Title: Environmental Management Information System EMIS
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5City demonstrations
local authorities with their partners in public,
private, and community sectors
- involve stakeholders
- clarify priority issues
- negotiate strategies
- agree action plans
- initiate priority projects
- institutionalize process
6Core Team Support to Local Capacity-Building
- Training Modules
- 1 Conceptual and institutional arrangements
- 2 Participatory approaches for decision-making
- 3 Environmental Profile
- 4 Environmental Management Information System
(EMIS) - 5 Institutionalisation
- 6 Issue specific strategies and Strategic
Management Framework - 7 Monitoring
7Sustainable Cities Programme
Environmental Management Information System (EMIS)
a tool for Environmental Planning and Management
- United Nations Centre for Human Settlements
(Habitat) - United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
8What is an Environmental Management Information
System (EMIS)?
- EMIS is a system for managing spatial,
geographical information in the environmental
planning and management context by using - mapping
- imagery
- geographical information system
- databases and
- information technology.
9Why use EMIS in urban management?
EMIS helps decision-makers and stakeholders in
cities to organise and to manage information on
urban environmental issues to support efficient,
equal, and sustainable environmental planning and
management (EPM) ...
10How does EMIS contribute to the EPM process?
- supports cities in producing, storing, and
updating environmental information - helps to identify, clarify, and prioritise
environmental issues through a geographically
differentiated approach - supports participatory decision-making and
formulation of strategies - enhances implementation of action plans
- supports monitoring and evaluation of achievements
11EMIS concentrates on
- Environmental resource systems their sustainable
yield and their vulnerability - Development activities their resource
consumption and their potential impacts on
environmental systems
12Urban management is confronted with?
- routine questions
- exceptional questions
EMIS primarily responds to routine questions
13Urban management is confronted with?
EMIS primarily responds to routine questions that
- long-term
- area-wide
- cross-sectoral
- frequently occurring
14Routine questions concern
existing uses
- environmental evaluation
- project design
- site-selection
- land use planning
projects for certain sites
sites for certain projects
development pattern
15Principles of EMIS
EMIS ...
- is a tool to support EPM
- is a constantly updated learning information
system - uses any available information sources, both
scientific and non-scientific - strictly separates facts from policies
- follows a consistent mapping rationale
- is accessible to the public, private, and popular
sectors and is promoted through effective
information outreach activities
16EMIS Step-by-step
3. Basic map
5. Thematic maps
The base map is the basis for all EMIS maps and
contains ...
showing strictly factual information derived from
research working group generated
basic landforms grid lines road
network hydrographic network built-up area common
scale, legend, and layout
2. Inventory
6. Suitability map
is based on the results from issue Working
Groups defines areas suitable for certain
purposes according to conditions and
rules provides a number of options
Index map of all available maps and plans with
title and scale Database on all available maps
related to environmental issues
1. The Mapping Working Group
7. Overlays and Hotspots
is composed of people from the mapping and
information sections of various
institutions Advises on locally acceptable
mapping standards co-ordinates with issue
specific working groups to integrate rules and
conditions into thematic maps
The overlay of thematic maps and suitability
maps provides a picture of the intensity of
competing and/or conflicting usages in specific
171. The Mapping Working Group
- is composed of people from the mapping and
information sections of various institutions - Advises on locally acceptable mapping standards
- co-ordinates with issue specific working groups
to integrate rules and conditions into
thematic maps
182. Inventory
- Index map of all available maps and plans with
title and scale - Inventory/database on all available maps related
to environmental issues
193. Basic map
The basic map is the basis for all EMIS maps and
contains ...
- basic landforms
- grid lines
- road network
- hydrographic network
- built-up area
- common scale, legend, and layout
204. Images
Satellite images and aerial photographs ...
- help to update existing maps
- are the basis for developing new maps
215. Research and Survey
- Up-date base maps
- generate thematic maps
- connect information from various sources
226. Thematic maps
Thematic maps are ...
- showing strictly factual information
- derived from research
- working group generated
237. Suitability/Sensitivity maps
- is based on the results from issue Working Groups
- defines areas suitable for certain purposes
according to conditions and rules - provides a number of options
248. Overlays and Hotspots
- The overlay of thematic maps and suitability
maps provides a picture of the intensity of
competing and/or conflicting usages in specific
259. Development Pattern
- Overlay maps with engineering constraints
- Overlaying maps with preservation constraints
- Rank constraints shown of the overall
environmental constraint map - Transform ranks of constraint into ranks of
26Possible applications of EMIS
- 1. Environmental Management Framework
- 2. Support to action plans and structure plans
for implementation - 3. Support to Land Information Systems
- 4. Public information campaigns
271. Environmental Management Frameworks provide
- Spatial analysis for urban development
- Management frame-work for effective
implementation of strategies - Information on project and investment requirements
282. Prioritising Action Plans for
- Site selection
- Project design
- Investment plans
Action Plans are related to Land Information
293. Support to Land Information Systems
- Detailed cadaster plans
- Land register
- Utility planning
- Engineering
304. Public Information
- Web-sites
- Public exhibitions
- Research Utilities for schools and universities
- Publications
31Institutional Requirements
- Purchase of appropriate technology
- Appropriate location of the EMIS function
- Regular training of staff
- Commitment to regularly up-date of information
- Commitment to disseminate information to the
public (e.g. newspapers, newsletters, web-pages)
32Technical Requirements
- Personal Computer
- A0 inkjet printer
- A4 flat-bed scanner
- Digitiser
- Global Positioning System
- ArcView GIS 3.2/
- Map Maker Pro/
- MapInfo 5.5
- Satellite imagery
- MS Office