Title: Francisco Vasquez de Coronado
1Francisco Vasquez de Coronado
founded in 1989
- Annette L. Barber ED. S.
- Principal
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado Elementary Excellin
g 2004-2005 2005-2006
3Every morning 658 students rush through our main
4Our Classrooms
Coronados classrooms display students work on
their walls.
5Our Library
Our Library has over 28,000 books.
6Our Computer Lab has reading programs like LEXIA
and Lets Go.
Our Computer Lab
Coronado has two play grounds.
7Our Cafeteria
Our cafeteria has a stage for band, orchestra and
school functions.
8Our Winter Wonderland!
9Francisco Vasquez de Coronado is made up of 28
classrooms 2 playgrounds 1 cafeteria / multi
purpose room 1 learning center 1 library / media
center 1 office / workroom / lounge 1 computer
lab and. 58 wonderful employees!
10Francisco Vasquez de Coronado is seeking
responsible, enthusiastic individuals to join our
team. The following positions are available
1 second grade teacher 2 third grade teachers 1
fourth grade teacher 1 resource teacher
11Come join our Coronado Team!
12You cant build a reputation on what you are
going to do. Henry Ford
13Thank you for visiting Francisco Vasquez de
Coronado www.nusd.k12.az.us/Schools/Coronado Â