Title: There is nothing as unequal
1There is nothing as unequal as the equal
treatment of unequals. ..Thomas Jefferson
2Leadership is deliberately causing people-driven
actions in a planned fashion for the purpose of
accomplishing the leaders agenda. ..Philip
3Life is not a dress rehearsal.
4A community is like a ship. Everyone ought to be
prepared to take the helm. ..Henrik Ibsen
5Do one thing everyday that scares
you. ..Anonymous
6We all sit around in a ring and suppose While the
secret sits in center and knows . Robert
7Have a passion for closure!
8No one can make you feel inferior without your
consent. ..Eleanor Roosevelt
9We must find the radicals, the true
revolutionaries, and support them. ..Louis
Gerstner, Jr.
10Try not to become a man of success, but rather
try to become a man of value. ..Albert
11To accomplish big things, I am convinced you must
first dream big dreams. ..Conrad Hilton
12You have to set the tone in pace. Define
objectives and strategies demonstrate through
personal example what you would expect from
others. Stanley C. Gault
13The secret of success is consistency of
purpose. ..Benjamin Disraeli
14Our aspirations are our possibilities. ..Rob
ert Browning
15The urgent problems are seldom the important
ones. ..Dwight D. Eisenhower
16If you dont know where you are going, you will
probably wind up somewhere else. ..Dr.
Lawrence J. Peter
17The quality of a persons life is in direct
proportion to their commitment to excellence,
regardless of their chosen field of
endeavor. .. Vince Lombardi
18Leaders articulate and define what has previously
remained implicit or unsaid then they invent
images, metaphors and models that provide focus
for new attention. .. Warren Bennis
Burt Wanus
19Never leave well enough alone. ..Raymond
20You ask yourself not if this or that is
expedient, but if it is right. ..Alan Paton
21Everything should be made as simple as possible,
but no simpler. ..Albert Einstein
22If you cant write your idea on the back of my
calling card, you dont have a clear
idea. .. David Belasco
23The art of being wise is the art of knowing what
to overlook. ..William James
24Wisdom is made up of ten parts, nine of which are
25Minds are like parachutes they only function
when open. ..Lord Dewar
26When you hire people who are smarter than you
are, you prove you are smarter than they
are. R.H. Grant
27A flow of words is not proof of wisdom.
28God grant us the serenity to accept what cannot
be changed give us the courage to change what
should be changed give us the wisdom to
distinguish one from another. ..Reinhold
29Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when a
man has only one idea. ..Alain
30The people who are most likely to fail never seem
to have enough information. ..David Wiscott
31Be careful of your thoughts they may become
words at any moment. ..Sara Gassen
32A problem well stated is a problem half
solved. ..Charles F. Kettering
33The will to win is not nearly as important as the
will to prepare to win. ..Bobby Knight
34What you have done on matters as it relates to
what you are doing today. ..Bill Flaherty
35Genius is the ability to reduce the complicated
to the simple. ..C.W. Ceran
36Courage is clearly a readiness to risk
self-humiliation. ..Nigel Dennis
37Trust your hopes, not your fears. ..David
38One man with courage makes a majority. ..An
drew Jackson
39There is no security on this earth, only
opportunity. ..General Douglas MacArthur
40It is not because things are difficult that we do
not dare it is because we do not dare that they
are difficult. ..Seneca
41My colleagues joke that I am not fearful because
Im the boss the truth is that I am the boss
because I am not fearful. ..Michael
42What lies behind us and what lies before us are
tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
..Ralph Waldo Emerson
43Risk is like change its not a
choice. ..Max DePree
44Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever
achieve greatly. ..Robert Kennedy
45Progress involves risks. You cant steal second
and keep your foot on first. ..Frederick
46The courage to speak must be matched by the
wisdom to listen.
47Nothing is so exhausting as indecision, and
nothing is so futile. ..Bertrand Russell
48Success doesnt come to youyou go to
it. ..Marva Collins
49A conclusion is the place where you got tired of
thinking. ..Edward deBono
50Even if youre on the right track, youll get run
over if you just sit there. ..Will Rogers
51Dont agonize organize. ..Florence R.
52Many things are lost for the want of
asking. ..English Proverb
53The world stands aside to let anyone pass who
knows where he is going. ..David Starr
54If your head doesnt get there first, you never
will. ..Ernie Larson
55Crisis doesnt develop character crisis reveals
56If I keep my good character, I shall be rich
enough. ..Platonicus
57There is no right way to do something wrong.
