2 A mixture of two or more metals to make harder
tools and weapons is called an A. alloy B.
smelt C. forge D. cure
3 Ancient cities contained ziggurats which were
used for all of the following EXCEPT 1. look out
tower 2. get closer to heaven 3. center of
trade 4. a storage silo
4 Archaeologists study fossils and artifacts, an
artifact is different than a fossil in that 1.
is made by nature 2. is made by man 3. is only by
religious leaders 4. is only over 1000 years old
5 What do the oracle bones of China tell us? 1.
how the Chinese chose their leaders 2. an epic
story of good and evil 3. about the history of
China 4. a collection of the writings of the
6Which of the following was NOT a part of the
Feudal system? 1. monks 2.knights 3.serfs 4.
7 Which battle in 1066 tied England to Europe and
changed history? 1. Battle of Tours 2. Battle
of Hastings 3. Battle of Runnymeade 4. Battle of
8 What was the original purpose of the Great
Wall? 1. keep the Chinese citizens in 2. keep
the cold out 3. keep the invaders out 4. as a
look out tower
9 The Greeks were the first to develop theater,
these plays were mostly 1.tragedies 2.
comedies 3.histories 4.fiction
10The Punic Wars were fought between 1. Rome and
Greece 2. Rome and Egypt 3. Sicily and
Carthage 4. Rome and Carthage
11 The blind poet who is believed to have composed
the Iliad and Odyssey is 1. Paris 2.
Agamemnon 3. Odysseus 4. Homer
12 A ______ is a form of government in which the
leader is not a monarch and certain citizens
have the right to vote 1. polis 2. republic 3.
dictatorship 4. Circus Maximus
13 All of the following would be classified as
artifacts EXCEPT 1.a stone bead 2. an antelope
skull 3. a metal blade 4. the remains of a
cooking pit
14 One of the 5 Pillars of Islam, the hajj is 1. A
public prayer on Friday at midday to worship
Allah 2. Ones duty to give alms to the poor and
unfortunate 3. The observation of the holy month
of July, including fasting from dawn to
sunset 4. A pilgrimage once in your life time to
15- The Magna Carta was a document that
- established peace between the Normans
- and the French
- 2. eventually was used to strengthen the idea
- that a monarchs power was limited, not absolute
- 3. conceded power over the courts
- to the Roman Catholic Church
- 4.established the first English parliament and
- defined its power to grant taxes and pass laws
16 The Domesday Book was 1. The first book
written of Roman times 2. A book of prophesy 3. A
census of England 4. The history of the
17The study of past societies through looking at
what people have left behind is 1. History 2.
Radio-carbon dating 3. Fossil analysis 4.
18the most famous piece of Mesopotamian literature,
containing the story of a flood is 1. the
Scribe 2. the Code of Hammurabi 3. the Epic of
Gilgamesh 4. ziggurats
19 Romans excelled at all of the following
EXCEPT 1. military matters 2. pure democracy 3.
governing other people 4. law
20 The Pax Romana was a 1. period of peace and
prosperity beginning in A.D. 96 2. leaders of the
Senate 3. series of fortifications 4. a program
of public aqueducts
21 Devout Muslims did all of the following
EXCEPT 1. worship Allah 2. live by Allahs
teachings 3. follow the teachings of the Quran 4.
drink wine
22The highest rank in the Aryan social system
is 1.pariah 2.Kashtriya 3.Sudra 4.Brahman
23Most people in India today are 1. Hindus 2.
Buddhist 3. Christians 4. Muslims
24 Which of the following was the longest living
dynasty of China? 1. Han 2. Qin 3.Ming 4. Chou
25Asokas attitude toward religions other than
Buddhism was 1. harsh 2. tolerant 3. unknown 4.
26 A produce important to the Chinese economy
was 1. millet 2. paper 3. silk 4. rice
27 Which helped the most in making the Vikings
successful in their invasions? 1. Magyars 2.
Ships 3. Trade 4. Sagas
28 During the Middle Ages, the most important
institution was the 1. family 2. government 3.
church 4. city
29 What was the purpose of a pyramid in Egypt? 1.
A place to bury pharaohs 2.A place to keep the
pharaohs treasure 3.A temple for prayer 4. A
storage house for grain during good harvests
30 The Chinese philosopher Confucius taught filial
piety, which is 1. keeping order is the most
important thing 2. love of nature will get you to
heaven 3. always respect your family, especially
your father 4. the rulers of China are gods
31What great Greek Philosopher drank poison as
punishment for treason? 1. Euripides 2.
Socrates 3. Plato 4. Aristotle
32Greek history was influenced by Greeces 1.
rivers and deltas 2. mountains and seacoasts 3.
deserts and warfare 4. glaciers and forests
33Which religious leader do Moslems, Jews and
Christians recognize as part of their
history? 1. Mohammad 2. Abraham 3. Moses 4.
34The word Spartan has come to mean 1. highly
disciplined/war like 2. lovers of books 3. great
thinkers 4. leaders in trade
35 Homers Iliad and Odyssey were 1. Immense
paintings 2. Epic poems 3. Two immense ships 4.
Statues of the gods
36 The most complete definition of a civilization
is 1. Any culture that uses written records and
practices art and religion 2. The gathering of
humans on farms, settlements, and villages 3. A
social structure based on economic power 4. A
complex culture in which a large number of
humans share several common elements
37Romes first code of laws was the 1. Law of
Nations 2. Council of the Plebs 3. Twelve
Tables 4. Tribune