Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
1 Innovating Regions in Europe Network - 2nd
Plenary Meeting Call for Proposals for the
- Call for proposals provides two complementary
measures - Innovating Regions in Europe Network and
- Regional Innovation Strategy projects in
- Newly Associated Countries
- Scope of the Call
- to bring together the Movers and Shakers of
Innovation - in the European regions
- to help the Newly Associated Countries to
develop regional - strategies for the promotion of innovation
in enterprises
3The futureInnovating Regions in Europe
- Under the Call for Proposals the Network shall
be strengthend - and amplified
- Main objective of the future Network to provide
a platform - for all European regions, which are interested
in regional - innovation strategies, policies and schemes to
exchange - experience and get access to good practise
- Network will consist of
- global network
- restricted number of thematic networks (OBJECTIVE
4Innovating Regions in Europe Network Role and
tasks of Global Network
- Co-ordination of the thematic networks
- Linkaging the thematic networks activities with
each other - Dissemination of the outcomes achieved in the
thematic networks - Web site
- Linking the Innovating Regions in Europe Network
with other external networks - Network events (all regions)
- Giving support for project promotion
- The global network will be animated by a Central
5Innovating Regions in Europe Network Thematic
- The aim of the thematic networks is to enable the
regions - to upgrade their home strategies and actions in
the field of regional innovation policies - to get knowledge of successful schemes in other
European regions - to develop new and innovative strategies and
actions - to identify measures to be submitted under the
ERDF Innovative Actions program (2000-2006) - to prepare co-operation structures and projects
between regions (e.g. INTERREG III) - to deploy larger scale Innovation projects under
structural funds Operational Programs
6Innovating Regions in Europe Network Thematic
Networks activities, examples
- Identification of good practice, research work
- Presentation of good practise
- Animation and Monitoring of exchange of
experience and information - Stimulation of interregional co-operation
- Organisation of networking events
- Staff exchange / study-visit programs
- Open conferences to all interested regions
- Actions addressed specifically to decision makers
of regional innovation policies - Diffusion of information in various forms
7Thematic networks Thematic issues, examples (1)
- Co-operation between European Economic Area/EU
and Newly Associated Countries - Economic and technological intelligence for
enterprises, regional observatories - Regional strategies to enhance innovation within
entrepreneurship - Regional strategies for placing key personal to
SMEs, staff training and innovation management - Performance of regional innovation support
infrastructure - Promote intellectual property rights in
enterprises - Monitoring of innovation performance,
8Thematic networks Thematic issues, examples (2)
- Network of regional top decision makers
(politicians) in the field of regional innovation
policies - Regional supply chains linking SMEs with large
enterprises - Interregional innovation networks
- Regional strategies promoting innovation in the
service sector, including e-commerce - Regional strategies enhancing SMEs to open up
international activities - Regional strategies concerning clusters and
(virtual) innovation networks
9Participants in the thematic networks
- Principal contractor(s) responsible for
contract - execution and for network activities
- Members of the thematic networks the movers
- and shakers of innovation in the regions
10Thematic networks (1)
- Principal contractor(s) (co-ordinator)
- What to do?
- Contract with the Commission including work
- program for thematic network
- responsible vis-Ã -vis the Commission to
implement - this work program
- conclude membership agreements with the members
- of the thematic network (the regions)
- administer the Community funds provided under
contract - for the members
- responsible vis-Ã -vis the Commission for
financial - execution of contract
11Thematic networks (2)
- Principal contractor(s) (co-ordinator)
- organise network events, animate and monitor
network, - provide the contents for the network activities
and for the - learning process
- diffuse information
- execute - in case - small studies
- act as information channel between Commission
and - regions
- Who is eligible?
