Title: Total Maximum Daily Load Process: An Overview
1Total Maximum Daily Load Process An
Avis Newell DEQ Northwest Region Water
Quality (503) 229 6018 newell.avis_at_deq.state.or.
2Tonights Presentation
- What is a TMDL?
- What Tualatin TMDL revisions will DEQ make?
- What is the Watershed Council signing up for, and
what is the schedule? - What can the Watershed Council contribute?
3What is a TMDL?
4Framework for DEQ to Protect and Restore Water
- Set water quality standards
- Monitor water quality
- List impaired waterbodies
- Develop the water quality restoration plan, aka
TMDL - Implement the water quality restoration plan
- Permits
- Other Authorities (State, Local)
5Total Maximum Daily Load or TMDL what is it?
- is the amount of a pollutant a water body can
assimilate and still meet the water
quality standard. - is for a particular pollutant.
- is calculated so that water quality will meet the
applicable standards - Standards are generally designed to protect the
beneficial use that is most sensitive to that
6Total Maximum Daily Load Components
Nonpoint Sources
Margin of Safety
Future Growth
Point Sources
- Point Sources
- Sewage Treatment Plants
- Industries
- Nonpoint Sources
- Urban runoff
- Agricultural runoff
- Septic systems
- Forestry
- Highways
- Natural processes
7Adaptive Management
Re-analyze/refine TMDL or WQMP
if necessary
Monitor implementation of WQMPs
8Implementing the TMDL
Water Quality Management Plans
SB1010 Agricultural conditions (ODA)
Point Source Permits (DEQ)
Forest Practices Act Forestry prescriptions (ODF)
Other urban and rural non-point source
management (Local Government)
Federal Land Management Agencies
9What TMDLs Will Be Revised?
10Existing Tualatin TMDLs
- Phosphorus
- Dissolved Oxygen
- Ammonia
- Bacteria
- Chlorophyll
- Temperature
11Proposed Tualatin Basin TMDL Updates
- Temperature Water Quality Standard change 2005
- Phosphorus CWS proposes summer discharge at
Forest Grove and Hillsboro - Iron (Fe) Manganese (Mn) New 303d listings
- Revisit list of Designated Management Agencies
(DMAs) - Revisit Water Quality Management Plan, and
require new Implementation Plans from DMAs
12Questions about TMDLs?
13What has the Council signed up for?
- What kind of assistance will be requested?
- Who else will provide input to the TMDL?
- What is the schedule for the TMDL process?
14TMDL Review Committee
- Watershed Council agreed to act as the TMDL
review committee - Council was involved in the last TMDL
- Goal Provide input on proposed TMDL no need for
consensus in the group - Includes
- Discussion at meetings
- Review documents
- Provide oral and/or written comments
15Additional Outreach
- Designated Management Agencies
- Point Sources (Permit Holders)
- Tualatin Basin Water Supply Project
- Other groups as opportunity provides, perhaps as
suggested by Council
- Discussion Draft of revised Temperature TMDL in
August - Discussion Draft of Phosphorus, Iron and
Manganese in October - Revisions to TMDL over the fall
- Formal public comment end of year
17General TMDL Process
- Technical work to develop details for TMDL
- Committee work outreach provide input on
numbers and report - Public comment draft, at least 45 days
- Finalize TMDL based on comment
- Order signed by DEQ Director
- Submitted to EPA for approval
- 30 days to approve
- Once approved TMDL is akin to a standard
18What can the Watershed Council contribute?
19- Sharing Local Knowledge
- Where can improvements be made?
- How can improvements be implemented?
- How can TMDL help achieve those improvements?
20Clean Water Services Restoration Sites
21How Can Watershed Council Help?
- Review TMDL
- How can the TMDL help you?
- Applying for grants
- Communication with elected officials
- Communication with other decision makers
- Provide feedback so TMDL is useful
- More readable?
- Additional information?
22DEQ Contact Information Avis Newell Tualatin
Basin Coordinator DEQ 2020 SW 4th Avenue, Suite
400 Portland, OR 97201 (503)229-6018 Newell.Avis