Title: PowerPointpresentatie
1DARES Foundation Established May 12,
2004c/o de Savornin Lohmanplantsoen 45, 2253
VN Voorschoten,The Netherlands
2 DARES Recent developments, current focus,
challengesGAREC 2009, Tokyo, Japan Joop Verdoes,
PA1JAV (ex V8AJV, VK2IAT)Secretary DARES
3- Setting the SceneHistory
- 2003 Approval of Emcomm by HAMs in Region 1.
- 2004 DARES Foundation was legally established.
- 2004-current Development of the organisation,
lobbying PR, mobilising HAMs. - 2007 DARES formally recognised by The Dutch
Ministry of Internal Affairs and
Kingdomrelations. - 2008 DARES becomes a registered trademark.
4- Setting the SceneOrganisation
- The Foundation is the one and only legal entity.
- The Foundation consists of a Board, which has a
maximum of 7 members. - The participants are organised in 25 regions,
which align with the Dutch Safety Regions of the
government. - Each DARES Region (DR) has a Region Coordinator
(RC), appointed by the Board. - There is no legal relationship between the
Foundation and the 400 participants.
5THE Key milestonewas the formal recognition in
2007 by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and
Kingdomrelations. It was accompanied with a
directive for all Dutch Safety Regions to make
provisions for DARES in their plans and
scenarios (but no mention of the scope!). This
re-energised the Board as well many of the
participants. It legitimised in a social sense
the existence of DARES and opened doors for
discussions and presentations etc.
6- Achievements (1)Internal
- Monthly test practice alarms by the DR's
internally. - Nation-wide uniform operations procedures.
- Formal plenary meetings with the RC's and their
deputies. - Nation-wide frequency-plan agreed and set.
- Voice defined as the main mode.
- E-mail over Winlink2000 now rapidly becoming a
small but established mode. - Standard 13.8V DC connector defined.
7- Achievements (2)External
- All 25 Dutch Safety regions formally approached.
- Meaningful meetings with 60 of the Dutch Safety
Regions. - Idem-ditto with some of the coordinating bodies
and the power distribution company. - DARES included in the nation-wide paging over
by the national Police, Fire and Ambulance paging
network. - Weekly test practice paging through this paging
8- Katrina kicks the Dutch into reality
- We know (normally) how to keep the water out to
build, maintain monitor our sea defences. (My
house is at -1m, Amsterdam Airport is at -8m) - We have had some floodings all the time, but
these were always contained by the
compartmentalisation of our polders. - BUT we have ignored disasters of a larger scale
(Katrina, 1953), which are likely to happen
more often. - A national Task-Force Management Floodings (TMO)
was formed lead by two Ministries.
9- DARES participates in Governmental
Initiatives-TMO - The Task-Force Management Floodings (TMO)
recognised the value of DARES and we were
invited to participate in - The command exercise / study to draft
guidelines/manuals (in which were included), and
in a regional comms exercise - A Mega rescue demonstration, with hundreds of
participants from all services Lotus victims,
boats, helicopters, Army engineers comms,
ambulances, TV crews, etc, etc.The audience
consisted a few hundred politicians, civil
authorities, Army Brass etcDARES was allocated
a prominent place dedicated slot in the demo
and on the DVD that was made of this event.
10- Achievements (3)External / The day after (the
TMO event) - We were spoken to!
- A formal convenant with one Dutch Safety Region
was signed - 6-7 Safety Regions are now drafting proposals for
their Board to sign such a convenant.
11DARES participates in Governmental
InitiativesRobustness of crisis communication A
separate study-group, with DARES participation,
analysed how robust the national crisis
communication facilities are in the event of a
major flooding or a flue pandemic (this was
BEFORE the swine flu outbreak) DARES
capabilities were very favourably received. The
report (currently still confidential) is now
being finalised for presentation to and
acceptance by the Dutch Parliament. If/When
accepted this will give a major boost and provide
mega challenges.
12DARES participates in Governmental
InitiativesEU-FLOODEX 09 (1) EU-FLOODEX 09 is a
EU-subsidised international flooding management
exercise (aug-sep 09), which follows the
identified phases of such catastrophy1. The
MET-office predicts a super-storm (D-4), 2.
Officials of the involved services meet (D-3)2.1
To predict the threat areas impacted and
level,2.2 To asses requirements for evacuations,
rescue repair2.3 To asses resource requirement
and to mobilise these 3. Actual Field Exercise.
(D-1 evacuation, D1 repairrescue)
13DARES participates in Governmental
InitiativesEU-FLOODEX 09 (2) The simulated
super-storm threads all countries around the
North Sea, with floodings in all coastal areas.
The province of Noord-Holland is hit hardest with
thousands of people flooded. The resource
requirements outstrip a- the provincial
capabilities and b- the national capabilities.
gtgt The international EU agreements for mutual
assistance are activated teams material from
the UK, Germany, Poland and Estland are called to
the rescue (and pumping). About 500 persons with
their equipment will be flown and driven in and
exercise for a week. Including DARES teams
14- The day(s) after (EU-FLOODEX)
- One Dutch Safety Region has indicated wanting to
sign a convenant on the last day of EU-FLOODEX FE - One Dutch Safety Region has indicated wanting to
sign BEFORE the FE. - The report on Robustness of Crisis Communication
will soon pass parliament - The Ministry has indicated that, once the report
has indeed passed, we will be given sufficient
funds to make things happen.
15- Challenges
- A wide range of challenges will be facing us
- Getting all current and new participants, regions
and RC's certified. Pruning of some dead-wood. - Increase the frequency and scope of the regular
exercises. - Rolling-out Winlink2000 (with encryption) to more
teams and ensuring national coverage. - Targeting and delivering the DARES mission
message at the right audiences. - To ensure we don't commit to/get more funds than
we can actually deliver upon.
16Thank you Questions? Answers??