Title: Kontakt
3wstep do magnetostatyki
Slowo magnes pochodzi od powincji Magnesia w
Thessalii, gdzie dosc powszechnie wystepuja
mineraly o wlasciwosciach magnetycznych.
Wystepuja takze w sasiedniej Heraklii. Sokrates
uzywal okreslenia kamien z Heraklii. Prawdopodob
nie Eurypidesowi zawdzieczamy upowszechnienie
okreslenia magnes. Gdyby przewazyla wersja
Sokratesa, to mielibysmy pole elektroheraklityczne
4pole magnetyczne
czym jest pole magnetyczne?
odrebnym bytem? (Faraday, Maxwell)
konsekwencja ruchu ladunku?
konsekwencja zasady wzglednosci Einsteina
transformacji Lorentza
skrócenia Fitzgeralda-Lorentza
jednym z dwóch równowaznych wcielen pola
5jajko czy kura
6sila Lorentza
demo dzikie wino
7sila Lorentza
8Joseph John Thomson
demo oscyloskop
9spektrometr mas
10prad elektryczny
natezenie ladunek przeplywajacy przez caly
przekrój przewodnika w jednostce czasu
gestosc pradu natezenie na jednostke
pola przekroju przewodnika
11prad elektryczny
gestosc pradu na ogól nie jest stala w calym
przekroju przewodnika!
12sila magnetyczna dzialajaca na odcinek
przewodnika z pradem
tylko gdy gestosc pradu jest stala w calym
przekroju przewodnika!
13pole magnetyczne wokól przewodnika z pradem
1820 Hans Christian Ørsted
1822 Andre Marie Ampère
14Andre Marie Ampère Recueil dobservations
électrodynamiques (1822)
15Andre Marie Ampère Recueil dobservations
électrodynamiques (1822)
the force exerted on the test wire is directly
proportional to its length. If the current in the
test wire (i.e., the test current) flows
parallel to the current in the central wire then
the two wires attract one another. If the current
in the test wire is reversed then the two
wires repel one another. If the test current
points radially towards the central wire (and the
current in the central wire flows upwards) then
the test wire is subject to a downwards force.
If the test current is reversed then the force
is upwards. If the test current is rotated in a
single plane, so that it starts parallel to the
central current and ends up pointing
radially towards it, then the force on the test
wire is of constant magnitude and is always at
right angles to the test current.
16Andre Marie Ampère Recueil dobservations
électrodynamiques (1822)
If the test current is parallel to a magnetic
loop then there is no force exerted on the test
wire. If the test current is rotated in a single
plane, so that it starts parallel to the central
current and ends up pointing along a magnetic
loop, then the magnitude of the force on the test
wire attenuates like cos? (where ? is the angle
the current is turned through ?0 corresponds to
the case where the test current is parallel to
the central current), and its direction is again
always at right angles to the test current the
attractive force between two parallel current
carrying wires is proportional to the product of
the two currents, and falls off like one over the
perpendicular distance between the wires.
17Andre Marie Ampère Recueil dobservations
électrodynamiques (1822)
If the test current is parallel to a magnetic
loop then there is no force exerted on the test
wire. If the test current is rotated in a single
plane, so that it starts parallel to the central
current and ends up pointing along a magnetic
loop, then the magnitude of the force on the test
wire attenuates like cos? (where ? is the angle
the current is turned through ?0 corresponds to
the case where the test current is parallel to
the central current), and its direction is again
always at right angles to the test current the
attractive force between two parallel current
carrying wires is proportional to the product of
the two currents, and falls off like one over the
perpendicular distance between the wires.
18Andre Marie Ampère Recueil dobservations
électrodynamiques (1822)
If the test current is parallel to a magnetic
loop then there is no force exerted on the test
wire. If the test current is rotated in a single
plane, so that it starts parallel to the central
current and ends up pointing along a magnetic
loop, then the magnitude of the force on the test
wire attenuates like cos? (where ? is the angle
the current is turned through ?0 corresponds to
the case where the test current is parallel to
the central current), and its direction is again
always at right angles to the test current the
attractive force between two parallel current
carrying wires is proportional to the product of
the two currents, and falls off like one over the
perpendicular distance between the wires.
19pole magnetyczne przewodnika z pradem
Andre Marie Ampère Recueil dobservations
électrodynamiques (1822)
kto pamieta twierdzenie Stokesa ?
20twierdzenie Stokesa - rotacja
21pole magnetyczne przewodnika z pradem
Andre Marie Ampère Recueil dobservations
électrodynamiques (1822)
22pole magnetyczne wokól przewodnika z pradem
applet 3Dm
23linie pola
demo linie pola M
24petla z pradem
demo rzutnik 2 przewody spirala Rogeta
25koniec EMO10
26koniec EMO9