Title: P1246990923qtDIz
1The following is a presentation prepared for
NASFAAs 2007 Conference in Washington, DCJuly
8-11, 2007
2Developing Policies and Procedures
- NASFAA Conference
- July 2007
- Washington, DC
- Mona Lucas
- Dow Lohnes, PLLC
- Washington, DC
- Georgette DeVeres
- Claremont McKenna College
- Claremont, CA
4For Discussion
- Why have documented policies and procedures?
- Getting started
- Helpful hints for the development of policies and
procedures - Questions, comments
5- Why should institutions have documented polices
and procedures?
6Why have documented policies and procedures?
- 1. Compliance with Department of Education
laws and regulations -
- 2. Good business reasons
7Why have documented polices and procedures?
- 3. To ensure consistent, organization wide,
mutually agreed upon framework for Title IV
administration. - 4. To ensure institutional collaboration with
regard to Title IV administration.
- Reason 1
- Compliance with Department of
- Education Laws and Regulations
920 United State Code1094(a)(3)
- The institution will establish andmaintain
such administrative andfiscal procedures and
records asmay be necessary to ensureproper and
efficient administrationof funds received from
theSecretary . . .
1034 Code of Federal Regulations 668.14
- By entering into a programparticipation
agreement, aninstitution agrees that - (4) It will establish and maintainsuch
administrative and fiscalprocedures and records
as may benecessary to ensure proper
andefficient administration of fundsreceived
from the Secretary.
1134 Code of Federal Regulations 668.16
- The secretary considers an institution to have
that administrative capability if the institution
... (4) Has written procedures for or written
information indicating the responsibilities of
the various offices with respect to the approval
of disbursements and delivery of Title IV, HEA
program assistance and the preparation and
submission of reports to the secretary.
12334 Code of Federal Regulations668.53
- An institution shall establish and use written
policies and procedures for verifying information
contained in a student aid application in
accordance with the provisions of this subpart.
1334 Code of Federal Regulations 668.53
- These policies and procedures must include
- The time period within which an applicant shall
provide the documentation - The consequences of an applicants failure to
provide required documentation within the
specified time period. - The method by which the institution notifies an
applicant of the results of verification if, as a
result of verification applicants EFC changes
and results in a change in the applicants award
or loan
1434 Code of Federal Regulations 668.53 (continued)
- (4) The procedures the institution requires an
applicant to follow to correct application
information determined to be in error - (5) The procedures for making referrals under
15Referrals under section 668.16 (g)(1)(2)
- Refers to the Office of Inspector Generalof the
Department of Education forinvestigation any
credible informationindicating - Fraud
- Misrepresentation
- Conversion
- Breach of fiduciary responsibility
1634 Code of Federal Regulations 668.53
- (b) The institutions procedures must provide
that it shall furnish, in a timely manner, to
each applicant selected for verification a clear
explanation of - The documentation needed to satisfy the
verification requirements - The applicants responsibilities with respect to
the verification of application information,
including the deadlines for completing any
actions required under this subpart and
consequences of failing to complete any required
17USDE The Blue Book
- Control activities usually involvetwo elements
- Establishing what should be done and
- Serving as a basis for the procedures to effect
the policy
18USDE The Blue Book
- ED strongly recommends thatparticipating
schools create policiesand procedures manuals
thatcover the entirety of the schoolsparticipat
ion in the Title IVprograms
19- Reason 2
- Good business reasons
20USDE The Blue Book
- To document how and when theschool establishes
specific policesand procedures provide a
singlelocation for the schools policiesand
21USDE The Blue Book
- To serve as a valuable referenceduring a
program review or auditand provide the basis
fororientation and training of newemployees and
refreshing the skillsof current employees
22- Reason 3
- To ensure consistent,organization wide,
mutuallyagreed upon framework for TitleIV
23- Reason 4
- To ensure institutionalcollaboration with
regard toTitle IV administration
24Getting started
- Establish what should bedone as well as how,
when,and by whom
25NASFAA Resources
- Policies and Procedures TOOLS
- NASFAA Policies and Procedures ManualSample
Template - Policies and Procedures TOOLS RegulatoryResource
s Guide - Self Evaluation Guide for InstitutionalParticipa
tion in Title IV and otherprograms
26Helpful hints for the development of policies and
27Financial Aid People
- Sharing
- Helpful
- Borrow
- Recognize it is not necessary to
- reinvent the wheel
Thank you Karen Price-Scott
- Motivation?
