Title: Composite Spin in Fluctuating Magnets
1Composite Spin in Fluctuating Magnets
Collin Broholm Johns Hopkins University and NIST
Center for Neutron Research
M. Azuma R. Bewley W. J. L. Buyers Y. Chen S.-W.
Cheong G. Gasparovic D. V. Ferraris
W. Ratcliff II D. H. Reich J. Rittner M. B.
Stone M. Takano H. Yardimci
Q. Huang S. Ishiwata T. H. Kim T.
Lectka S.-H. Lee K. Oka Y. Qiu
- Introduction
- Magnets, ordered and fluctuating
- How to distinguish using neutrons
- Whirlwind tour of fluctuating magnets
- Spin trimer magnetism in La4Cu3MoO12
- Frustrated spin liquid in organic magnet
- Fluctuating spin directors in spinel oxide
- Summary and Current Frontiers
3Filled shells non-magnetic materials
Un-filled shells magnetic materials
Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu
Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm
U Np Pu Am Cm
Partially filled shell in solid
4Magnetization of Solid with unfilled Shells
FeBr(C44H28N4) Dilute Fe in organic matrix
Susceptibility data for paramagnetic salt
Spin susceptibility diverges as T 0
5Coulomb Pauli Heisenberg
Coulomb interactions plus Pauli principle split
4-fold spin degeneracy
The level scheme is reproduced by Heisenberg
Exchange Hamiltonian
Triplet gnd. State J lt 0
6Interactions orient moments
Ferromagnetic EuO
7A brief story of Antiferromangetism
1970 Nobel Prize in Physics to Hannes Alfvén and
Louis Néel
L. Néel 1904-2000
L. Néel From Nobel lecture (1970).
8Staggered magnetization or QM singlet
1962 Nobel Prize in Physics
L. D. Landau 1908-1968
L. D. Landau from Phys. Zs. UdSSR (1933).
9Experimental Evidence for Néel order
C. G. Shull 1915-2001
1994 Nobel Prize in Physics to B. N. Brockhouse
and C. G. Shull
10Is Landaus vision of an AFM possible?
- Introduction
- Magnets, ordered and fluctuating
- How to distinguish using neutrons
- Whirlwind tour of fluctuating magnets
- Spin trimer magnetism in La4Cu3MoO12
- Frustrated spin liquid in organic magnet
- Fluctuating spin directors in spinel oxide
- Summary and Current Frontiers
12La4Cu3MoO12 A lattice of spin-1/2 trimers
Magnetic susceptibility
(Azuma et. al., PRB 62 R3588)
13Frustrated quantum spin triangles
Yiming Qiu et al. cond-mat/0205018
14Spectroscopy of spin trimers
Yiming Qiu et al. cond-mat/0205018
15Strongly fluctuating spin trimer AFM
Yiming Qiu et al. cond-mat/0205018
- Introduction
- Magnets, ordered and fluctuating
- How to distinguish using neutrons
- Whirlwind tour of fluctuating magnets
- Spin trimer magnetism in La4Cu3MoO12
- Frustrated spin liquid in organic magnet
- Fluctuating spin directors in spinel oxide
- Summary and Current Frontiers
17Unconventional magnetism in CuHpCl
- Negative QCW indicates AFM interactions
- No phase transition and
- Spin ladder model consistent with c(T)
18Structure of CuHpCl
CuHpCl is hydrogen bonded crystal of
Molecules possess approximate centro
symmetry Exchange interaction within molecule
Jlt1 meV
19Two lattices from H-bond exchange
20Acid test for one-dimensionality
Q // to chain
21The cruel reality
22Detailed bond energy distribution
Point size First moment
23Frustrated three dimensional spin liquid
- Introduction
- Magnets, ordered and fluctuating
- How to tell using neutrons
- Whirlwind tour of fluctuating magnets
- Spin trimer magnetism in La4Cu3MoO12
- Frustrated spin liquid in organic magnet
- Fluctuating spin directors in spinel oxide
- Summary and Current Frontiers
25ZnCr2O4 Corner sharing tetrahedra
26Signs of frustration short range order for
- Points of interest
- 2p/Qr01.4
- gt nn. AFM correlations
- No scattering at low Q
- gt satisfied tetrahedra
S.-H. Lee et al. PRL (2000)
27Fluctuating spin directors
Tchernyshyov et al. PRL (2001)
S.-H. Lee et al. Nature (2002)
- Two visions for the behavior of substances with
AFM interactions between spins - Néel Two interpenetrating anti-parallel
ferromagnets - Landau singlet formation, cooperative
paramagnetism - Neutron diffraction shows that Néels state is
possible - Inelastic neutron scattering shows that quantum
magnetism is also possible when there is
frustration and/or weak connectivity - The concept of weakly interacting composite spin
is central for understanding strongly fluctuating
- Complete mapping of S(Qw)
- Structural refinement of fluctuating objects
- Applicable to small samples early in materials
development cycle - Results under extreme thermodynamic conditions
- Theory and modeling needed to understand
onslaught of data with wide Q-w space coverage
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