- Any legal entity (not necessarily a regional
body) which - demonstrates substantial experience
- Various entities can form consortia, one acts as
12The Thematic networks (1)
- Members of the thematic networks
- the movers and shakers of innovation in their
- respective regions
- Any region from the European Economic Area or an
- Associated Country to the Framework Programme
- 10-20 regions per network, at least 1 from Newly
- Associated Countries (NAC)
- Project proposals must be supported by letters
of intent of at - least 6 regions ( NAC support not yet
necessary) - Regions should spend at least 10 working days
per year on - the networking activities
13The Thematic networks (2)
- Members of the thematic networks
- Elegible entities
- regional administrative/political authorities
- regional (economic, structural) development
- agencies/organisations
- regional innovation support agencies/organisation
s - all other organisations charged with regional
- innovation/economical/structural development
14Thematic Networks Contract and financial issues
- Contract type thematic network
- (see Guide for Proposers Part 1)
- Duration of contract 24 months, with an option
to be - extended for up to 24 further months (after
evaluation of - performance)
- Total budget foreseen for thematic networks
around - 4 millions
15Thematic Networks, Contract and financial issues
- Commission contribution (period of 24 months)
- could be 500 000 per network(indicative figure
of 24 months) - Principal contractor(s) receives up to 100 of
the additional - costs
- allocate the equivalent of a full-time manager
for the project execution - Members (regions) receive up to 100 of the
additional travel and subsistence costs and for
hosting network events - Members (regions) spent at least 10 workings days
per year to participate. These personnel costs
are not reimbursable. - Nature of contract non-profit
- Elegible costs financial rules guide for
proposers Part 1
16Regional Innovation Strategy projects in Newly
Associated CountriesObjectives
- To help regions in Newly Associated Countries to
develop regional innovation systems by using the
RITTS/RIS project scheme and methodology - A core element of the project scheme is to ensure
that in every step of the project the experiences
gained in EU (EEA) partner region(s) are fully
available for the implementing region(s).
17Participants in the Regional Innovation Strategy
Projects in NAC (1)
- Projects to be implemented exclusively in NAC
regions - At least one region from a Newly Associated
Country (NAC) (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic,
Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland,
Romania, Slovak Republic and Slovenia) - At least one region from an EU member state which
has done/ is doing a RITTS/RIS/RTP or similar
project - Further regions can join (EEA, NAC, further
associated Countries) - Important asset Create larger partnerships to
allow the transfer of expertise between several
18Participants in the Regional Innovation Strategy
Projects in NAC (2)
- Elegible entities
- regional administrative/political authorities
- regional (economic, structural) development
- agencies/organisations
- regional innovation support agencies/organisation
s - all other organisations charged with regional
- innovation/economical/structural development
19Regional Innovation Strategy Projects in NAC
Contract and financial issues
- Contract type accompanying measure (see Guide
for Proposers Part 1) - Region(s) from the NAC shall act as project
co-ordinator - Duration of project 32 months
- Community financial contribution up to 75 of
the eligible costs of project (all partners) - Commission contribution could be around 350 000
per project. The total budget of a project could
be around 460.000 (indicative figures for a
partnership of 2 regions) - International consultancy can be covered fully
by (Western) - partner region(s)
20Regional Innovation Strategy Projects in NAC
Contract and financial issues
- Nature of contract non-profit
- Elegible costs and financial rulers see Guide
for Proposers Part 1
21The Regional Innovation Strategy project stages,
Stage 0 Definition stage (1)
- Duration approximately 12 months
- Establishment of project management structure
- Selection of national and international experts
- International expertise can be provided fully
by - partner region(s) (EEA, others)
- Building a regional consensus in the NAC region
- Awareness raising
- Definition of the project methodology
- Agreement with the main actors on project
objectives, work programme and methodologies
22The Regional Innovation Strategy project stages,
Stage1 Implementation (2)
- Duration approximately 12 months
- Analysis of the regional demand
- identification of regional firms needs
- Analysis of the regional research infrastructure
- identification of regional scientific and
technological expertise - Analysis of the regional innovation support
system - ?identification of the regional innovation
support services for - enterprises (intermediary structures)
- First conclusions to develop strategic framework
and action plan - SWOT analysis of the region including an analysis
of future economic growth sectors
23The Regional Innovation Strategy project stages,
Stage 2, Evaluation and monitoring, action plan,
pilot actions
- Duration 8 months
- Definition, implementation and testing of a first
set of concrete actions - Setting up a monitoring system to follow and
evaluate the actions - Setting up trans-regional structures which will
allow co-operation in the field of innovation
promotion with the partner region(s) or/and the
promotion of business activities between the
- Call published on 15th of June 2000, to be
closed on 15th of September 2000 - Information day in Luxembourg on 7th of July 2000
- Internet
- http//www.cordis.lu/innovation-smes/calls/calls.h
tm - http//www.innovating-regions.org/
- Innovation Help Desk in DG ENTERPRISE
- e-mail innovation_at_cec.eu.int
- Tel 00352/
- Fax 00352/