Title: Army Watercraft
Army Watercraft Restructuring Plan (AWRP)
Divestiture Update Information Briefing
Presented By Jill Stupyra US ARMY TACOM 2 July -
- FY02 Sales Program Overview and Schedule
- Issues / Concerns
- Conflicts in DA Approval
- Clarifications Requested
- Sales Projections
- Sales Proceeds
3FY02 Sale 1
Current Sale 38-2754 - 4 Vessels - Bid Opening
May 15th
- Collected net proceeds of 121,971
- Finalization and removal being prolonged due to
tighter security measures imposed by the Commerce
Department - Buyer clearances expected NLT 31 Jul 02
4FY02 Sale Schedule
Upcoming Sale - 40 Vessels - 5 locations
Location Environmental Unit Reports Bidders Award
Assessments Due Viewing Hythe 8-16
Jun 02 5 Jul 02 12-23 Aug 02 3 Sep 02 Curtis
Bay 25-27 Jun 02 12 Jul 02 3-13 Sep 02 17 Sep
02 FEVA/Story 7-12 Jul 02 19 Jul 02 16-27 Sep
02 7 Oct 02 Morehead City 15-16 Jul 02 19 Jul
02 16-27 Sep 02 8 Oct 02
Final payment and vessel removal must be
completed within 25 days from bidder award.
However, any buyer not already cleared by the
Commerce Department cannot remove the vessel
until clearance is obtained.
5Issues / Concerns
- Removal of Army Markings
- Demilitarization lists for use by Units
- Time Delay for Vessels at Hythe Demil Code
Q - (All Demil Codes other Than A Requires
Trade - Security Control Clearance from Buyers)
- additional 30-60 days to complete Sale
- Conflicts on vessels approved for sales
- Release of Watercraft Sale Proceeds
Require DA-G8 Approval to Remove From Sales
BC-6188 RC Requesting MTOE change BC-6260 RC R
equesting MTOE change BC-6262 RC Requesting
MTOE change BC-6283 RC Requesting MTOE
change BC-6316 RC Requesting MTOE
change LCM-8538 RC ILO MCS LCM-8584 RC Request
ing addition to TDA LCM-8586 RC Requesting
addition to TDA LCU-1672 RC ILO LCU-2000
shortage LCU-1673 RC ILO LCU-2000
shortage LCU-1674 RC ILO LCU-2000
shortage LT-2085 RC ILO ST-900
shortage BC-6465 PREPO Requesting addition to
TDA BC-6467 PREPO Requesting addition to
TDA BC-6548 PREPO Requesting addition to
TDA BD-6074 PREPO Requesting addition to
TDA BD-6447 PREPO Requesting addition to TDA
7Require DA-G4 Clarification
- Need clarification on the following Issues
- If vessel is POMd for and then transfers to
another component, do the POM dollars transfer
also? - How close to the Divestment date must the
component stop POMing maintenance dollars?
LCM-8559 PREPO Due OCCM 1QTR03 RC POMd hull
transferred now a UFR LCU-1673 RC Approved for
sale RC requests to retain scheduled for
OCCM LT-2085 RC Approved for sale RC requests
to retain scheduled for OCCM LCM-8545 RC Schedul
ed for OCCM in 3QTR03 divestment in 04
8(No Transcript)
9Watercraft Re-Procurement
The Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)
A. Approved policy change request 1.
Authorized sale of non-excess personal property
a. To another Department of Defense
Component, another federal
agency, or a private party and b.
Apply the proceeds toward the procurement of a
similar and authorized replacement
item. B. Two issues must be resolved
PRIOR to final approval and release of proceeds
to date. (Watercraft 4.3 Mil) 1. The Army
must establish a (manual) internal control
process to control the deposit and use of sale
proceeds 2. The Army Audit Agency must
approve the internal control process.