- Preparing the Church for His Imminent Return
- Prepared by Lynne Levandowski, MPA, September,
2Jesus wants His Church spotless prior to His
- Mans traditions and doctrines have contributed
to 48 of believers going to hell when they die.
3God has revealed that there are no ministries on
the earth that are not contributing to this
4Gods Coming Bride
- And so My word that came from My mouth shall not
return void. For I am the Creator of all things,
the First and the Last, the I AM, the Beginning
and the End.
5You are a chosen generation. I say to you, I
will have a church without spot or wrinkle. The
same power that resurrected My Son will resurrect
that church. I say to you, choose life, not
death, and those who yield their lives to Me will
be in that church,
6For I will release that power in them. For I am
God, and you will be like My Son when you meet
Him in the air. Choose life, I say again.
7The earth is destined, and so is My church. For
I am HeWho IsWho IsWho IsGiven to Roy
Sauzek ofWord of Life Church, Winfield, Kansas,
onEaster Sunday, April 3, 1988
8There are three major spots (patterns-ways of
doing things) on the Body of Christ
- The spots are life threatening
- The spots are foundational and have to do with
foundational beliefs and practices of the
churches - The spots represent wrong patterns, un-right, or
unrighteous ways of doing things all produced by
false doctrines and traditions of men.
9The Three Major Spots Are
- 1. The Mechanics Of How The Holy Spirit Teaches
- 2. The Mechanics of Salvation
- 3. The Mechanics of Tithing Gods
Righteousness Through The Body of Christ
10Mankind needs the spotless church
- The corporate body must be cleansed from its
spots by changing its acts as a corporate body
to become a spotless church, before the return of
Christ. - When Jesus comes He is not going to reward a
church that is spotted and committing acts of
harlotry. It must change!
11Cleansing Before Glory!
- For the Church to marry Jesus, it must come into
Covenant with Him. - Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to
Him for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and
his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was
granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen,
clean and white for the fine linen is the
righteousness of the saints. -
Rev. 19 7, 8
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