Title: EGN1007
1EGN1007 Engineering Concepts and
Methods Welcome!!!
2Course Description
- Engineering Concepts and Methods EGN1007 1(1,2)
. - Introduction to the use of computer and
applications software in solving engineering
problems. Introduction to the concepts of
engineering design through the use of teams
engineering communication engineering
professionalism and ethics. - PR New student status or C.I., EGN 1006C and ENC
1101 CR SPC 1016.
3About the Professor
- Dr. Eduardo Divo
- Ph.D., Numerical Thermo-Physics. Mechanical,
Materials, and Aerospace Engineering Department
(MMAE), UCF, 1998. - Engineering Technology Department (ENT) since
2003 - Mechanical, Materials, and Aerospace Engineering
Department (MMAE) since 1998 - Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics Department
in UNITEC since 1991
4About the Professor
Undergraduate courses taught Introduction to the
Engineering Profession, Engineering Concepts and
Methods, Engineering Graphics, C/C Programming,
PLC Programming, Senior Design, Materials and
Processes, Strength of Materials, Computer
Numerical Controls, Metrology and
Instrumentation, Computer Applications, Numerical
Modeling Methods, Fluid Mechanics I, Fluid
Mechanics II, Applied Fluid Mechanics, Heat
Transfer, Thermodynamics I, Thermodynamics II,
Applied Thermodynamics, College Algebra, Calculus
I, Calculus II, Calculus III, Differential
Equations, Advanced Math I, and Advanced Math
II. Graduate courses taught Mathematical
Methods in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
Boundary Element Methods, and Conduction Heat
5About the Professor
Research Interests Meshless Methods, Boundary
Element Methods, Computational Fluid Dynamics,
Applied Mathematics, Numerical Heat Transfer,
Inverse Problems, Optimization, Genetic
Algorithms, High-Performance Parallel Computing,
and Virtual Reality. Research Publications 3
Books Authored/Edited, 3 Book Chapters Authored,
26 Refereed Journal Papers, 60 Refereed
Conference Papers, 10 Refereed Conference
6About the Class Coordinators
- Heather Christensen
- hchriste_at_mail.ucf.edu
- Industrial Engineer, UCF, 2005.
- Current Graduate Student in IEMS Department
- Coordinator of lecture evaluation, CPS, and
logistics. - Note Any questions pertaining the lecture should
be addressed to Heather. Remember to include
EGN1007 Your Name NID - Section
7About the Class Coordinators
- Salvadore Gerace
- sgerace_at_mail.ucf.edu
- Mechanical Engineer, UCF, 2006.
- Current Graduate Student in MMAE Department
- Labs and project coordinator.
8Textbooks and Resources
- Lockhart, S., A Tutorial Guide to AutoCAD 2006,
Nayfeh, J. (ed.), Pearson-Prentice Hall (ISBN
0-536-97227-3), 2006. - Etter, D., Kuncicky, D., and Moore, H.,
Introduction to the MATLAB 7, Nayfeh, J. (ed.),
Pearson-Prentice Hall (ISBN 0-536-85867-5), 2005.
- CPS Electronic Transmitter. Available at UCF
9CPS Electronic Transmitter
10CPS Electronic Transmitter
Please select University of Central Florida.
DO NOT select UCF.
11CPS Electronic Transmitter
If you have an account from a previous term,
click "Log in Here and skip to slide Enroll in
a Class.
Your serial number is at the top on the back of
your CPS remote.
12CPS Electronic Transmitter
Create a username and password. REMEMBER it, as
you may need to access it again throughout the
You MUST enter your FIRST AND LAST NAME here!! If
you do not, you WILL NOT receive credit in class.
13CPS Electronic Transmitter
Please confirm your username, password, serial
number, AND your first and last name!!
Note Do not use this class key or serial
numberthis is just a sample!!
14CPS Electronic Transmitter
15CPS Electronic Transmitter
The Class Key will be provided to you by your
instructor. Remember you will have TWO different
class keys. One for lecture class and one for
lab. Note Do not use this class key or serial
numberthis is just a sample!!
16CPS Electronic Transmitter
The 15.00 option is necessary for this semester.
Choosing another option is at your discretion.
17CPS Electronic Transmitter
Please enter your billing information and
18CPS Electronic Transmitter
Please enter your credit card information and
19CPS Electronic Transmitter
20CPS Electronic Transmitter
21CPS Electronic Transmitter
22CPS Electronic Transmitter
Once you have enrolled in the lecture class and
get to this screen, you MUST click Enroll in a
Class to register for your lab section. You
will then repeat the enrollment process
previously shown. Once you have enrolled in both
classesyou should see them in this screen
23CPS Registration Keys
- Lecture Registration keys
- 1030 1120AM s26289e65
- 1130 1220PM 226289i65
- 1230 120PM 326289i46
24Class Meetings
- Lectures Invited speeches by university,
industry, service personalities. Once per week in
CSB 101. Three (3) separate sessions on Fridays
at 1030 a.m., 1130 a.m., and 1230 a.m. - Labs AutoCAD and Matlab tutorials and exercises.
Once per week in ENGR1. (check your schedule for
exact room and time)
25Course Evaluation
- Student's course performance will be evaluated
using the following components - Lecture Attendance Quizzes 30.
- Laboratories (Attendance, Participation,
Quizzes) 45. - Great Navel Orange Race Project (Competition and
Report) 25. - A90-100 B80-89 C70-79 D60-69 F0-59.
26Class Rules
- There will be NO makeup quizzes, however your
lowest lab grade and 2 lowest lecture grades will
be dropped before final grades are calculated. - Any academic dishonesty (cheating, copying,
plagiarism, etc.) with respect to any homework,
project, or exam for this class will result in a
grade of F, following the usual procedures for
dealing with such behavior as described in the
UCF Golden Rule a handbook for students. - Any student caught possessing more than one CPS
transmitter will receive an F for the course.
The act of having more than one CPS transmitter
in your possession, at ANY time, will be
considered cheating. The instructor reserves the
right to pursue action pursuant to the Golden
Rule upon any instance of cheating, even the
first one. The owner(s) of ALL transmitters in
question will receive an F for the course.
27Course Calendar
28Course Calendar
29Course Calendar
30Course Calendar