Title: CHSA Smartcard
1CHSA Smartcard
- 2005 Behavior Based Safety Recognition Program
2- RESULTS-"We invested 20,000 in your program and
saved 1.3 Million in only 9 months....thanks
Bill! --Cathy Atkinson, WVNS - Heartland Foods-285 Recordable Injuries to
14without Injury Hiding! - Georgia Pacific Our plant of 500 employees has
just completed 5 years with no recordable injury
and that earned us the OSHA VPP Star Award!
3- Trainers,You are the Key to Success
- Significant Investment in the Program
- Monthly Poster and Smartcard
- Monthly Scratchoff Quiz Card
- Trips Prizes
- Trainer Awards
4Every month a new Safety SmartCard and matching
Safety Poster-Review this in a Monthly Safety
Meeting.-Help each person circle the correct
answer and turn in the card at the safety
meeting.-Encourage them to call the Hotline and
win trips and prizes!
5The Trainer Safety Coordinator (usually the
Trainers Bookkeeper) will distributeThe
appropriate Smartcard every 2 weeks with
paychecks to all employees. Â Â
6Monthly Drawing at the Track
- Drop completed Smartcards in the yellow box in
the Rec Room to enter the Prize Drawing. - If the track works ONE month with no lost time
injuries (LTI) one person is pulled - -if 2 weeks, two people are pulled,
- -3 weeks and 3 people and so onto a maximum of
12 cards per week. - To be eligible to win, employee must still
- Work for a trainer who participates in the
- CHSA Insurance Program
7Monthly Drawing
- If your Smartcard is drawn, you win a Scratchoff!
Scratchoffs may be saved or redeemed instantly
for a gift.
8More Ways to Win-Review these in a Monthly
Trainers Safety Meeting help each person
circle the correct answer. -Encourage them to
call the Hotline and win trips and prizes!
Trainers with the best call in rates win more
9Sonia will select every 4 months one employee
for a trip, and one TRAINER for a tripBased on
the following Employees are only eligible to
win IF their TRAINER is currently part of the
CHSA insurance program and has not a Lost Time
Injury In the previous 6 months. Trainers earn
a trip if their group has had NO LTI for the
previous 6 monthsAND the best participation on
the call in hotline!Â
10Monthly reports show which trainers have the
highest participation rates!Every six months,
the Trainer with the highest percentage of
participation will be awarded a Dream Vacation.
11The Smartcard Program offers over 3,000 Award
Choicesall awards ship to the employees home!
12Scratchoff QuizCards
- At the end of the month each Trainer with no LTI
will receive a packet of BONUS Scratchoffs Cards
(1 per employee) from Sonia Staff.
13Scratchoff QuizCards
- CHSA Safety Team provides Bookkeepers a list of
all TRAINERS who have had injuries and thus DO
NOT receive scratchoffs for the month. If they
are not on the INJURED LIST.YES they get
14Scratchoff QuizCards
- Caution! Please do make the mistake Of failing to
TRAINERS LIST. - Trainers who have injuries need the TRAINING
PROGRAM more than anyone!
15Scratchoff QuizCards
- Employees answer correctly and mail in their
cards to earn additional gifts and trips!
16We Look Forward to Working With You!