What the Hex is with Chromium - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What the Hex is with Chromium


Side-draft hoods and booths: Provides directional exhaust ventilation to draw ... Welder's Hood/PAPR Combination. 25x PEL or 1000x PEL with written testament of Mfr. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: What the Hex is with Chromium

What the Hex is with Chromium?
  • OSHAs Hexavalent Chromium Standard
  • Summary of Hazards
  • Initial Exposure Determinations in Stainless
    Steel Making, Carbon Steel Making and Stainless
    Steel Fabricating Industries Welding/Torch

B. Quinn, CIH 1/23/07
Welder using Plasma Cutter
OSHA Hexavalent Chromium Standard
  • General Industry - 1910.1026
  • Shipyards - 1915.1026
  • Construction - 1926.1126
  • Most requirements are generally the same for all

Exceptions to the New Standard
  • Does not impact application of some pesticides
    (EPA regulated)
  • Does not impact exposures to Portland cement
  • Does not impact situations in which the employer
    has objective data demonstrating that a material
    containing chromium or specific operation or
    activity cannot release Cr (VI) in concentrations
    at or above 0.5 µg/m3 as an 8 hour TWA
  • Partial Exemption if exposure is less than 30
    days of the year

What is Hexavalent Chromium?
  • Hex Chrome means chromium with a valence of
    positive six, in any form or chemical compound in
    which it occurs. This term includes Cr6 in all
    states of matter, in any solution or other
    mixture, even if it is encapsulated by another
  • Stainless steel does not contain hexavalent
    chromium. Zero state with Cr III on surface
  • However, chrome is a raw material used in many of
    the specialty metals

What is Hexavalent Chromium?
  • Hex chrome can be generated during certain hot
    work processes. In these instances, the chrome
    in the metal changes valance upon heating.
  • The primary route of entry for hexavalent
    chromium (Cr6) compounds into the body when in a
    fume state would be inhalation.

Why Is Hex Chrome A Concern?
  • Lung cancer
  • Nasal septum ulcerations and perforations
  • Asthma
  • Skin ulcers
  • Allergic and irritant contact dermatitis

Health Concerns
Permanent perforation of the nasal septum from
continuous exposure performing chrome plating of
small appliance parts
Chrome hole on finger. Can also occur on hands
or forearms, and on bottom surfaces of feet from
chrome salts permeating through boots or shoes.
Chromates have Varying Solubilities
  • Highly soluble in water
  • Sodium dichromate
  • Chromic acid
  • Slightly soluble in water
  • Calcium chromate
  • Strontium chromate
  • Zinc chromate
  • Insoluble in water
  • Lead chromate
  • Barium chromate

Carcinogenic Effects Lung Cancer
  • Cells uptake Cr(VI)
  • Faster for soluble forms of Cr(VI)
  • Insoluble chromates concentrate
  • Particles lt 10 µm contact target cells
  • Cells react with Cr(VI) to form Cr(III) and toxic
    byproducts, Reactive Oxygen Species
  • DNA is damaged
  • Cell replication disturbed

Sources of Occupational Exposure
Major operations/job tasks resulting in potential
Cr(VI) exposure
  • Chrome plating/Electroplating
  • Welding on stainless steel or Cr(VI) painted
  • Painting
  • Aerospace
  • Auto body repair
  • Chromate pigmentand chemical production

Chrome Plating Bath
Major operations/job tasks resulting in potential
Cr(VI) exposure
  • Chromium dye and catalyst production
  • Glass manufacturing
  • Plastic colorant production
  • Construction
  • Traffic painting
  • Refractory brick restoration
  • Paint removal from bridges

Stainless and Carbon Steel operations/job tasks
with potential Cr(VI) exposure
Melting Casting Continuous Teeming Baghouse To
rch Cutting/Oxygen Lancing Grinding Hot
Rolling Welding/Plasma Torch Cutting
Steel Process Flow
Steel Process Flow
OSHA Hexavalent Chromium Standard
  • In 2006, OSHA passed a new regulation pertaining
    to Hexavalent Chromium.
  • General Industry Standard 1910.1026
  • There are 13 major provisions to the Standard
  • The following is a summaryof these provisions

