Title: Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit Somalia
1Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit -Somalia
Post Gu 09 Assessment Analysis Central
Regions August 2009
2Gu 09 Seasonal Assessment Coverage Field
Access and Field Data Locations
3 Main Livelihood Groups Sources of Food and
- Livelihood Groups Main Sources of Food and
Income - 4 Pastoral Livelihoods (Hawd Plateau, Addun,
Coastal Deeh and Southern Inland Pastoralists - Primary sources of income of poor sale of
livestock livestock products - Primary sources of food of poor purchase
- Primary livelihood asset of poor camel,
sheep/goat, with cattle being less dominant
Livelihood Zones
- Central Agro-pastoral Livelihood Cowpea, Sheep
Goats, Camel, Cattle (South Mudug, Galgaduud and
Middle Shabelle). Farm size is 3-4 Ha and mostly
reserved for fodder use for own livestock. Cowpea
Agro-pastoral are more pastoral than
agriculturalists. Main sources of income sale of
livestock livestock products, crop sales and
bush product sales Main source of food
4Climate Performance of the Gu 09 Season
- Gu Seasonal Rains (April- June)
- Start of Season started late
- Temporal and Spatial Distribution Ended early,
erratic, patchy and localized - Dry in all parts of the regions April(1st 2nd
dekad), May (2nd 3rd dekad) June (1st , 2nd
3rd dekad) - Extremely poor rains Hawd, Addun, Coastal deeh
and Southern Inland Pastoralists of Galgaduud and
Mudug Central Agro-pastoral (40-60mm) - Near Normal rains Localized areas of Cowpea belt
Livelihood Zone of Elder district
5Climate Vegetation Condition
NDVI LTM Trend Analysis by district land cover
6Civil Insecurity
- Civil Security Situation
- Resource based conflict in Xaradheere district
(August 09) but under control by the elders and
local authorities. - Clashes between the Local Militia and Al-shabab
erupted in Elder district and likely to escalate
further - Direct and Indirect Impacts on Food Security
Nutrition - Medium Impact Short-term restrictions on
movement and trade in Xaradheere following land
dispute - High impact and long-term restrictions on
movements and trade in Elder and Increasing IDP
due to civil insecurity
Source FSAU Protection Cluster
Gu 09 Crops complete cowpea crop failure due
to lack of rains
Cowpea crop affected by pests in Elder, July 09
- Agro-pastoralists have experienced successive
seasons of crop failure due to the following
reasons - No rainfall in most of the Cowpea Belt areas
- High pests attack in localized areas of Elder,
which received near normal rains - High winds at early stage level wilting the crop
- Sand dunes covering both crops and shallow wells
Crop failure due poor rains in Haradere, July 09
Green Crop affected by worm in Elder, July 09
Gu 09 Commercial Cereal Flow July 09
9Agriculture Regional Trends in Cereal Prices
Terms of Trade
- Regional Trend in
- Cereal Prices
- (Sorghum)
Regional Trends in Terms of Trade Cereal to
Labor (sorghum kg /daily wage)
- Regional Trends in Cereal Prices Terms of Trade
Regional Trend in Cereal Prices (Rice)
Regional Trends in Terms of Trade Cereal to
Labor ( rice kg /daily wage)
Rangeland Conditions and Livestock Migration July
- Extremely poor performance of Gu 09 season
- Tremendous deterioration of both rangeland and
water conditions - Resulting in very poor livestock body
conditions/production - Leading to over-stressed and forced abnormal
migration within the regions
12Livestock Sector
Trends in Livestock Holdings and Milk Production
Regional Trends in Local Goat Prices Terms of
Regional Trends in Terms of Trade Cereal to
Goat (rice kg/head)
14Livestock Livestock Body, Water and Pasture
Poor camel and pasture in Dhusamareb, , July 09
Emaciated camel body condition in Dhusamareb ,
July 09
Poor cattle body condition in Elder district, ,
July 09
Empty Berked in Abudwak, July 09
Poor pasture and early migration in the coastal
of Hobyo, July 09
Imported Commodity Prices, Labour
- Factors Affecting Commercial Import Price
Declines (last six months) - Declining global prices
- Increased commercial imports
- Appreciated/ Stable SoSh
- Factors Affecting Wage Labor Availability
- Low brokerage activities in livestock marketing
- Increased trade activities
Shabelle Region Trend in Imported Commodity
Prices compared to Exchange Rate
16Summary of Nutrition Findings
Nutrition Situation Estimates
Nutrition Situation Estimates, January 2009
Nutrition Situation Estimates, August 2009
18IPC Analysis Templates
Overall Statements
19IPC Analysis Templates
Overall Statements
20 IPCSummary Progression of Rural IPC Situation
- Key IPC Reference Outcomes (HE Hawd 100 Poor
and 50 Middle Agro-pastoral 100 Poor, 75
Middle Southern Inland pastoral 100 Poor, 25
Middle Coastal Deeh 100 Poor, 75 Middle) - Acute malnutrition Critical in Hawd and Addun
Pastoral but Serious in Coastal Deeh and Central
agro-pastoral and increasing - Food Access Severe entitlement gap, unable to
meet 2,100 Kcal ppp day - Water Access Average of 6.6 ltrs ppp day ( human
usage only) - Destitution/Displacement Concentration,
increasing (e.g. Galgaduud and south Mudug) - Coping Distress strategies and increasing
- Livelihood Assets Near complete irreversible
depletion or loss of assets - Main Causes
- 5 Consecutive seasons of rain failure leading to
- consecutive seasons of crop failures
- limited livestock production reproduction and
high livestock off-take - High food and non-food prices, high water prices
and depletion of pasture - Significant decline of household income
21 IPCEstimated Rural Population in AFLC HE
22 IPCEstimated Rural Population in AFLC HE
23 IPCEstimated Urban Population in AFLC HE
24Destitute Pastoral IDPs in Guricel town of
Galgadud region, this photo is taken by FSNAU FA
in May 09