Title: History of Peace Movements
1History of Peace Movements
- Peace movements in Europe started in 1981 and
re-emerged in 1991and with the Ex-Yugoslavia
conflict. Movements sought institutional
alliances and extra institutional coalitions.
Events differently affected institutionalized and
non-institutionalized branches of the movement.
The two sectors varied in different countries.
2POS and Demobilization
- Gorbachev began new trend in 1985.
- The consequences were immediate diminished
threat kept support high but low activism. - This helped institutionalized sectors of peace
- Roots of mobilization
- Perception of global danger
- Vacuum for left movements cultural roots
- Moral utopianism
- Reaction to social control
- Antimodernism (anti-tech small world)
- Anti-Americanism and Europeanism
4Italy and the Peace Movement
- Considering 10 years of Italian Peace Movement
history it is possible to distinguish four
periods as marking different phases in the
institutionalization of left-libertarian social
movements. In this context it is necessary to
categorize Organizational Behavior, Action
Repertoires, and Ideologies.
- Over the 4 periods the movement has become more
organised and institutionalised.
Institutionalization can be very productive in
terms of movement objectives. In Italy
institutions such as the Pci and the church have
contributed to laws favorable to arms sales and
production objection, peace education, draft
objection, municipal initiatives, etc.
6Two Sectors
- The boundaries between institutionalized and
non-institutionalized sectors are flexible and
reversible, that institutionalization occurs
mainly through differential attrition and not
organizational transformation - The nature of the receiving institution shapes
the process of institutionalization
7Action Forms
- Over time "action forms" adopted by the Italian
peace movement changed. - To explain innovation, one can point to mimetic
behaviour between different organizations
(movements, churches and state) and to public
discourse and institutional decision making. - Repertoires are also related to the identity and
ideology implications of adopting different
action forms.
8Action Forms and Time
- Some action forms change meaning over time. With
the anti-cruise movement a new repertoire of
theatrical forms was adopted It included peace
dances, human chains, shake-ins, die-ins. Over
time, it became institutionalized.
9Diversity, Collaboration and Competition in the
Peace Movement
Non-Institutionalized Institutionalized
Cruise Movement Catholic Movement (Catholicism)
Persian-Gulf movement Peace Association (Left)
10Institutionalization and OB
- Institutionalization happens primarily by
attrition - The Weber-Michaels model predicted steady
organizational transformation. However if we look
at what happened in the Italian movement we see
that the institutionalized and non-institutionaliz
ed sectors react differently after deployment
only institutional activist included peace action
in a broader activist context
11Institutionalization and Psychological Processes
- With defeat, psychological processes alienate non
institutional militants. The disappearance of the
sense of immediate danger, which was
understandable to everybody and had sustained the
anti-missiles movement, engendered a motivation
crisis. - This fact led to a selection in the movement.
People with a history of political involvement
remained Conversely many unaffiliated people
12Goals Definition and Re-definition
- The lack of a unified goal caused a fragmentation
of initiatives. This fragmentation further
reduced media coverage and international
solidarity, increasing the specialized character
that pacifism was acquiring. - Without a clear goal those that remained
interested in peace and did not belong to a
multi-purpose organization, did so out of a
strong sense of ethical commitment.
13De-mobilization and Competition
- As peace lost centrality and other issues
surfaced on the social movement scene, such as
ecologist concerns, peace became one among many
other issues for busy institutional activists
(but no longer an issue about which it was easy
to mobilize simple militants), while it was
downplayed by non institutional ones. Thus peace
was more likely to be pursued in the context of a
multi-purpose organization, such as a party or a
catholic association.
- Institutionalization brought polarization of the
movement a large component of institutional
activists and a small group of devoted pacifists.
Institutions can survive after the decline of
mobilization because they have resources,
sustainers have commitment.
15Institutionalization and the Weber-Michels
- Why is the Michels model wrong? Organizations
don't change easily - There are blocks to changes in taken-for-granted
procedures - Activists' identitiespeace groups who refused to
bureaucratize - Leaders' stake nonviolent leader refused to join
larger organization - Established division of labor in organizational
field attempts to bureaucratize the peace
committees failed
16Dynamics of Institutional Selection
- Surviving institutions orient the process of
institutionalization - A) the institutional areas that have an interest
in the movement determines the characteristic of
the surviving movement - B) the moral or instrumental character of the
institution - C) the amount of institutional ambiguity which
may be intentionally used, or be the result of
internal dynamics
17Institutions and Resources
- Within institutions the flow of resources is
oriented by - The amount of freedom an institution grants to
its functionaries, and their loyalty - The importance of the issue at stake to the
institution - Whether action takes place within or without
institutional boundaries and whether support is
embarrassing - Traditional procedures. How involvement is risky.
How institution control the definition of the
18Action Forms
- Why innovation? There is a RM/NSM controversy on
whether innovation is identity or strategy
driven. It can be answered by observing who
innovates - Innovation takes place for identity reasons
- To be congruent with other institutional
repertoires - To respond to the changing strategies of
19Changes in Action Forms
- Considering variations of repertoires
effectiveness and meaning, when do they change?
Tilly provided an answer. He notes that
innovation is rare, and points to - 1 the standards of right and justice prevailing
in the population - 2 the daily routines of the population
- 3 the population internal organization
- 4 its accumulated experience with prior
collective action - 5 the patterns of repression in the world of the