Title: Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit Somalia
1Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit -Somalia
Post Gu 09 Assessment Analysis Northeast
Region August 2009
2Gu 09 Seasonal Assessment Coverage Field
Access and Field Data Locations
3 Main Livelihood Groups Sources of Food
and Income
- Livelihood Groups Main Sources
- of Food and Income
- 8 Pastoral Livelihoods (Hawd, Sool, Nugal
valley, Addun, Golis/Gebi, Dharoor and coastal
Deeh) - Primary sources of income of poor sale of
livestock livestock products - Primary sources of food of poor purchase
- Primary livelihood assets of poor camel,
4Climate Performance of the Gu 09 Season
- Gu Seasonal Rains (April- June)
- Start of Season Started on time in Bari regions
and late in Mudug region -
- Temporal and Spatial Distribution Ended early in
all regions and localized dry in April (1st to
2nd Dekads), May (2nd Dekad) and, also, dry in
June. - Near normal rains Jerriban, Galkayo, Iskusuban,
Qardho, Qandala and Bosaso districts - Poor rains Hawd, Addun and Nugal valley LZs
5Climate Vegetation Conditions
NDVI/RFE trend by district land cover
6Civil Insecurity
- Civil security situation
- Bossaso district Land dispute on pastoral
boundary of Kobdhahad village between two clans - B/Bayla-(Dhudub village) Resource based
conflict resulted in death cases - Galkacyo Occasional killing by unidentified
groups targeting prominent community members and
Government - Presence of sea pirates
- Direct and Indirect Impacts on Food Security
and Nutrition - Low impact on rural livelihoods, in general
- Restriction of livestock movement in parts of
Bari due to clan conflict - Limited global trade movement due to sea pirates
- Increased IDPs and destitute pastoralist in
main towns due to civil insecurity in Mogadishu
Source FSAU Protection Cluster
Gu 09 Cereal Flow July09
8 Agriculture
- Northeast Regional Trends in Cereal Prices
Terms of Trade
Regional Trend in Cereal Prices (Rice)
Regional Trends in Terms of Trade Cereal to
Labor (kg rice /daily wage)
9 Agriculture
- Northeast Regional Trends in Cereal Prices
Terms of Trade
- Regional Trend in
- Cereal Prices
- (Sorghum)
Regional Trends in Terms of Trade Cereal to
Labor (kg of sorghum /daily wage)
Rangeland Conditions and Livestock Migration July
- Poor performance of Gu 09 season
- Negatively affected both rangeland and water
conditions - Resulting in poor livestock body conditions and
milk production - Leading to stressed and abnormal migration in
most areas
Trends in Livestock Holdings and Milk Production
12Livestock Livestock, Water and Pasture/Browse
Average camel body condition Iskushuban water
source Iskushuban district Kakaar pastoral
Gu 09
Early water trucking started in Sool Plateau
Meygaag B/Beyla district Sool plateu Gu 2009
Average browse condition Conqorro, Alula
district Golis Gu 09
13Regional Trends in Goat Prices Terms of Trade
Regional Average Monthly Prices Local Quality
Goat (SoSh)
Trends in Livestock Exports and Export Quality
Goat Prices
Bossaso Total Annual Livestock Exports (Heads)
Compared to 5-year Average
Bossaso Livestock Exports (Heads) and Export
Quality Goat Prices (US)
Imported Commodity Prices, Labour
- Factors Affecting Commercial Import Price
Declines (last six months) - Declining global prices
- Increased commercial imports
- Appreciated/ Stable SoSh
- Factors Affecting Wage Labor Availability
- Lower investments in construction activities
- Low brokerage activities in livestock marketing
16Summary of Nutrition Findings
17Summary of Nutrition Findings
Nutrition Situation Estimates - Regional Maps
Nutrition Situation Estimates, August 2009
Nutrition Situation Estimates, January 2009
19IPC Analysis Templates
Overall Statements
20IPC Analysis Templates
Overall Statements
21Summary Progression of Rural IPC Situation
- Key IPC Reference Outcomes
- HE Poor (100) population in Hawd and Addun
LZs - Acute malnutrition greater than usual and
increasing - Food Access severe entitlement gap, unable to
meet 2100 kcal ppp day - Water Access accessed via livelihood asset
stripping - Destitution/Displacement emerging (Mudug, Nugal
regions) - Coping distress strategies with increasing
trend - Livelihood Assets accelerated and critical
depletion - Main Causes
- Four consecutive seasons of poor rainfall leading
to - consecutive seasons of poor pasture and water
conditions - limited livestock production and high livestock
off-take - High food and non-food prices, higher than normal
water costs - Reduced household income
22Summary Progression of Rural IPC Situation
- Key IPC Reference Outcomes
- AFLC with moderate risk to HE Poor (100)
population in Nugal Valley - Acute malnutrition greater than usual and
increasing - Food Access lack of entitlement, 2100 kcal ppp
day via livelihood asset stripping - Water Access accessed via livelihood asset
stripping - Destitution/Displacement emerging
- Coping distress strategies with increasing
trend - Livelihood Assets accelerated and critical
depletion - Main Causes
- Two consecutive seasons of poor rainfall leading
to - consecutive seasons of poor pasture and water
conditions - limited livestock production and high livestock
off-take - High food and non-food prices, higher than normal
water costs - Reduced household income
23IPCEstimated Rural Population in AFLC HE
24IPCEstimated Rural Population in AFLC HE
25IPCEstimated Urban Population in AFLC HE