Title: Anabolism of Nitrogen Compounds
1Anabolism of Nitrogen Compounds
2Nitrogen CycleFig. 22-1 Lehninger POB 4th Ed.
3Nitrogenase is a Very Important Enzyme
- FeS complexes as seen before
- MoFe complexes
- Mg2 cofactor
- doesnt occur in aerobic environment plant
produces leghemoglobin
4Movement of NH4
- Just like catabolism, distribution is through Glu
and Gln - Glu not synthesized de novo in mammals, instead
?KG is aminated via glutamate dehydrogenase, a
mitochondrial enzyme.
5Glutamine Synthetase is Control Point for
Nitrogen Anabolism
- Heavily regulated allosteric inhibition by
carbamoyl phosphate, Trp, AMP, CTP, His, Gly,
Ala, glucosamine-6-phosphate
62nd Mechanism of Glutamine Synthetase Regulation
Unique AMP Attached to TyrFig. 22-7(a)
Lehninger POB 4th Ed.
- Adenylated form is inactive form
- Cascade leads to adenylation as shown in 22-7(b)
7Essential Amino Acids
8Number of Enzymes Required to Synthesize Amino
AcidsTable 30-2, Harpers ROB, 24th Ed.
- Essential
- Phe 10
- Val 1 (7shared)
- Trp 5 (8 shared)
- Thr 6
- Ile 8 (6 shared)
- Met 5 (4 shared)
- His 6
- Arg 7
- Lys 8
- Leu 3 (7 shared)
- Total 59
- Nonessential
- Ala 1
- Asp 1
- Asn 1
- Glu 1
- Gln 1
- Pro 3
- Ser 3
- Gly 1
- Cys 2
- Tyr 1
- Total 15
9Semiessential Amino Acid
10Cys Synthesis
11Cys Synthesis
12Cys SynthesisHomocysteine Generation
13Creatine Synthesis
14Creatine Synthesis
15Creatine Function
16Creatine Degradation
17Serotonin (5HT)
19Questions from last time
26Glutathione Synthase
27Heme Metabolism(Liver Mitochondria)
28Heme Metabolism(Liver Cytoplasm)
29Heme Metabolism
30Heme Metabolism
31Heme Metabolism
- Bilirubin diglucuronide
- Glucuronic acid
- Added in open chain form
- Added to propyl groups
- Increases water solubility
33De novo Purine Synthesis 1
34De novo Purine Synthesis 2
35De novo Purine Synthesis 3
36De novo Purine Synthesis 4
37De novo Purine Synthesis 5
38De novo Purine Synthesis 6
39De novo Purine Synthesis 7
40De novo Purine Synthesis 8
41De novo Purine Synthesis 9
42De novo Purine Synthesis 10
43De novo Purine Synthesis 11
44De novo Purine Synthesis 12a
45De novo Purine Synthesis 13a
46De novo Purine Synthesis 12b
47De novo Purine Synthesis 13b
48De novo Pyrimidine Synthesis 1
49De novo Pyrimidine Synthesis 2
50De novo Pyrimidine Synthesis 3
51De novo Pyrimidine Synthesis 4
52De novo Pyrimidine Synthesis 5
53De novo Pyrimidine Synthesis 6
54De novo Pyrimidine Synthesis 7
55De novo Pyrimidine Synthesis 8
56Loose Ends Ribonucleotide Reductase
57Loose Ends T Synthesis
58Loose Ends T Synthesis
59Loose Ends T Synthesis
60Summary of Nucleotide Synthesis
- Purines built up on ribose
- PRPP synthetase key step
- 13 enzyme activities on 3 polypeptides (to IMP)
- Pyrimidine rings built, then ribose added
- Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II key step
- Multifunctional enzyme (mammals) all but
dihydroorotate DH (CAD) - Salvage is importantrapid turnover of mRNA
61Summary of Nucleotide SynthesisSource of Atoms
62Purine Salvage Occurs by Two Mechanisms From
63Purine Salvage Occurs by Two Mechanisms From
64Pyrimidine Salvage Occurs Only From the
65Regulation is Complex
- PRPP pool size is a major point of de novo
synthesis - PRPP stimulates pyrimidine synthesis
- TDP inhibits PRPP production
66AMP, GMP and IMP Feedback Inhibit Allosterically
67AMP and GMP Inhibit Their Own Synthesis From IMP
68Ribonucleotide Reductase is Heavily
RegulatedFig. 22-40(a) Lehninger POB 4th Ed.
- Note dimeric protein
- Complicated mechanism involving free radicals
- Overall activity controlled by ATP/dATP
69Ribonucleotide Reductase is Heavily
RegulatedFig. 36-10, Harpers ROB, 24th Ed.
- Note dimeric protein
- Complicated mechanism involving free radicals
- Overall activity controlled by ATP/dATP
- Allosteric control
70Pyrimidine Synthetic Enzyme Gene Expression is
Also Regulated
- Multifunctional protein (dihydroorotate
dehydrogenase separate) - coordinate repression and derepression (will talk
about later)