OSHA Hexavalent Chromium Standard
  • Provision 1 -- Scope Who is Covered by the
  • All occupational exposures to Cr6 compounds
  • Where employers have objective data demonstrating
    that a material containing chromium or a process
    involving chromium cannot release Cr6 in
    concentrations at or above 0.5 µg/m3 as an 8-hour
    time-weighted average (TWA) under any condition
    of use.
  • Provision 2 Permissible Exposure Limits
  • PEL 5 µg/m3 TWA
  • AL 2.5 µg/m3 TWA (50 of the PEL)

OSHA Hexavalent Chromium Standard
  • Provision 3 Exposure Determination
  • Each employer who has a workplace or work
    operation covered by this Standard shall
    determine the 8-hour TWA exposure for each
    employee exposed to Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6).
  • Two options for determining employee exposures
  • Scheduled monitoring method
  • Performance-oriented monitoring method
  • If initial monitoring indicates exposures above
    the PEL or Action Level, future periodic
    monitoring is required
  • Above the AL Monitor every 6 months
  • Above the PEL Monitor every 3 months

OSHA Hexavalent Chromium Standard
  • Provision 4 Regulated Areas
  • Areas where exposures exceed or can be reasonably
    expected to exceed the PEL
  • Must be demarcated from other areas
  • Must limit access to employees who have a need to
    be there
  • Performance wording of warning signs
  • Provision 5 Methods of Compliance
  • Engineering and work practice controls are the
    primary means of achieving exposures below the
  • Use of respirators may be used to achieve the PEL
  • Periods necessary to install or implement
    feasible engineering and work practice
    controls Maintenance or repair operations where
    engineering and work practice controls are
    not feasible Operations where all feasible
    controls have been used and exposures are still
    above the PEL Operations where exposures do not
    exceed the PEL for 30 or more days per
    year Emergencies

OSHA Hexavalent Chromium Standard
  • Provision 6 Respiratory Protection
  • Shall be used in situations as described above
    and must comply with the requirements set forth
    29 CFR 1910.134. We will review these
    requirements in a later slide.

Provision 7 Protective Work Clothing
  • Must use where a hazard is present or is likely
    to be present from skin or eye contact with Cr6
  • Must be provided and paid for by the employer
  • Remove Cr6 contaminated clothing and equipment
    when work shift or task is completed
  • Clean, store and label Cr6 contaminated clothing
    and equipment

OSHA Hexavalent Chromium Standard
  • Provision 8 Hygiene Areas and Practices

Where protective clothing is required, must
provide change rooms and washing
facilitiesEmployees must wash their hands and
face at the end of a work shift and prior to
eating, drinking, smoking
Employer-provided eating
areas must be kept as free as practicable of
Cr6No eating, drinking, smoking etc. in
regulated areas
Provision 9 Housekeeping
All surfaces must be kept as free as practicable
of accumulations of Cr6 Use HEPA vacuums or
other methods that minimize exposure to Cr6
Use of compressed air prohibited unlessUsed in
conjunction with a ventilation system to capture
the dust cloud created by the compressed air,
or No alternative method is feasibleDispose of
Cr6 contaminated waste in labeled, impermeable
OSHA Hexavalent Chromium Standard
  • Provision 10 Communication of Hazards

Training must be provided on the contents of the
Cr6 standard and the purpose and description of
the medical surveillance program required by the
standard Training must be conducted to inform
employees of the protective measures being
instituted to control exposures and means used to
communicate potential exposure areas.
Provision 11 Medical Surveillance
Which employees must be provided Medical
Surveillance? Exposed at or above the Action
Level (2.5 µg/m3) for 30 or more days per
year. Experiencing signs or symptoms of Cr 6
exposure Exposed in an emergency What is Medical
Surveillance? Provisions for conducting baseline
and periodic health assessments of exposed
employeesProvided by or under the supervision of
a physician or other licensed health care
professional (PLHCP)Provided at no cost to
employee and at a reasonable place and time
OSHA Hexavalent Chromium Standard
  • Provision 12 Recordkeeping

Must maintain records of Air monitoring
data,Historical monitoring data,Objective
data,Medical surveillance information,
includingHealth Care Professionals written
opinions,Information provided to the Health Care
Provision 13 Effective Dates
New OSHA Standard Effective Date May 30,
2006 Key Compliance Dates All provisions
except engineering controls For employers with 20
or more employees Nov. 27, 2006 Engineering
Controls For all employers May 31, 2010
Sampling Analytical OSHA ID-215 Method
  • 37 mm NaOH pre-treated quartz fiber filter
    preferred for chrome plating operations
  • 37 mm PVC filter (5.0 micron pore size, can use
    0.8 u as well) can use PVC at chrome plating
    but must be post/preped by lab. These must be
    analyzed within 6 days or prepared upon receipt
    at lab
  • PVC filters used for welding must be analyzed
    within 8 days Iron II interference
  • Submit to AIHA accredited lab 24 Hr

