Title: Redesigning for EBusiness
1Redesigning for E-Business
- Discuss waves of business process improvement
- Describe major issues and characteristics of
business process reengineering for e-business - Describe principles and tactics for IT-enabled
business process reengineering
2Redesigning for E-Business
- Business Process Reengineering for E-Business
involves rethinking and redesigning business
processes at both the enterprise and supply chain
level to take advantage of Internet connectivity,
simple universal interface and new ways of
creating value - Involves IT, business processes, people and
organizational forms - In 1994 survey, 67 judged as producing marginal
or failed results - failed projects less depth and less breadth
3Design Issues
Business Strategy
Business Processes
4Waves of Business Process Improvement
Knowledge Management
Web-enabled e-business
1st Wave BPR
5Waves of Business Process Improvement
6Waves of Business Process Improvement
7Process Redesign for E-Business
- Customer-facing
- Cross-functional, cross-departmental,
cross-enterprise (integrate front- and back-end) - E-business project for process carried out across
a supply chain across enterprises is more complex
than process within the same enterprise - agreement on interfaces
- multiple political and organizational challenges
- underlying IT infrastructures
- Cross-enterprise resign has largest potential
8Bridging Business and Technology
- Consider who owns customer data customer and
internal owner - Customer Profiles (customer-facing)
- Business Rules (I.e., rules for good customers)
- Business Events (places where systems interact)
- Business Objects (e.g., customer, account, order)
9Critical Questions
- What is the typical scope of a BPR project?
- Which business processes need to be re-engineered
the most? - Add the most value
- Importance of project to companys strategic
intent - 50 - order fulfillment and customer service
10Critical Questions
- What is the relationship between BPR and Supply
Chain Management? - What is the influence of Packaged ERP software
(COTS) on BPR? - Guiding template of best practices
- Forced cross-functional reengineering
- Each company division operates in the same way
- Will BPR for e-business be different for
brick-and-mortar than for internet-only
11Generic IT-Enabled BPR Streamlining the Business
- Redesigning Enterprise Processes for e-Business,
Omar El Sawy, 2000 - Restructuring and Reconfiguring Processes
(Restructure It) - Changing Information Flows around Processes
(Informate It) - Changing Knowledge Management around Processes
(Mind It)
12Principles and Tactics for Restructuring
(Restructure It)
- Lose wait -squeeze out waiting time
- redesign time-sequential activities to be
executed concurrently - design for continuous flow rather than stop-start
batches - modify upstream practice to relieve downstream
bottlenecks - Orchestrate - let the swiftest and most able
enterprise execute - Partner or outsource a process to another
enterprise - Insource where needed (Fender in Europe)
- Use infomediaries (exchanges)
13Principles and Tactics for Restructuring
(Restructure It)
- Mass-Customize - flex the process for any time,
any place, one way - Flex access by expanding the time window for
process - Flex access by migrating the physical space where
process happens (Sunglass Hut) - Push customization to occur closest to the
customer - Synchronize -synchronize the physical and virtual
parts of the process - Match offerings in physical and virtual parts of
channel (Borders) - Track the movement of physical products
14Principles and Tactics for Changing Information
- Digitize and Propagate - capture information
digitally at the source and propagate throughout
the process. - Shift data entry to customers and digitize it.
- Strive for paperless process.
- Microsoft receives 750 applications daily
- 1997 6 submitted electronically
- 1999 - 70 submitted electronically
- Make information more easily accessible to those
who need it (upstream and downstream) - Wal-Mart and PG
15Principles and Tactics for Changing Information
- Vitrify - provide glass-like visibility through
fresher and richer information on process - On-demand tracking
- Reporting capabilities for ad hoc analysis
- Sensitize - fit the process with vigilant sensors
and feedback loops that prompt action - Customer feedback loops to detect process
dysfunctions - Software to trigger quick business reflexes
(Hertz and prices) - Environmental probes to monitor change
16Principle Tactics for Changing Knowledge
- Analyze and Synthesize - augment the interactive
analysis and synthesis capabilities around a
process to generate value added (these arent
cheap and require planning ahead) - what-if capabilities (Merrill Lynch)
- slice and dice data analysis to detect patterns
- Connect Collect and Create - grow intelligently
reusable knowledge around the process through all
who touch it (fostering community) - Community of practice- Engineering Book of
Knowledge - FAQ database
- Expertise maps and yellow pages
17Principle Tactics for Changing Knowledge
- Personalize - make the process intimate with the
preferences and habits of participants
personalize interactions - Learn preferences of customers and doers of the
process through profiling (American Airlines,
Ritz-Carlton Hotels) - Insert business rules in process that are
triggered based on dynamic personal profile - Use automatic collaborative filtering techniques