Title: Skeletal, Muscular, and Nervous Systems
1 Chapter 15
Skeletal, Muscular, and Nervous Systems
2Health Standards
- 10.1.2 Analyze how behavior can impact health
maintenance and disease prevention. - 10.1.1 Analyze the extent to which individuals
are responsible for enhancing health and safety
in the community and the workplace. - 10.6.3 Demonstrate the ability to design and
implement a plan for achieving a personal health
3Lesson 1 The Skeletal System
- Functions of Skeleton System
- Skeletal system provides a structure for
the body. It includes a vertebrae of spine and
supports upper body and head. - Types of Bones
- Small bones-includes bones in legs
- and arms
- Short bones-bones in wrist and ankles
- Flat bones-In skull and protect organs like the
rib cage - Irregular bones-facial bones or vertebrae bones
4lesson 1 Joints
- Joints
- Joints are the point were bones meet.
- Types of Joints
- Ball-and-socket joints- formed when a rounded
head of one bone fits into the rounded cavity of
an jointed bone. - Hinge joints-would include elbow, knee, ankle,
and fingers. Allows bone to bend and straighten - Pivot joints- allow limited rotation or turning
of the head - Ellipsoidal joints- bone in wrist, and a oval
shaped part that fits in a curved space, the
joints slide over each other
Study Guide Lesson 1
5Lesson 2 Care and Problems of the Skeleton System
- Care of the Skeletal System
- Ways to care for the Skeletal system is
to eat foods that contain calcium, vitamin D, and
phosphorus, they can help prevent the development
of certain skeletal disorders. - Problems of the Skeletal System
- Problems of the skeletal system can be a
result of poor nutrition, infections, sports, and
recreational injuries and poor posture.
Osteoporosis and dislocation of the joints are
also other problems of the Skeletal System. - Vocabulary
- Osteoporosis- is a condition in which progressive
loss of bone tissue occurs - Scoliosis- a lateral, or side-to-side, curvature
of the spine - Repetitive motion injury- is a damage to tissues
caused by prolonged, repeated movements such as
computer work
6Lesson 2 Injuries to Joints and Bones
- Fractures
- Hairline fractures- is were the fracture
incomplete - Transverse fracture- a fracture that is
completely across the bone - Comminuted fracture- is were the bone shatters
into more than two pieces. - Joints
- Dislocation- is when the ligaments attached to
the bone are torn or out of place - Torn cartilage- is a sharp blow or twisting of
the joint - Arthritis- inflammation of the joint and is a
result of natural wear and tear
Study Guide Lesson 2
7Lesson 3 The Muscular System
- Functions of the Muscular System
- Involuntary
- Some involuntary functions of the
muscular system are muscles to help you breathe,
make your heart beat, and help move food through
the digestive system. - Voluntary
- Some voluntary functions of the muscular
system are like playing piano, running, playing
video games, and throwing a ball.
8Lesson 3 The Muscular System
- Vocabulary
- Smooth muscles- acts on the lining of passageways
and internal organs. - Skeletal muscles- these are attached to the bone
and cause body movements - Cardiac Muscles- is a type of striated muscle
that forms the wall of the heart - Problems of the Muscle System
- Bruise- is a area of discolored skin that appears
after an injury. - Tendonitis- is a inflammation of the tendon,
caused by injury or over use aging - Hernia- when a organ or tissue protrudes through
an area of weak muscle. -
Study Guide Lesson 3
9Lesson 4 The Nervous System
- Functions of the Nervous System
- The nervous system coordinates all of
the activities in your body, from breathing to
digesting food or sensing pain or feeling of
fear. - Vocabulary
- Cerebrum- is the largest and most complex part of
the brain, its covered with a thin layer of gray
matter - Cerebellum- is the second largest part of the
brain and coordinates movement - Brain Stem- is a three inch stalk of nerve cells
and fibers that connects to spinal cord to the
rest of the brain
10Lesson 4The Brain Stem
- Medulla Oblongata- regulates heart beat and
respiratory system and reflexes such as coughing,
sneezing, and vomiting - Pons- the pathway connecting nerve impulses to
other areas of the brain - Midbrain- is a involuntary in such functions as
controlling eyeball movement and pupil size - Thalamus- is a relay center for incoming sensory
impulses and sends information from different
sense organs such as eyes and ears - Hypothalamus- regulates body temperature,
stimulates appetite for food and drink and
regulates sleep
Study Guide Lesson 4
11Lesson 5Care and Problems of the Nervous System
- Care of the Nervous System
- Eating a well balanced diet, exercising
regularly, and getting enough sleep affect the
health of your nervous system. - Ways to Protect your Nervous System
- Keep your nervous system healthy by
protecting it from injury. To protect your head
and spine wear a helmet and protective gear while
riding a bike, motorcycle, skating, and any
contact sport.
12Lesson 5Disorders and Problems
- Disorders
- Parkinson's disease-results in destruction of the
nerve cells in an area of the brain that helps
coordinate skeletal muscle movement - Multiple Sclerosis- involves the destruction of
the myelin sheath that surrounds the axons of the
neurons in the CNS - Alzheimer's disease- results with neurons in the
brain are destroyed If neurons become clogged
with protein deposits, they are unable to
transmit impulses result in loss of memory
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