Summary Exposure Determinations
  • Stainless Steelmaking 6 Melt shops, 4 Casters,
    2 Teeming, 5 Hot Rolling Mills, 8 AP Lines, 7
    Slitters and Related Torch Cutting/Welding
    Operations and baghouses
  • Approximately, 1000 data points personals and
    areas along with settled dust and surface wipes.
  • Exposures generally under AL sometimes a few
    exceeded AL, restricted to older Melt shops,
    elevated areas Charging Cranes above PELs (2 to
    15 ug/m3), hand torch cutting and welding at AL
    or PEL.

Summary Exposure Determinations
  • Carbon Steelmaking HSLA, Galvanizing Lines and
    Tin (Chrome) Lines 8 Melt shops, 10 Galvanizing
    Lines, 1-Tin Line, and associated welding/torch
    cutting stainless and baghouses
  • Approximately, 500 data points, personals and
    area samples
  • Exposures have been below AL. Several area
    samples near spray application areas at galvanize
    lines have exceeded AL or PEL

Hex Cr Sources Steel Industry
Summary Exposure Determinations
  • Welding and/or Plasma Torch Cutting Stainless
    and Carbon Steelmaking locations-maintenance and
    process lines, fabrication/weld shops on
    stainless steel.
  • Approximately, 100 data points, personals and
    area samples.
  • Exposures vary widely (less than AL to 5X PEL,
    dependent on many variables)

Welding Operations
  • Most welding operations join metals by heating
    the base and/or filler metal to temperatures at
    or above the melting point and vaporization
    temperature of the weld joint material.
  • Stainless steels or other chromium-containing
    alloys represent the source of hexavalent
    chromium in welding operations.

Welding Operations
  • Except for resistance and laser welding, a weld
    pool of liquid metal is formed at the welding
    arc. A portion of the metal vapor, including
    chromium vapor originating from the base metal,
    consumable electrode, surface coating, or surface
    contaminants instantaneously reacts with
    atmospheric oxygen and condenses into solid
    particles (known as fume) to form metal oxides,
    such as iron oxide, and chromium oxides.
    Metallic chromium when vaporized, may react with
    oxygen to form both trivalent chromium (Cr2O3)and
    hexavalent chromium (CrO3) oxide-containing fume.

Welding Operations
  • Two General Types of Welding- Manual or Automatic
  • Manual - welding gun and electrode holder are
    hand held during manual welding operations, the
    welders breathing zone is within an arms length
    of the arc .

Welding Operations
  • Common types -Manual Welding -Presented in
    decreasing order of relative welding fume
    generation rate.
  • Flux Core Arc Welding (FCAW) consists of a wire
    electrode with arc shielding provided by flux
    contained within the electrode. One FCAW process
    variation uses an inert gas fed through the
    welding gun to provide additional shielding of
    the arc.
  • Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW), most common
    type. A short electrode with a coating.
  • Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) also known as MIG,
    second most common type. A wire electrode with an
    inert gas (e.g. argon) which is fed through the
    welding gun to provide a shield against
  • Tungsten Inert Gas Welding (TIG) uses a
    non-melting tungsten electrode and in some cases
    a metal filler that the welder introduces into
    the arc. An externally-supplied inert gas (e.g.
    helium, argon) is fed through the welding gun to
    shield the arc.

Welding Operations
  • Automatic welding processes - typically performed
    with the welding machine operator positioned at a
    greater distance from the welding arc. In
    addition, automatic welding processes can be
    partially enclosed or isolated from personnel in
    the welding area. Examples of automatic welding
    processes are
  • Submerged arc welding (SAW) uses a blanket of
    granular flux that is fed into the weld zone
    ahead of the electrode, and a shielding gas is
    not required.
  • Plasma welding is performed by a plasma welding
    torch with a non-melting electrode located within
    a copper nozzle that has a small opening at the
    tip. The plasma is actually a gas that is heated
    to an extremely high temperature. The plasma
    gases are normally argon, and the torch also uses
    a secondary gas to shield the molten weld puddle.
  • Laser welding uses a high energy beam process and
    the energy density of the laser is achieved by
    concentration of light waves. The focal spot
    (thousands of an inch in diameter) is targeted on
    the weld joint surface.

