Title: Endangered Species Conservation Banking
1Endangered Species Conservation Banking
- Michael Bean
- Chair, Wildlife Program
2Basic duties of the ESA
- No take of listed animals without a permit.
- Federal actions must not jeopardize listed
3The exceptions
- Take incidental to otherwise lawful activities
permitted if mitigated (9). - Federal agencies can incorporate conservation
measures in project descriptions to avoid
jeopardy (7).
4Terminology Why conservation rather than
mitigation banks?
- Wetland mitigation banking has been highly
controversial. - No obligation to impose mitigation under 7.
5A quick history of endangered species
conservation banking
- First banks pre-dated any banking policy.
- California promulgated first banking policy in
1995. - First formal FWS guidance in May 2003.
- NOAA-Fisheries has neither policy nor banking
6The federal guidance
- Notice of availability published in Federal
Register, but not the guidance itself. - No public input on the guidance.
7Conservation Bank defined
A parcel of land containing natural resource
values that are conserved and managed in
perpetuity, through a conservation easement held
by an entity responsible for enforcing the terms
of the easement, for specified listed species and
used to offset impacts occurring elsewhere to the
same resource values on non-bank lands.
8Credits defined
Credits are the quantification of a species or
habitats conservation values within a bank.
9More on credits
- In its simplest form, one credit will equal one
acre of habitat or the area supporting one nest
site or family group. - The most important consideration for any
mitigation requirements is that they should be
proportionate to the extent of the impact and
consistent from project to project.
10What actions produce credits?
- Unlike wetland banking policy, endangered species
banking policy welcomes acquisition or protection
of existing habitat. - Credits for creating or restoring habitat are
possible, but seldom pursued in practice.
11Where can credits be used?
- Within specified service areas.
- Service areas generally correspond to recovery
units in recovery plans.
12Some practical challenges
- Quantification of credits (and debits) is
relatively subjective and difficult. - Acres are often a poor surrogate for conservation
values. - Potential market for credits may be very local
and very small. - Market is further undermined by inconsistent
13Some examples of endangered species conservation
- International Paper red-cockaded woodpecker bank.
- Hickory Pass Ranch bank for golden-cheeked
warbler. - Mobile Area Sewer and Water Commission gopher
tortoise bank. - Coles Levee Bank for California gnatcatcher.