Yet Another Approach to Support the Design Process of Educational Adaptive Hypermedia Applications - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Yet Another Approach to Support the Design Process of Educational Adaptive Hypermedia Applications


url = videos/intro.mpg. mime-type = video ... It does not conform to Simple Sequencing standard as yet. ... To create the v2.0 of the CGE tool, as stand alone ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Yet Another Approach to Support the Design Process of Educational Adaptive Hypermedia Applications

Yet Another Approach to Support the Design
Process of Educational Adaptive Hypermedia
  • Symeon Retalis Andreas Papasalouros
  • University of Piraeus
  • Department of Technology Education and Digital

The ELEN project http//
The paper in brief
  • Educational Adaptive Hypermedia Applications
    (EAHA) are gaining the focus of the research
    community as a means of alleviating a number of
    learners problems related to hypermedia.
  • However, the difficulty and complexity of
    developing such applications and systems have
    been identified as possible reasons for the low
    diffusion of Adaptive Hypermedia in web-based
  • Experience from traditional Software Engineering
    as well as Hypermedia Engineering suggests that a
    model-driven design approach is appropriate for
    developing such complex applications.
  • This paper presents on a model-driven
    design/authoring process of EAHA, called
  • This process accords to the principles of
    hypermedia engineering and its innovation is the
    use of a formally specified object oriented
    design model.

A design process according to Hypermedia
Why a model driven approach?
  • The design process should be driven by a design
    model. A Design Model should meet the following
    requirements Koper 2000
  • Formalism its notation system must describe a
    WbEA and its constituents in a formal manner
  • Completeness its notation system must be able to
    fully describe a WbEA, including all types of its
    constituents, the relationships among them and
    their behavior
  • Reproducibility its notation system must
    describe a WbEA and its constituents in an
    abstract level so that repeated
    execution/adoption is possible for specific
    subject domains
  • Compatibility its notation system must fit in
    with the available standards and specifications
    (IMS, IEEE LTSC, SCORM, etc.)
  • Reusability its notation system must make it
    possible to identify, isolate, decontextualize,
    exchange and re-use constituents of a WbEA.
  • Traceability of the design decisions
  • Automatic synthesis of EAHA from its constituents

CADMOS-D design model
  • The foci of the model
  • The structure of the learning activities and the
    resources that will be used
  • Interaction of the learner with the application
  • Navigational aspects
  • User interface issues
  • Utilisation of the Unified Modeling Language
    (UML) for standardised notation

Think of learning activities to start designing
A Schema of learning activities (1)
  • The Activity Model defines the learning
    activities that will happen during the
    instructional process of a specific subject with
    their semantic interrelationships.
  • The learning activities (read, solve, study, get
    informed, etc.) are applied to the various
    thematic concepts -topics of the domain.
  • Each learning activity is related to particular
    learning objectives, notions and topics to be
    taught,according to the syllabus.
  • The hierarchy of activities corresponds to the
    hierarchy of learning objectives, that the
    learner has to meet via her/his interaction with
    an educational application under design.

A Schema of learning activities (2)
  • The learning activities can be associated with
    each other with specific interrelationships thus
    forming a semantic network that provides an
    abstract representation of the solution of the
    problem of instruction of a specific topic.
  • This particular view can be reused per se, thus
    promoting the reusability of educational
    applications at an abstract level, apart from
    navigation and presentation issues.
  • This way, the proposed method incorporates the
    principle of separation of concerns and promotes
  • The activities are associated with specific
    learning resources.
  • The resources align with the notion of Learning
    Object. These resources are physical, reusable,
    binary entities, either static fragments of
    digital content, e.g. hypertext, images, videos,
    simulations, applets, etc,

A Schema of learning activities (3)
- Courseware. This is the top-level element in
the hierarchy of activities that compose the
conceptual view of the application. - Activity.
This defines a simple activity which is an atomic
one. This activity may contain specific
attributes. Predefined attributes are the title
and the type of the activity (information,
assessment, etc). - CompositeActivity. This
element defines a composite activity, which
contains others, either atomic or concept, thus
forming a hierarchy of activities into the
educational application. - Relationship. This
refers to the association between two activities,
atomic or composite.
CADMOS-D Navigational schema
  • The Navigation Model captures the decisions about
    how Concepts, Relationships and Resources of the
    Activity Model are mapped to actual hypertext
    elements Pages and Links, and how the conceptual
    relationships defined in the Conceptual Model are
    driving the structuring of the learning content.
  • It consists of 2 (sub)models
  • The Navigation Structure Model. This model
    defines the structure of the EAHA and defines the
    actual web pages and the resources contained in
    these pages.
  • The Navigation Behavior Model. This model defines
    the runtime behavior of the EAHA in terms of

CADMOS-D Navigational Structure model (1)
  • - Content, which is the top-level container in
    the hierarchy of an electronic content
  • - Composite Node entities that are used as
    containers, thus composing the hierarchical
    structure of learning content. The chapters and
    subtopics in which an electronic tutorial or book
    are organized are examples of composite entities.
  • ContentNodes, which are the actual pages of the
    learning content.
  • -Access structure elements, namely indexes and
    guided tours, which are related to Content or
    Composite components