58If I take care of my character, my reputation
will take care of itself. ..Dwight L. Moody
59Few men have virtue to withstand the highest
bidder. ..George Washington
60The greatest ability is dependability. ..Cu
rt Bergwall
61Wisdom consists of knowing what to do next
virtue, in doing it. ..David Starr
62Its important that we focus more on what we need
to be than on what we need to do. ..Mary
63Dignity does not consist in possessing honors but
in deserving them. ..Aristotle
64No person was ever honored for what he received.
Honor has been the reward for what he
gave. ..Calvin Coolidge
65The ability to accept responsibility is the
measure of a man. ..Roy L. Smith
66Its important that people know what you stand
for. Its equally important that they know what
you wont stand for. ..Mary Waldrop
67The measure of power is honesty. ..Hugh
68The measure of a man is what he does with
power. .. Pittacus
69All the significant battles are waged within the
self. ..Sheldon Kopp
70Leadership is action, not position.
..Donald McGannon
71Successful leaders dare to be unpopular when they
have to make tough decisionsand they accept that
there may be long periodsbefore the rewards of
their efforts finally appear. ..Andrew
72The right man is the one who seizes the
moment. ..Goethe
73Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you
want to test a mans character, give him
power. ..Abraham Lincoln
74Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have
to tell people you are, you arent.
..Margaret Thatcher
75The sole advantage of power is that you can do
more good. ..Baltasar Gracian
76We judge ourselves by our motives and others by
their actions. ..Dwight Morrow
77Treat people as if they were what they ought to
be, and you help them become what they are
capable of becoming. ..Goethe
78Example is not the main thing in influencing
other. It is the only thing. ..Albert
79The leader has to be practical and a realist, yet
must talk the language of the visionary and the
idealist. ..Eric Haffer
80Tact is the art of making your point without
making an enemy. ..Howard W. Newton
81Its amazing how much people can get done if they
do not worry about who gets the
credit. ..Sandra Surnney
82People have a way of becoming what you encourage
them to be. ..Scudder N. Parker
83Nothing great was ever achieved without
enthusiasm. ..Ralph Waldo Emerson
84Never giving criticism without praise is a strict
rule for me. No matter what you are criticizing,
you must find something good to say both before
and after. Criticize the act, not the
person. ..Mary Kay Ash
85You see things and say Why? But I dream
things that never were and I say Why
not? ..George Bernard Shaw
86Catch someone doing something right. .. Kenn
eth Blanchard Spencer Johnson
87The way to cross a river is to cross
it. ..Indian Saying
88Life is too short for it to be a do it yourself
project. ..Cabit Roberts
89Tell me, Ill forget. Show me, I may
remember. Involve me, Ill understand. ..Chin
ese Proverb
90Know I dont the key to success, but the key to
failure is trying to please everyone. ..Bill
91The possession of facts is knowledge, the use of
them is wisdom. ..Thomas Jefferson
92Do it well rather than swell. Stewart
93The secret to success is being 15 minutes ahead
of everybody else. ..Woody Allen
94Youll never plough a field by turning it over in
your mind. ..An Irish Proverb
95You miss 100 of the shots you never take.
..Wayne Gretsky
96To the world you may be one person. To one person
you may be the world.
97I you chose not to decide, you still have made a
choice. ..Neil Peart
98Why are you going along with those people? I have
to, Im their leader. ..Ledru-Rollin
99The crowd will follow a leader who marches twenty
paces ahead of them, but if he is a thousand
paces ahead of them, they will neither see nor
follow him. ..Georg Brandes
100Life is half spent before we know what it
is. ..George Herbert
101Good people are good because theyve come to
wisdom through failure. We get very little
wisdom from success. ..William Saroyan
102Dont run out of airspeed, ideas, and altitude
all at the same time. ..Aviation Wisdom
103After a certain age, being surprised only means
that you havent been paying attention.
104You are the average of the five people you spend
the most time with.
105A leader without information is like an engine
without fuel.
106The growth and development of people is the
highest calling of leadership.
107Make somebody elses day in a positive way.
108Live in the present!
109Continued success is the result of continued
110If we all think alike, then none of us thinks
very much. ..Walter Lipman
111You can tell whether a man is clever by his
answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by
his questions. ..Naguib Mahouz