Title: Transients to be Analysed for the
1- Transients to be Analysed for the
- LBEcooled XT-ADS and
- Lbcooled EFIT designs
- M. Schikorr (FzK)
- EUROTRANS-DM1-Safety Meeting
- Bruxells, 17 March 2006
2- Topics of this discussion
- Types of Typical Plant Transient Initiators to be
analyzed for the LBE / Lb cooled ADS designs - 2. Summary of Results of the Transient Analyses
of the 80 MW LBE cooled XADS (ANSALDO Design) - 3. List of Transients that were analyzed for the
PDS-XADS - 4. List of Transients to be analysed for XT-ADS
and EFIT
31. Typical Plant Transient Initiators for
- Protected case (with normal shutdown)
and - Unprotected case (shutdown
failure). 1. Loss of Flow (LOF) pump
failure 2. Loss of Heat Sink (LOH) heat sink
failure 3. Overpower Transient (TOP)
reactivity insertion 4. Loss of Coolant (LOCA)
primary system leak 5. Design specific
transients i.e. HX tube rupture, jet etc.
4- 2. Summary of XADS Safety Transient Analyses
- 1. For the LBE-cooled 80 MWth XADS, as designed
by ANSALDO, no transient could be identified
that could lead to severe or catastrophic
consequences. - For the worst combination of transients
(ULOHULOF) the grace time until excessive
clad temperatures (gt 1000 C) are reached is
between - 30 and 60 minutes.
- 3. The dynamic response of the system is in
general very benign to all transients
considered, mainly due to its - a. large heat sink / heat buffer capacitiy
provided by the LBE coolant, and - b. excellent natural convection
characterisitics of the core/plant design
(that is specfic to the Ansaldo XADS design
53a. List of Transients that were analyzed for
the LBE-cooled 80 MW PDS-XADS (Ansaldo-Design)
63b. List of Transients that were analyzed for
the LBE-cooled 50 MW Myhrra (SCK-CEN Design)
Source D66 PDS-XADS
73c. List of Transients that were analyzed for
the Lb-cooled BREST Reactor Design
Initiating events of ultimate accidents without
scram (WS)
83d. Preliminary List of Transients to be
analyzed for the LBE- cooled XT-ADS
Design. Preliminary List is currently
defined as
93e. Preliminary List of Transients to be
analyzed for the Lb-cooled EFIT
Design. Preliminary List is currently
defined as !