CADMOS-D Navigational Structure model (2)
CADMOS-D Navigational Behavior model
CADMOS-D Presentation - user interface design (1)
  • each Node in the Navigation Model and its
    resources are associated with a presentation
    model element.
  • Note that a multitude of navigation elements can
    be associated with the same presentation
    specification, thus promoting uniformity and ease
    of maintenance of the user interface.
  • The Presentation Model elements have their
    counterparts in corresponding web technology
    specifications elements such as HTML and CSS

CADMOS-D From the design models to automated
generation of courseware
CADMOS-D From the design models to automated
generation of courseware
ltimsmanifest version"1.3" identifier"TEST"gt ltor
ganizations default"TOC1"gt ltorganization
identifier"TOC1"gt lttitlegtDSP
Coursewarelt/titlegt ltitem identifier"S.10269"
identifierref"S.10269_RES"gt lttitlegtElements
of Discrete Systemslt/titlegt lt/itemgt ltitem
identifier"S.10271" identifierref"S.10271_RES"gt
lttitlegtProperties of Discrete
Systemslt/titlegt lt/itemgt ltitem
identifier"S.10273" identifierref"S.10273_RES"gt
lttitlegtSampling of Analog Systemslt/titlegt lt/i
temgt ltitem identifier"S.10275"
identifierref"S.10275_RES"gt lttitlegtSampling
of Sinusiodal Systemslt/titlegt lt/itemgt lt!-- .
. .--gt lt/organizationgt lt/organizationsgt ltresource
sgt ltresource identifier"S.10269_RES"
href"units/intro_1.html"gt lttitlegtElements of
Discrete Systemslt/titlegt lt/resourcegt ltresource
identifier"S.10271_RES" href"units/intro_2.html"
gt lttitlegtProperties of Discrete
Systemslt/titlegt lt/resourcegt lt!-- . . .
--gt lt/resourcesgt lt/imsmanifestgt
The IMS content packaging manifest
CADMOS-D The output A prototype of AEHA
The SCORM ADL Run-time environment (RTE) v1.3,
CADMOSs Advantages
  • This work aspires the bridging of the gap between
    the conceptual description and the implementation
    of web applications.
  • Like approaches such as WebML, WCML, UWE, etc. it
    maintains the classical, in hypermedia
    engineering, discrimination of the design of web
    applications into structure, navigation and
    presentation design, and uses XML as the product
    model for the implementation of actual
  • The use of XMI and the focus of the current
    method on the specific domain of education, which
    sets certain constraints in the structure of
    applications makes it different from the
    aforementioned methods.
  • The current work has also close similarities to
    Dolog et al 2004, which also uses the same
    model representation, XMI, and the same method
    for application generation, XSLT for adaptive
  • The main difference with this method is the
    provision for navigation and presentation issues,
    which is not covered in that work, and the
    support for Learning Technology Standards.

Methods Disadvantages
  • It does not conform to Simple Sequencing standard
    as yet.
  • It supports specific aspects of adaptation.
  • The author can create IMS CPs per learner type
  • These CPs can vary
  • in the arrangement/structure of learning
  • in the resources associated with each learning
  • In the navigational structure (and behaviour) and
    the association of nodes to learning activities
  • In the presentation styles of the nodes

Future plans
  • To use it in more evaluation studies.
  • The used is quite extensive. More than 100
    resources, and it covers a whole semester course
  • To automatically support the IMS SS as an outcome
    of the navigational behavior model
  • To create the v2.0 of the CGE tool, as stand
  • To make a more user friendly interface for the
    CGE tool incorporating stencils for the UML
  • To integrate the CGE functionality into IBM
    Rational Rose
  • To check if CADMOS-D can be the basis for
    designing AEHA based on design patterns.
  • With prof. Franca Garzotto Hypermedia Open
    Center, Politecnico di Milano we are creating a
    set of design patterns for authoring EAHA
    customised to learners styles.

  • building adaptive educational hypermedia
    applications will always be hard. There is
    inherently no silver bullet
  • as Brooks (1987) said for software

Time for discussion ?
The ELEN project http//, is
supported by the EU Minerva programme
What is a design pattern?
A Solution to a Problem in a Context
Alexander defines a pattern as follows "....
Each pattern describes a problem which occurs
over and over again in our environment, and then
describes the core of the solution to that
problem, in such a way that you can use this
solution a million times over, without ever doing
it the same way twice" Alexander, C.,
Ishikawa, S., Silverstein, M., Jacobson, M.,
Fiksdahl-King, I., Angel, S. (1977). A Pattern
Language. Oxford University Press, New York.
Alexandrian form of pattern formation
If you find yourself in CONTEXT For
example EXAMPLE, with PROBLEM,
entailing FORCES Then For some REASONS,
apply DESIGN FORM and/or RULE to
construct SOLUTION leading to NEW
  • Visit the web site of the ELEN project and
    register as an interested person
  • http//
  • Time for discussion ?
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