Title: By: Pauline and Nicole
1This project is about pop rocks and how they pop
By Pauline and Nicole
2PoP rOcKs HiStOry 101!
Pop rocks was invented by William A. Mitchell in
1975. It was introduced to the public in 1979.
It has been tested safe and they even set up a
hotline to tell parents that their kids would not
explode. The Pop Rocks company stopped making
them in 1983. But in 1985 they were back out on
the market as Action Candy.
3What Pop Rocks Are Made Of?
- They are made of
- Sugar
- Lactose
- Flavoring
- Carbon Dioxide
4Physical Chemical Properties of the Materials
Sugar physical- solid ,white,melts at 186ºC,
compound, chemical - Lactose physical
-melting point 202º chemical - Flavoring
physical - chemical - Carbon Dioxide physical
- gas chemical -
5Why are the ingredients used?
Sugar- It is used to make it sweeter and gives
you lots of energy. Plus, all candy contains
sugar. Corn Syrup-Corn Syrup is used in Pop Rocks
as a sweetener to make the product
sweeter. Flavoring- Flavoring is used to give the
Pop Rocks flavor. Some flavors are watermelon,
tropical, strawberry, blueberry and
cherry. Carbon Dioxide- Carbon dioxide is the key
to make Pop Rocks pop.
6How Pop Rocks Are Made
To make Pop Rocks, the hot sugar mixture is
allowed to mix with carbon dioxide gas at about
600 pounds per square inch . The carbon dioxide
gas forms tiny, 600 bubbles in the candy. Once it
cools, you release the pressure and the candy
shatters, but the pieces still contain the
high-pressure bubbles.
Sugarcane is a tropical grass native to Asia
where it has been grown in gardens for over 4,000
years. Over 62 of sugar comes from sugarcane.
Sugarcane planting takes place during late August
through January. Sugar is made in the leaves of
the sugarcane plant by a natural process called
photosynthesis. Raw sugar is stored in high piles
in large warehouses to await shipment to a
8The Legend of Pop Rocks
The legend is that if you eat pop rocks with soda
you will explode. Coke is the favorite legend,
but other favorites are milk, root beer, Pepsi,
Dr. Pepper, Zima, and Mountain Dew. This Urban
Legend is false.
9Effecting the Environment
The disposal of Pop Rocks effects the environment
because it is dispose in landfills and the more
landfills we have, the more room we take up.
www.poprockscandy.com www.howstuffworks.com
11ByNcole And Pauline