Title: SASIxp
1 SASIxp Basic Query
2- SASIxp
Query Atom -
- The Query atom enables you to search up to four
atom data files at once to extract the
information you need - from the SASIxp database. You can also use the
Query atom to conduct a complex search in one
data file. - The system conducts each query search based on
criteria and conditions you define in a query
statement. -
- You can work from the Query atom to
- Print specified data produced by a query in a
matrix, in a report, or on labels. - Save a query in a Query statement for repeated
use. - Save the data produced by a query in a Query
Data atom for future use. - Create and print a report for which no
program-supplied option exists. - Save a query statement as a filter in a Filter
atom. Filters work in the background to
prescreen data, so only records - that meet filter criteria are available when
you search for records, perform another query, or
run reports. -
3- Considerations for Queries
- When you select data files, you must select a
file for the first column first, for the second
column second, and so on. - The data files available for each column
depend on the data file selected for the column
ahead of it. Only - data files with related data are available.
You may select the file from the pull-down menu
designated with a - or you may manually type the file name in
capital letters. - You can select data fields from columns in
order on the files as displayed or you can select
data fields out of order - on the files as displayed. You may select
the field from the file list by double-clicking
the name or you may - type the field name.
- If you replace the data file in a column, the
system removes fields selected from that file
from the query statement. - If data files in subsequent columns are not
related to the replacement file, those files are
cleared and any fields - selected from them are removed from the query
statement. - A black dot beside a data field in a column
indicates a link to another data file. You can
click a field marked by a dot - drop it on another column to select its file
for the column. - You can clear any part of the query statement
by backspacing over it or highlighting it and
pressing the space bar. You
4Query Statement Field
Command Field
Column Heading Preview Bar
Condition Choices
Selected Files
Fields Within Selected File(s)
Run Query Button
By default, this screen reflects only active
students information. You may view data for
inactive students if you click the Show Inactive
Records radio button.
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6 Locating the Query
Atom After logging onto SASIxp, you may access
the Query Atom by opening the SASIxp Modules
Globe, then the Utilities folder which holds the
Query Atom. This atom may also be accessed from
the users toolbar if previously added to the
toolbar. The Query icon is yellow with a
question mark in the center.
- Open the Query atom
- DISPLAY is the default
- command
- ASTU (student file) is the
- default file
8- Replace ASTU if needed by
- selecting file from drop-down
- menu
- Select additional files as
- needed in the second column,
- then third column, etc
- Double-click desired fields listed
- with each selected file. The field
- names will appear in the query
- statement. You many delete
- field names from the statement
- by double-clicking the field name
- a second time.
- Click Show Inactive Records if
- inactive student data is
- desired
9- Query data is displayed
- You may print the query
- results if desired
- You may select REVISE
- to return to the original
- query window
- Click CLOSE upon
- completion
- As query fields are selected,
- the fields names are placed
- in the query statement.
- Column headers are placed
- in the Column Header
- Preview Bar.
- You may resize the columns
- as needed by placing cursor
- on the column header
- dividing line.
- When cursor displays a
- double-
- sided arrow,
- drag cursor until desired
- spacing is achieved.
- Build query, click DO to display data
- Select FILE from the menu bar, choose PRINT
- Click OK to print
- OR Select An Expanded Table if displayed
- data exceeds the visible window
- Complete print process by
- selecting appropriate printer, etc.
- Build query as desired
- Click Query from menu bar
- Select Save Query
- Name query, click OK
- Query will display on desktop
- upon closing the Query atom
- Double-click to open as needed
- The IF condition denotes the beginning of all
conditions that must be met by the data selected
by a query. - Multiple conditions may be used but a
connector must be inserted in the the query
statement such as AND, - OR, NOT, or IN between each condition phrase.
- IF must follow field names to be displayed in
the query result. All criteria following IF are
considered - action words and are not displayed as column
headers. - IF works much like a filter. The result of
the following two examples will be identical - 1) DISPLAY ASTU LastName FirstName IF Grade
06 - 2) Create filter KEEP ASTU IF Grade 06
- Run query with active filter DISPLAY
ASTU LastName FirstName
- Using the SORT condition determines the order
query data is displayed. - SORT must be placed last in the query
statement, following all other conditions. - You may multiple sort fields with the first
field being primary, etc. - Below are examples
of sorting data in various ways
Sorted by gender first, then last name, then
first name.
Sorted by grade level, then gender, then last
name, then first name.
Sorted by last name then first name.
- Many times files are linked by specific
- fields. Possible field links have a
- followed by the field name.
- Default links are displayed above the
- file header column.
- You may drag and drop an alternate
- field link to change the query results.
- Counselor for
- this student is
- Wright
- Advisor for
- this student is
- Robertson
17No change to the linked fields will display
counselor name as defined in the student atom.
18Changing only the linked field from Counselor to
Advisor will display Advisor name as defined in
the Student atom.
- Filters screen data so that only records that
meet filter criteria are available when you
search for records - or run reports. Filters perform this
screening function while they are stored in the
System Filter Folder. - Filters use commands KEEP and SKIP.
- The DO button on a query window is replaced
with a Save Filter button when using filter
commands. - Filters are automatically placed in the System
Filter folder when saved. The filter is active
as long as - you leave a saved filter in the folder.
- A brief red warning message appears in the
message center when you open any screen with an
active - filter.
- Remove or inactivate filter by opening the
System Filter folder, drag and drop the filter
onto desktop. - You may re-activate the filter by dragging
and dropping it into the System Filter folder.
20- Open Query atom
- Change command to KEEP
- or SKIP
- Choose files as desired
- Double-click fields as desired
- Click Save Filter when complete
NOTE This filter keeps all students defined as
males in the Student atom.
- Assign filter name
- Click OK
- A funnel will appear
- in the message
- center designating
- active filter.
21- Queries, reports, student
- searches, etc. will display
- only males as defined by
- the active filter.
- Remove filter by double-clicking the System
folder - Folder will open into a window, drag and drop
the - filter out of the folder onto desktop.
- The funnel will disappear from the message
- You may print query data onto labels using the
LABELS command in the command field of the query
screen. - You can use this function for many reasons such
as to print mailing labels for all students or a
selected group, - to print folder labels with limited
information, or to print locker information for
students. - Enter two backstlashes to denote beginning of a
new label. - Line breaks on labels are determined by a
single backslash in the query statement. - Enter a comma within quotation marks if you
want a comma between fields. - Enter a space with quotation marks in you want
a space between fields. - You may preview the query results before
printing the labels by clicking PREVIEW at the
bottom of the - query window.
The following is a query example of mailing
labels for all students LABELS ASTU \\ "To the
Parent/Guardian of" \ FirstName " " LastName \
MailAddr \ City ", " State "
" ZipCode
23- You may preview the
- query results prior to
- printing by clicking
- the PREVIEW radio
- button.
- You will be prompted
- to select label type
- when you preview
- or print labels.
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