Title: The HE in FE experience
1The HE in FE experience culture for staff
- Staffordshire University Regional Federation
- Learning and Teaching
- Diversity of Teaching
- Teaching Workload
- Scholarly Activity, Subject Updating
- Reward and Recognition
- 9am 9.25am Introduction
- 9.30am 10.30 Breakouts
4We have no HE Manager so theres no co-ordinated
approach across college for HE its just dealt
with in each department and I suspect in
differing ways.
The College has recently invested millions of
pounds in the University Centre which has
greatly developed teaching and learning
5Students see considerable inconsistency between
lecturers and are unhappy about those lecturers
who dont seem to raise the level to HE and just
deliver in a style of a lower level, dont
stretch them and dont give the HE experience.
6I work as an Advanced Practitioner and have
responsibilities for developing the teaching and
learning standards across various HE courses
within the faculty. The focus currently is on
developing student centred teaching which
includes independent research activities and the
use of the colleges VLE, and away from more
traditional lecturing styles.
7Teaching commitment is purely measured by hours,
not the level of preparation and teaching
I actually enjoy it. It keeps me stimulated as
a lecturer and keeps me grounded. It gives you
an overview of your subject and makes you
recognise how far the students have come. It
offers continuity for students and teachers - it
keeps me inspired.
8I work across curriculum areas, I work with
multiple external agencies. I teach much more, I
deal with challenging classroom situations.
Getting to know students, seeing them grown and
gain in confidence making a difference in
peoples life.
Teaching HE
Professional identity
Professional development
HE working with FE
- Appoint a reporter.
- Identify FIVE points to report back.
- Suggest where improvements could be made.
11Breakout 9.30-10.30
Is teaching HE different? - SS.18
Does quality help? - SS.17
Professional identity? - Chancellors 1
Prof. development? Chancellors 2
Special recognition? - Chancellors 3 X
HE working with FE - Arts Centre Cinema