Welding Operations
Submerged Arc Welding
Plasma Welding
Laser Welding
Welding Processes and Fume Generation Rates
  • FCAW-CO2 gt1
  • FCAW-Ar/CO2 0.6
  • GMAW-Steady 0.5
  • SMAW 0.4
  • GMAW-Pulsed 0.2
  • GTAW lt0.1
  • SAW lt0.1

Welder Exposures (µg/m3)
  • SMAW 0.1 - 150
  • FCAW 0.1 - 38
  • GMAW 0.1 - 13
  • GTAW LDL- 5
  • SAW LDL - 0.7
  • Plasma cutting 0.1- 20
  • Metal cleaning (Grinding) 0.1 - 610

Controlling Welding Hex Cr Exposures
  • The Hierarchy of Controls - Hexavalent Cr
  • 1 - Engineering
  • 2 - Administrative
  • 3 - Personal Protective Equipment

Controlling Welding Hex Cr Exposures
  • Flexible exhaust duct positioned near the welding

Controlling Welding Hex Cr Exposures
  • Down-draft Welding Tables with Filtration
    Another method of extracting fumes at the source
    is right at the table.
  • Advantages Ventilation requires no operator
    adjustment, and fume extraction occurs at any
    point on the table.
  • Limitations Less effective on large parts and
    part configurations that may interfere with
    exhaust air flow.

Controlling Welding Hex Cr Exposures
  • Side-draft hoods and booths Provides directional
    exhaust ventilation to draw welding fumes away
    from the welder. Also available with production
    aids such as a turntable that allows rotation of
    larger parts to position the welder away from
    welding fume.
  • Advantages Provides local exhaust ventilation
    over a relative large work area. Can accommodate
    larger size parts.
  • Limitations Less effective when welding parts
    with configurations that impede air flow. For
    some welds, part configuration may require the
    welder to be positioned between the source of
    welding fume and hood exhaust.

Controlling Welding Hex Cr Exposures
  • Fume Extractor guns Capture welding fumes at the
    source through a ventilation intake nozzle
    located immediately adjacent to, or integrated
    around the welding gun shielding gas/welding wire
    nozzle. Used on GMAW and FCAW applications.
  • Advantages Requires no operator positioning of
    the exhaust system. The fume extractor gun can
    provide exhaust ventilation in restricted areas
    not accessible by other exhaust ventilation
  • Limitations Fume extractor guns are typically
    heavier, have a larger grip circumference, and
    the gun nozzles are larger diameter than
    comparable GMAW and FCAW welding guns not
    equipped with fume extraction. Less effective
    fume collection during welding on angle and
    corner section than when welding on flat surfaces.

Welding Studies Summary (FEG)
  • A welding shop study where grade 321 stainless
    steel was GMAW welded, use of FEGs achieved a
    hexavalent chromium reduction ranging from 26
    79 (20.2 µg/m3 reduced to 15 4.2 µg/m3).
  • Source Kura, 1998.

Controlling Welding Hex Cr Exposures
  • Additional Engineering Controls Process
  • Modify the composition of shielding gas

Replace SMAW with GMAW
Reduce Sodium and Potassium Content in SMAW
Welding Electrodes (Rods)
Replace Typical GMAW Welding Systems With
Pulse-Arc GMAW
Welding Studies Summary
  • Hexavalent chromium in SMAW fume ranged between
    47 to 62 percent of the total chromium in the
    fume measured
  • Hexavalent chromium in GMAW fume from stainless
    steel is approximately 4 percent of the total
    chromium in the fume measured.
  • The large amount of hexavalent chromium found in
    most fumes created by SMAW welding of stainless
    steel has been shown to be associated with the
    sodium and potassium compounds in SMAW welding
    fluxes. It is almost certain that the hexavalent
    chromium is present in such fumes as chromates of
    these metals, Na2CrO4 and K2CrO4. It is possible
    that the stability of these compounds compared to
    most other metal chromates prevents or minimizes
    the processes leading to reduction of hexavalent
    chromium in GMAW fume. Sodium and potassium
    chromates are also stable at higher temperatures
    than most other chromates and this could explain
    the much faster formation of hexavalent chromium
    in SMAW fume than in GMAW fume.

