Title: 802.18 Motion to 802.11
1802.18 Motion to 802.11
Agenda 5.1 Date May 15, 2002 Time 1150 am
Motion by Stevenson Seconded by Murray
Moved To approve document 18-02-002d1_IEEE_802_Op
p_98-156.doc, as posted on the 802.11 meeting
server PM Tuesday 05/14/02, as ammended by 802.15
(d2 on Venus),for filing with the FCC,
authorizing the Chair of 802.18 to add a cover
letter and certificate of service, editorial
reformat the document as appropriate (remove IEEE
802 headers and footers), revise the document
number to r0, and file electronically with the
FCC on behalf of IEEE 802 (subject to SEC
approval as per LMSC rules) prior to the filing
Approve 69 Do Not Approve 0 Abstain 22
Motion Passes
2802.18 Motion to 802.15
Agenda _ Date May 15, 2002 Time 1130 am
Motion by Stevenson Seconded by Allen
Moved To approve document 18-02-002d1_IEEE_802_Op
p_98-156.doc, as posted on the 802.15 meeting
server PM Tuesday 05/14/02, as ammended, for
filing with the FCC, authorizing the Chair of
802.18 to add a cover letter and certificate of
service, editorial reformat the document as
appropriate (remove IEEE 802 headers and
footers), revise the document number to r0, and
file electronically with the FCC on behalf of
IEEE 802 (subject to SEC approval as per LMSC
rules) prior to the filing deadline.
Approve 17 Do Not Approve 3 Abstain 6
Motion Passes as Ammended