Title: Offshore oil and Gas Mapping and GIS
1Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Mapping
Product service development plan Q2 07 update
2Concept overview
- Provide enhanced services to clients through map
based products - Improve visualisation of data
- Develop spatial relational aspects of data
- Improve accessibility of data for
- Existing users
- New users
- Non-data specialists
- Increase usability of data through specialisation
and tailoring to client needs - Provide map based outputs for analysis,
presentations reports - Develop Infields position as a key provider of
offshore data, analysis and information services
3OED Detail
Current data is structured but complex to use and
4OED Detail
5GIS Mapping
Utilises standard GIS software, ARCMap from ESRI
ensures compatibility with other systems
Two options - Basic or enhanced package
Basic is a simple map based visualisation
Enhanced is a sophisticated business tool to
support business professionals and senior
Ease of use is a key aspect.
6Clear presentation with meaning
Basic package will allow you to select view by
one of 13 regions
And allow you to view and print selected views
right down to development level
7But the data is basic and restricted with no data
export plus
No updates of data without further payment
Package cost is subsidised by advertisements
This is the low tech wide usage option
8The enhanced package is a enhanced and superior
Client data subscription added
Export images data
- Tailor customer
- extra layers
- grouping
- notes etc
Updated with client subscription
(weekly/quarterly etc)
9Status Roll out
- Currently going through
- geographical data point checking
- IT integration online delivery checking
- Key customers being informed
- Beta testing with key clients Q3 07
- Basic package testing roll out late Q3 07
- Enhanced package testing roll up Q4 07