Title: The Age of Exploration:
1 The Age of
Exploration Monsters, Maps,
And Misunderstandings
3Zheng He
4Zheng Hes ship vs. Columbus
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7Many of the monstrous races depicted here had a
long history in European travel literature. The
Cyclops, top right, was well known from Greek
mythology. The three illustrations below the
Cyclops are creatures found in Mandevilles
Travels and other medieval literature. The top
one, a sciopod, uses his one large foot as
protection from the sun. The bottom of the three
is an apple smeller, who lived off the scent of
fresh apples. Cannibals, a man with six arms and
an assortment of exotic women make up the rest of
the page. From Marvels of the East 1492
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16A Contemporary Map
17T-O Map
18T-O Image Map
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20Aztec Map
21Catawba Map
22Chickasaw Map
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24The Greenland Problem
25Greenland vs China
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29Waldenseemuller Map
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34Portolan Chart
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3617thc Dutch New York