Welding Studies Summary (Replace SMAW with GMAW)
  • Welding research suggests that chromium-containing
    fume created by GMAW welding on stainless steel
    can continue to evolve chemically for several
    minutes. In some cases, the hexavalent chromium
    content in the fume appears to rise to a maximum
    approximately 20 seconds after formation of the
    fume and then partly decays to trivalent chromium
    again. Unlike GMAW fume, no changes in
    hexavalent chromium concentrations were found in
    SMAW welding fume, suggesting that not all
    welding fume is subject to aging.
  • Limitations GMAW welding equipment is not as
    readily transported or moved as SMAW equipment.
    Unlike SMAW, GMAW equipment includes 1- a wire
    feeder unit, 2- a supply of inert shielding gas
    typically from a compressed gas cylinder and 3-
    a welding gun supply hose/cable that carries
    electric power, electrode wire, and inert
    shielding gas to the welding gun.
  • Sources Gray, et. al., 1983 Karlsen, et al.,
    1992 Zatka, 1985

Welding Studies Summary (Modify the composition
of shielding gas)
  • Shielding gases with high oxygen potentials, such
    as CO2, produce more fume than argon-based
    shielding gases.
  • Although use of 100 percent carbon dioxide as a
    shielding gas for FCAW results in higher fume
    generation, it is still the most commonly used
    gas for FCAW welding, used in slightly more than
    50 percent of FCAW applications, due to low cost
    and easy availability.
  • The second most popular shielding gas for FCAW
    consists of 75 argon and 25 carbon dioxide.
  • Reducing the CO2 content of shielding gas used
    for FCAW can reduce the fume generation rate and
    potentially the exposure of workers.

Welding Studies Summary (Modify the composition
of shielding gas)
  • Reductions in fume generation rates can be
    achieved with FCAW with stainless steel
    electrodes. The fume generation rate (FGR) for
    an E309LT electrode using 100 percent CO2
    shielding gas was measured to be approximately
    0.6 grams/minute (g/min). The same electrode
    welded using 75 argon-25 CO2 shielding gas
    resulted in a reduction of FGR to as low as 0.3
    g/min. Additional FGR measurements for E309LT and
    E316T electrodes using 95 argon-5 CO2
    shielding gas show that FGR could be as low as
    0.1 g/min.
  • Limitations Present commercial FCAW electrodes
    for stainless steels are not formulated for 95
    argon-5 CO2 shielding gas. Formulation changes
    would be required to take advantage of the
    reduced FGR.
  • Source Edison Welding Institute, 2003

Welding Studies Summary (Reduce Sodium and
Potassium Content in SMAW Welding Electrodes
  • The presence of sodium and potassium in the flux
    or coating of SMAW stainless steel welding rods
    and FCAW welding wire results in the production
    of fume containing higher concentrations of
    hexavalent chromium. Hexavalent chromium is
    produced when welding flux components combine
    with atmospheric oxygen to form Na2CrO4 and
  • When the sodium and potassium content of the
    coating of E-308 welding rod was lowered from the
    range of 2 to 5 percent - typically found in SMAW
    welding electrodes - to less than 1 percent, the
    emission rate for total chromium was reduced by
    30 percent and for hexavalent chromium by 94
    percent. Reducing the amount of these elements in
    electrodes and fluxes will reduce the production
    of hexavalent chromium in the welding fume by
    reducing the ratio of hexavalent chromium to
    trivalent chromium.

Welding Studies Summary (Reduce Sodium and
Potassium Content in SMAW Welding Electrodes
  • Welding equipment manufacturers presently offer
    welding rods that contain lower sodium and
  • Limitations Low sodium and potassium welding
    electrodes are not commercially popular because
    they reportedly produce slag that is more
    difficult to remove and the arc characteristics
    create a weld bead with a ropy or wavy appearance
    compared to SMAW welding electrodes that
    contain typical amounts of sodium and potassium.
    Despite these cosmetic issues, there are no
    reported weld quality or performance problems
    associated with the low sodium or potassium
    welding rods on the market.
  • Sources Hewitt and Hirst, 1993 Kimura et. al.,
    1979 R.K. Tandon, et al., 1986 and Palmer, 1987

