19th Class - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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19th Class


1) Merges makes a kit which makes a Chevrolet look like a Ferrari. ... The kit does not include the prancing horse hood ornament or the word 'Ferrari. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 19th Class

19th Class
  • Distribute
  • Sign-in sheet
  • Slide handouts
  • Next assignment
  • Voice Recorder on
  • Agenda
  • Trademark
  • Functionality
  • Acquisition and Priority

  • Trademark Theory
  • Consumer protection
  • Incentives to producers to maintain reputation /
  • NOT incentive to innovate, create new designs
  • Most relevant to experience attributes
  • Trade dress always requires secondary meaning
  • Never inherently distinctive

  • Functional features are not protected by
  • Cannot be registered
  • Not protected if unregistered
  • Even if can show secondary meaning
  • Judicially created doctrine
  • But recently incorporated into statute.
  • 43(a)(3)
  • Purpose is to promote competition
  • Trademark should be used to prevent confusion and
    protect commercial reputations, NOT protect ideas
    or product design
  • 2 kinds of functionality
  • Utlitarian functionality
  • Aesthetic functionality

Utilitarian Functionality
  • TrafFix
  • Feature is functional if it is essential to use
    or purpose of article or if it affects the cost
    or quality of the article.
  • No need to consider other feasible designs
  • Klerman. But how determine if feature is
    essential to use or purpose without exploration
    of alternatives?
  • Is orange roof essential to Howard Johnson
  • If took away roof, hotel would not provide
  • But orange roof is nonfunctional, because
    alternative roofs (black, brown, etc.) are just
    as good
  • Examples
  • Square shape of computer monitor
  • Shape of airplane exterior
  • Arrangement of keys on ergonomic keyboard
  • Circle shape of dial
  • Orange color for reflective clothing

Aesthetic Functionality
  • Pagliero (9th Cir. 1952)
  • Wallace produced floral design plates
  • Pagliero copied design exactly
  • Marketed to hotels and restaurants as replacement
  • Wallace sued
  • Presented evidence that design had secondary
  • Pagliero defended by saying no trademark
    protection for plate design
  • Design aesthetically functional
  • Would trademark protection prevent consumer
  • Would trademark protection hinder competition?
  • Supreme Court in TrafFix says test for aesthetic
    functionality is whether exclusive use ... would
    put competitors at a significant non-reputational
    disadvantage." (See also Qualitex)

Homework Questions
  • 1) Merges makes a kit which makes a Chevrolet
    look like a Ferrari. It consists primarily of a
    new exterior autobody, which bolts onto the
    Chevrolet frame. The kit does not include the
    prancing horse hood ornament or the word
    Ferrari. Ferrari sues Merges. Merges argues
    that the shape of the Ferrari is functional. Is
    Merges correct?
  • 2) Pfizer holds a patent on Viagra. The pills
    are purple. When the patent expires, AstraZeneca
    introduces a pill, with the same chemical formula
    as Viagra, and call it Biagra. Biagra pills
    are also purple. Has AstraZeneca infringed
    Pfizers trademarks?

More Questions
  • 1) The Order of Jobs Daughters is a Masonic
    youth group. Their symbol is a registered
    trademark. (See below). The Order licenses
    Company A to make jewelry with its symbol.
    Company B makes jewelry with the symbol without a
    license. Has Company B infringed?

Acquisition Priority
  • When does company acquire exclusive rights to use
  • Preliminary assumptions
  • No registration, national market
  • Basic idea is "first possession" rule
  • Registration does not confer rights
  • see 1, "owner of trademark ...may apply to
  • Priority (w/ exceptions that will discuss later)
    follows first acquisition
  • sec 2d. cannot registered if confusingly
    similar to mark already in use
  • even if senior mark not registered
  • concurrent registration possible
  • but rare
  • 2 basic alternatives
  • 1) when register mark
  • 2) when use mark
  • Both of these alternatives are or have been used
  • Europeans use 1st
  • US is/was mostly 2nd
  • but recently modified
  • Which better?

Intent to Use Registration
  • New to 1988 revisions
  • Applicant files application to register, 1b,
  • 6 months later must file affidavit that actually
    in use, 1d
  • May file for extensions, up to 3 years
  • 6 months automatic, then 2 more years w/ good
  • Registration is issues after affidavit of use
  • BUT priority is established by date of filing,
    see 7c
  • if registration granted, filing of application to
    register constitutes "constructive use"
  • and use is what gives priority
  • 7c is key to intent to use, it is what makes
    intent to use registration at all worthwhile
  • Hypo
  • June1, A files intent to use application for mark
    BRAVO on cheese
  • July 1, B starts using BRAVO mark on yogurt
  • Nov 1, A starts shipping cheese
  • Nov 15, A files affidavit that has used in
  • Jan 1, PTO registers mark
  • Feb 1, A sues B
  • A has priority

  • Person wanting to register mark sends in
    application to Patent trademark office
  • PTO reviews. awards registration if criteria met
  • Part of PTO procedure is publication in Official
  • those who think they may be injured to file an
  • If application denied, then appeal to Trademark
    Trial and Appeals Board
  • then appeal on administrative record to US Court
    of Appeals
  • or de novo review in district court
  • 14. For 5 years after registration
  • Opponent or defendant can attempt to get
    cancelled or defend against infringement suit on
    any ground that would have precluded initial
  • 14 -15. After 5 years, can become
  • Owner must file affidavit of continuous use
  • Opponent or defendant can no longer argue
  • descriptive and no secondary meaning
  • confusingly similar to another mark in use before
  • BUT can still make other arguments generic,
    scandalous, abandoned

  • Common law
  • First user, known as senior user owned the mark,
    could prevent others from using it
  • BUT subsequent user, known as junior user, had
    defense if had used in good faith in remote area
  • Good faith usually meant without notice
  • If A had used mark in New York, and B later began
    using mark in California, if B did so w/o notice
    (in good faith), A could not enjoin B.
  • if B had notice, then A could get injunction
  • In practice, could only prove notice if senior
    user used mark in same area as junior
  • So common law only protected TM owner in areas
    where marked actually used
  • Zone of natural expansion doctrine
  • If A used mark in New York City, and B began
    using mark in northern New Jersey w/o notice, A
    might be able to enjoin B on theory that northern
    NJ was natural zone of expansion
  • Federal registration is constructive notice 22
  • Since common law did not protect remote user who
    had notice, constructive notice gives nationwide
  • Note dependence of statute on common law

  • 1966. Preco uses term Porcelainate
  • Porcelainate is descriptive
  • 1977. Ceramco uses Percelainate
  • 1979. Ceramco begins advertrising campaing
  • established 2ndary meaning
  • 1980. Preco began advertising campaign
  • established 2ndary meaning
  • 1981. Ceramco sues Preco for trademark

  • 11/89. In-Wear files ITU (intent to use
    application) for Body Gear, advertises but does
    not sell
  • 12/89. Shalom files ITU for Body Gear
  • 2/90. Shalom uses and sells clothing with Body
    Gear logo
  • 3/90. Shalom sues In-Wear to enjoin In-Wears
    proprosed sales of Body Gear clothing

Agenda for Next Class
  • Infringement
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