Title: 18th century
118th century
- Rococo
- Neoclassicism
- Revolution
2Rococoa development and extension of the Baroque
- even more extravagant and ornate
- intimate spaces (homes)
- smaller scale than Baroque
3- wall and ceiling become one
- painting and decoration on every surface
4Mirror Room, Amalienburg, Germany
5The Swing, Fragonard
6The Pursuit, from The Progress of Love, Fragonard
7The Meeting, from The Progress of Love, Fragonard
8Love Letters, from The Progress of Love, Fragonard
9Crowned Lover, from The Progress of Love,
10Neoclassicisma reaction to the Rococo style
- serious
- references to classical Greece and Rome
- more simple and natural
11The Lictors Bring to Brutus the Bodies of His
Sons, David
12Oath of Horatii, David
- monarchy
- aristocracy
- deficit
The Death of Marat, David
14Self-portrait at the Easel, Vigée-Lebrun
15Portrait of Marie Antoinette, Vigée-Lebrun
16Marie Antoinette and Her Children, Vigée-Lebrun