Title: The Orange County Chapter Presents
1The Orange County Chapter Presents
BC Management's Annual
Benchmarking Report
Cheyene will provide industry insights and past
and future trends regarding the business
continuity/disaster recovery industry while
explaining the process and content of BC
Managements annual survey that resulted in the
4th Annual Business Continuity Program
Benchmarking Report.
Cheyene Haase, President, BC Management
The Great Southern California ShakeOut!
The Great Southern California ShakeOut has been
organized to help raise awareness as well as help
Southern Californians prepare for the big
earthquakes in our future. The scenario for the
ShakeOut is based on the Big One a potential
magnitude 7.8 earthquake and defines what that
means. As we all know--its not a matter of if
but when. So lets get informed and prepared!
Margaret Vinci, Manager, Office of Earthquake
Programs, CalTech
Wednesday, September 10, 2008 Noon to 300 PM
Members 10, Non-Members 20
Cal State Fullerton Extension Building 12901
Euclid Street, Room 158-159, Garden Grove, CA
92840-5214 The building is shared with Coastline
Visit www.acpoc.com
A map is available on the ACP-OC website
Register by Sept. 5 Send RSVP to