- Training
- New Staff / New Regs/ New Pres
- Compliance
- Define office structure/organization
- Clarify roles and responsibilities
- Consistency
- Improve Communications
- Documentation for Auditors and Program Reviewers
- Make work load manageable
- Divide and Distribute
- Develop a system to evaluate your office
- Improve your processes
- Getting Started
- Get Over it!!!
- Intimidation Fear of the task
- Size of the task
- Knowledge viewed as power
- Are all parties cooperating?
- What are we REALLY doing?
- Are tasks being completed as assigned?
- Discovery
31What is this thing?
- Policy Vs. Procedure
- Policy answers the questions
- What? and Why? - General
- What are the general issues or concerns?
- What should be the general response?
- Procedure answers the questions
- How do I implement and carryout the policy?
- What are the specific tasks?
32Policy Influences
- Internal
- Enrollment policies
- Academic Affairs
- Student Affairs
- Financial Services
- Board of Trustees
- External
- State Federal Laws
33Policies and Procedures
- Policy Development is the most important aspect
of this process. This must be your first step as
well. - Dont try to decrease time spent in this area.
- We aid administrators have a tendency to
multi-task, dividing our attention. - Focus on the policies because they form the
foundation for your procedures. -
34How do I develop?
- Development Cycle
- Begin to create by asking
- Why is the Policy Procedure Manual necessary?
Who needs it? - Disregard no one!
- Be concerned about all affected
- Staff
- Students
- Other administrators
35Who Is Involved
- Financial Aid Director
- Financial Aid Staff
- Academic Affairs
- Bursar/Finance
- Housing
- Student Affairs
- Presidents Office
- Other
36How do I develop?
- Development Cycle
- Implementation/Execution
- Communication of policies
- Think about timing issues
- Think about political issues
- Evaluation and Assessment
- Is this PP effective and efficient?
- Is the PP valid and appropriate?
- Is it achieving its goal?
37Making Solid Choices
- Decide what works best for your institution.
- Size
- Type
- Organization
- Assign tasks
- Who does What, where when and How?
- Who works on the manual
38Making Solid Choices
- Involve as many people as possible.
- Large task
- Attachment gives a sense of ownership
- Creates cooperation
- All staff members have something to contribute.
- Assess their expertise
39Making Solid Choices
- Consider your institutions system
- Do you want paper or electronic format?
- Electronic is easier to update
- Paper is easier for Auditors
- Must ensure all are using the most update version
- Consider the users
- Keep it simple!!
- What do you want your manual to look like?
40Start Creating
- Document what your office staff is currently
doing - Suggestions
- Have office specialist document what they
actually do on a daily basis. - Skeleton of your manual should be informal.
- You can rewrite later dont worry about the final
form now.
41Start Creating
- Review current Policy
- How can you improve?
- Let others outside of your office review.
- Decide if changes are needed
- Review current Procedures
- Assess what changes should be made.
- Both policy and procedure must go hand in hand.
- Say what you do and do what you say
- All exceptions to the rules must be included
42Resources to Use
- Old manuals
- Bulletins
- Office Memos
- E-Mails
- Colleagues
- State Agencies
- NASFAA Template
43Start Creating
- Take the old PP and incorporate it into your new
manual. - Your design should flow easily
- Choose wording carefully
- Remember your users
- Include all exceptions
- Format changes should be uniform
44Making Changes
- Update
- Updating never ends of course!!!
- Changes in regulations
- Staffing or office organization
- Institutional changes
- System upgrades
- Develop a calendar for regular updates
45Tips on Getting Started
- Make style and format decisions first!
- Dont recreate the wheel!
- Start small, keep it simple and easy!
- PLAN and PLAN some more!
46In summary . . .
- What are the optional pieces of our manuals?
- What are the required parts?
- Mona Lucas
- Dow Lohnes, PLLC
- (202) 776-2599
- mlucas_at_dowlohnes.com
- Georgette DeVeres
- Clarmont McKenna College
- (909) 621-8356
- Georgette.deveres_at_clarmontmckenna.edu
48Special Thanks
- Karen Price-Scott, Pratt Institute
- Jane Pennington, Middle Tennessee School of
Anesthesia - David Haygood, Academic Management Services, Inc.
49(No Transcript)