Title: Slajd 1
Eliza, Magda, Gosia and Basia
2 Hi! Hear were! Our names are Magda, Eliza,
Basia and Gosia. Were fourteen years old. We
live in Poland in the capital of Wielkopolska
Poznan. We go to one class together. Magda and
Basia practice swimming. We like to do many crazy
things together, specially on weekends. We go to
shopping, to the cinema, on the ice rink or on
the skittles. We like ride a bikes and rolls too.
Every year summertime we go on camp to the
Wladyslawowo to practice sports. We always visit
many famous and beautiful places?
a moving dunes in Leba?
the seals in the Hel?
3ALL ABOUT ELIZA! Hi! My names Eliza. I dont
have a brother or sister but I have a small dog
called Gafi. This is a sznauzer miniature. Its
three years old. I very love him very much. My
hobby is music and dance. I like play on organs
very much. I like a long walk with my dog and my
boyfriend in the evening very much too? This is
my photo? This is Gafis photo?
4ALL ABOUT BASIA! Hi! My names Basia. I have got
a younger brother. His names Michal. Hes
thirteen years old. Im a chairwoman in my school
too. In my home live two small parrot called
Tola and Dyzio. Theyre three years old. I love
them very much. My hobby is swimming and singing.
I practice swimming from seven years on. Its a
very hard work but I like it very much? This
is my photo? This is Dyzios photo?
5ALL ABOUT GOSIA! Hi! My names Gosia and. I have
got a younger sister called Ola. Shes seven
years old. I have got a small hamster names
Mika. Its six months. I love her very much. My
hobby is dancing. I danced in a football club
about names Lech Poznan and I danced in a
school of dance about names Metrum. I like go
shopping and go to the cinema. Sometimes, I ride
a horse too?
This is Mikas photo?
6ALL ABOUT MAGDA! Hi! My names Magda. I have got
a older brother about names Michal. Hes
nineteen years old. There is a small cat in my
house. Its names Black and Its six months old.
I love him very much. My hobby is swimming. I
practice swimming from seven years similar to
Basia. Its a very hard work but I like it. I
like skate and ride rolls too? This is my cats