industry sector. The Global
Corruption Barometer (GCB) is a public opinion
survey that assesses the general publics
perception and experience of corruption in more
than 60 countries around the world - Indeksite koostis ja mõõtmistulemused vt
41 Corruption Perception Index Allikas
- 1-Taani 9,3
- 1-Uus Meremaa 9,3
- 1-Rootsi 9,3
- 4-Singapur 9,2
- 5-Soome 9,0
- 5-Sveits 9,0
- .
- 18-USA 7,3
- 23-Prantsusmaa 6,9
- 26-Sloveenia 6,6
- 26-Eesti 6,6
- 52-Läti 5,0
- 55-Itaalia 4,8
- 58-Leedu 4,6
- 58-Türgi 4,6
- .
- 72-Hiina 3,6
- 85-India 3,4
- .......................................
- 134-Ukraina 2,5
- 147-Venemaa 2,1
- 178-Iraak 1,3
- 180-Somaalia 1,0
42Korruptsiooni levik maailmas(allikas
Transparency International, 2007)
43TI sõnumid
- Korruptsiooni vähendamine on arenguvõti
- On see ka ühtlasi võitlus mitteformaalse
suhtevõrgustikuga, inimkonda sajandeid
elushoidnud suhte- ja vahetusskeemidega - Miks TI sellega tegeleb?