Title: DMIS Tools Course
1- DMIS Tools Course
- Lesson 12 - Specific Needs Request
DMIS Web Services Release 2.3
- Specific Needs Requests
- Creating Specific Needs Requests (SNRs)
- Sending SNRs
- Replying to SNRs
- Viewing Replies
- Specific Needs Request/Replies Reports
- SNR No-Nos
3Introduction to SNRs
- Request resources for incident response and
recovery - Conduct an active exchange of logistics
information between requestors and providers - The Specific Needs Request/Replies screen lists
- All requests
- Request line items
- Associated replies
4Overall SNR Process
Requesting COG
- Select relevant incident record
- Access DMIS SNR functions
- Create the Request (Header)
- Add line items to the Request
- Check that last Post includes desired SNR
recipients (make new posting if necessary) - Use SEND command to distribute the Request
- Select relevant incident record
- Access DMIS SNR functions
- View Incoming requests
- Select Reply and enter data
- Enter relevant Reply data e.g., the quantity
your organization can contribute - Use SEND command to send the Reply back to the
requesting COG
Replying COG(s)
5Accessing the Specific Needs Request/Replies
- Because a Specific Needs Request must be
associated with an Incident, you must either have
an Incident record open, or you must have the
Incident highlighted on the Incident List in
order to work with this function.
6Using the Specific Needs RequestReplies Screen
- The upper part of the Specific Needs
Request/Replies screen displays the request
headers for the selected Incident. The lower part
of the screen displays the line items of the
request and the associated replies.
7Creating Specific Needs Requests
- Only the SNR Number field is required. The SNR
Number field is used to identify the SNR, and can
contain text and numbers.
8Creating Specific Needs Requests Adding Headers
- Once you add a row for a request header, you may
not save the record (or any other record) until
you have filled in the required fields for a
9Creating Specific Needs Requests Contact
10Entering Requestor Information
- While none of the fields on this screen are
required, it may be helpful to the organizations
replying to the request to have the information.
11Entering Deliver To Information
- The SNR Deliver/Attention To screen is used to
enter information about where to deliver the
requested equipment or where requested personnel
should report.
12Adding Request Line Items
Because you may need multiple items, the line
item area allows you to enter information for
each item on the request.
13Adding Request Line Items(cont.)
The Line Item Number is auto-generated and cannot
be edited. Only Item Name and Quantity are
required fields.
14Editing Specific Needs Requests
- You can edit either the request header
information or the line item information of a
15Sending Specific Needs Requests
- WARNING The Incident must have been posted at
least once in order to send a Specific Needs
16Sending Specific Needs Requests (cont.)
- When a Specific Needs Request is sent, it goes to
ALL COGs to which the Incident was last posted.
17Sending Specific Needs Requests (cont.)
While a subsequent posting of an Incident without
any additional sending of requests will result in
a version without the SNR icon on the posted to
COGs Incident List, it really doesnt matter!
18Replying to Specific Needs Requests
You can reply to a received posted Incident if
the SNR icon is present.
19Replying to Specific Needs Requests (cont.)
20Sending Specific Needs Request Replies
- When a reply is sent, it goes to ALL COGs to
which that version of the Incident was posted.
21Attempt to Reply to an Earlier Incident Version
- WARNING If an Incident is posted again after you
have received a Specific Needs Request, you
cannot send a reply on the Incidents previous
22Editing Specific Needs Replies
- You can edit the line item information of a reply.
23Requesting COG Viewing of Replies
- To view the replies for your request, you must
first select a SENT request header.
24Specific Needs RequestsReplies Reports
- Reports that are available when the Specific
Needs Request is in focus (selected).
25Specific Needs RequestsReplies Reports (cont.)
- SNR detail reports provide request and reply
information by line item.
26Exporting and Saving Reports
- You have two options for the format in which to
save a report.
27SNR No-NosRequestor Deletions
- Requestors may NOT delete a sent request header,
a Version 0 of a sent request, or a sent
requested line item.
28SNR No-NosRequestor Additions
- Requestors may NOT add line items to a SENT
version of a Specific Needs Request.
29SNR No-NosReplier Additions / Deletions to
- Repliers CANNOT add rows to or delete rows from
an incoming request.
30SNR No-NosReplier - Reply Deletions
- You CANNOT delete rows from sent replies.
31End of DMIS Tools Course Lesson 12Specific
Needs Request