Title: The future of the Bologna Process
1The future of the Bologna Process
- Bologna beyond 2010
- The Prague Students Declaration
- Ligia Deca
- ESU Chairperson
- National Training Seminar for Bologna Experts
- 17-18 March 2009, Malta
2A long story short
- 1982 WESIB was founded by seven unions
- 1989 The Wall fell and WESIB changed to ESIB
- 1999 The Bologna Process starts and ESIB creates
content committees - ESIB turns into ESIB The National Unions of
Students in Europe - 2007 ESIB is renamed into ESU
- 2008 EUA and ENQA ask ESU for
- students in external evaluations
3Over 11 millions of students in Europe!
4Putting forward an agenda
5Bologna chez nous hijacking the agenda
- Bologna Process à la carte by Governments and
universities - Confusion during implementation
- Protests for mixing up reform agendas
- Lack of public debate about Bologna at home
- Misunderstanding of the concepts and decisions
- Tuition fees and removing students from HEI
Boards - Students starting to protest (Greece, Croatia,
Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Ireland
6Merging Bologna and Lisbon?
7Do you see any similarity to a Process we know?
8Current debates in the BFUG
- Rankings for assessing quality
- Importance of private funding
- Concrete goals for social dimension and mobility
- Improving data collection and use
- Competition with other regions of the world
- Student centred learning
- Lifelong learning, employability and the crisis
- Education and research
- An agenda for 2020!
9ESUs contribution to the new agenda
- Towards 2020 a student centred Bologna
Process Policy Paper (Nov. 2008) - Prague Student Declaration (Feb. 2009)
- Main messages
- Prioritise public funding not tuition fees
- European target for access and completion
- National goals for minorities in higher education
- 20 of the European students should be mobile
- Internationalisation for exchange not for profit
- Lifelong learning with quality as a right for all
- Student participation in all levels (also
agencies) - Better information from QA not rankings
10Our vision on the renewed BP
- The creation of the EHEA, with the following
features - High quality of its higher education provision
- Its focus on catering for diverse student and
societal needs and - Its capacity to ensure equal opportunities for
all, free from discrimination and barriers to the
development of the full potential of its
citizens. - The core values needed to guide the achievement
of such goals are student participation and
academic freedom within a framework which
enshrines education as both a public good and a
public responsibility
11Demand for ministerial commitments to 2020 (1)
- Focus on the completion of the already existing
action lines in a comprehensive and measurable
manner -gt clear benchmarks in all policy areas - Increase the knowledge and accountability of the
Bologna Process to the wider public - Student participation at all levels
(institutional, national and European) - Commitment for the full implementation of the BP
over the next decade - gt increased public
financing - Free access for all to a quality HE
- Diversifying student population and increasing
participation and completion rates for the
typical age cohort
12Demand for ministerial commitments to 2020 (2)
- Strive for commiting to and progressing towards a
20 mobile students by 2020 overall European
benchmark (outward cross-border mobility,
balanced across the EHEA) - Multi-level coordination of mobility financing
- Easing visa and work permits regulations
- Creation of European guidelines for RPL as an
essential part of both LLL and mobility - Governmental responsibility for the quality of
TNE - Increased policy dialogue with other regions,
with a strong student and stakeholder involvement
component, but not exporting or marketising
13Demand for ministerial commitments to 2020 (3)
- Enhancement of high quality, flexible, and more
individually tailored education paths QF, ECTS
and LO - LLL integral part of the education system,
subject to the same principles (not a pocket
Swiss knife concept) - The search for quality, equity and access in LLL,
as a widening participation tool - Transparency through sound QA and stakeholder
involvement, while not encouraging shallow league
tables that only focus on a reduced number of
assesment criteria - How reliable is a ranking positioning?
14Study case THES (Times HE Supplement Ranking)
- The University of Osaka, Japan went from position
69 in 2004 to 105 in 2005 and back to 70 in 2006.
- Ecole Polytechnique, France, moved from position
27 in 2004 to 10 in 2005 and to 37 in 2006. - The University of Geneva went from not being
ranked in 2004, to position 88 in 2005 to
position 39 in 2006 - Interesting effects
- University of Malaya dropped 80 places in the
THES rankings without any decline in its real
performance due to definitional changes. This
resulted in a replacement of the Vice-Chancellor
and embarrassed the university, which claimed in
an advertisement two months shy of the 2005 THES
results, that it strived to be among the 50 best
universities by 2020.
- The future is yet to come, but its direction is
to be decided quite soon - When in doubt, ask the students!
- (Germain Dondelinger CoE conference in Moscow
16- Thank you for your attention!
- Ligia Deca
- ligia_at_esu-online.org
- www.esu-online.org