Welding Studies Summary (Replace Typical GMAW
Welding Systems With Pulse-Arc GMAW)
  • Advances in welding power source technology
    involving the use of pulsed welding current can
    reduce fume generation of GMAW compared to
    conventional procedures. For example, a
    significant reduction of welding fume emission,
    by up to 80 percent, is attainable using the
    pulsed arc process as compared to the short arc
    process. With the pulsed arc, the weld bead is
    transferred without short-circuiting, in much the
    same way as the spray arc. The pulsed arc welding
    process avoids increased fume emission due to
    explosive bead detachment as a short circuit
  • The reduction in welding fume that can be
    achieved by using pulsed welding current is
    demonstrated by shipyard tests. Operator
    exposure to hexavalent chromium was measured for
    pulsed gas metal arc welding (GMAW-P) of HY80 and
    HY100 steels (which contain 0.5-1.5 chromium),
    stainless steel (CRES), and nickel alloys. These
    tests show the value of pulsed GMAW welding in
    reducing hexavalent chromium exposures. The
    overall average hexavalent chromium exposure was
    0.23 µg/m3 with a median of 0.15 µg/m3 for 8
    measurements when welding several base metals
    with nickel alloy 625 and 276 alloy electrodes.
    This represents a 75 reduction compared to the
    GMAW baseline value.
  • Sources Stern, February 1985 and Edison
    Welding Institute, 2003.

Respiratory Protection OSHA 1910.134-APFs
Respiratory Protection OSHA 1910.134-APFs
  • Notes1Employers may select respirators assigned
    for use in higher workplace concentrations of a
    hazardous substance for use at lower
    concentrations of that substance, or when
    required respirator use is independent of
  • 2The assigned protection factors in Table 1 are
    only effective when the employer implements a
    continuing, effective respirator program as
    required by this section (29 CFR 1910.134),
    including training, fit testing, maintenance, and
    use requirements.
  • 3This APF category includes filtering facepieces,
    and half masks with elastomeric facepieces.
  • 4The employer must have evidence provided by the
    respirator manufacturer that testing of these
    respirators demonstrates performance at a level
    of protection of 1,000 or greater to receive an
    APF of 1,000. This level of performance can best
    be demonstrated by performing a WPF or SWPF study
    or equivalent testing. Absent such testing, all
    other PAPRs and SARs with helmets/hoods are to be
    treated as loose-fitting facepiece respirators,
    and receive an APF of 25.
  • 5These APFs do not apply to respirators used
    solely for escape. For escape respirators used in
    association with specific substances covered by
    29 CFR 1910 subpart Z, employers must refer to
    the appropriate substance-specific standards in
    that subpart. Escape respirators for other IDLH
    atmospheres are specified by 29 CFR 1910.134

Respiratory Protection
  • Any NIOSH approved filter
  • P-100 (as shown) is best
  • Can use up to 10X the PEL (50 ug/m3)

Respiratory Protection
  • Full-Face Respirator
  • Any NIOSH approved filter
  • Can use up to 50X the PEL (250 ug/m3-for hex

Respiratory Protection
  • Powered Respirator (PAPR)
  • Used with full-face respirator
  • High Efficiency (N,R or P-95) or HEPA (N,R or
    P-100) filter preferably P-100
  • Can use up to 50X the PEL (unless mfr can attest
    to 1000x)

Respiratory Protection
  • Welders Hood/PAPR Combination
  • 25x PEL or 1000x PEL with written testament of
    Mfr. (125 ug/m3 or 5,000 ug/m3 for hexavalent

Respiratory Protection
  • Air Line Respirators Supplied Air
  • Constant- Flow
  • Positive Pressure
  • No filter required
  • Can be used up to 25X or 1000X the PEL with Mfr.
    Written testament

  • New Hexavalent Chromium Std.
  • Affects several industries chromates-Painting,
    electroplating, welding stainless
  • Stainless steel mfr. Limited exposure sources
    older melt shop-elevated areas
  • Chromic acid areas and operations Carbon Steel
  • Welding many variables time,type,controls,
    filler rods
  • Local exhaust ventilation

  • www.nsrp.org Navy and National Shipbuilding
    Research Program 1998 published report
  • www.ewi.org/njc the Edison Welding Institute
    report contracted by NSRP and published in 2003
  • www.osha.gov/SLTC/hexavalent chromium/index.html
    - hex chrome compliance assistance
  • www.lni.wa.gov/safety training kit- ppt. Hex
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