Title: Texas Scholars
1(No Transcript)
2(No Transcript)
3Global Competition
SOURCE "Global Gamesmanship," Harvard Business
Review, Vol. 81, No. 5, May 2003.
4A parable Survival of the fittest
- Every morning, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it
must run faster than the fastest lion or it will
be killed.
Every morning, a lion wakes up. It knows it must
out run the slowest gazelle or it will starve to
It doesnt matter whether you are a lion or a
gazelle. When the sun comes up, youd better be
5Global Competition
SOURCE "Global Gamesmanship," Harvard Business
Review, Vol. 81, No. 5, May 2003.
6Phasing Out Low-skill Jobs
7Prepared Applicants Get the Jobs
- About 60 of applicants are poorly prepared for
a typical entry-level job because they simply
lack the necessary basic education skills
required in todays labor market.
SOURCE 2005 Skills Gap Report Deloitte, 2005
8Hours an Average American Student Spends in School
9Typical Japanese Student School Day/Week
- Two-hour home study time Sun.Thurs.
- School year of 225 days vs. our 180
10Life-span Analysis
- High school is the most critical period in your
11Business Industry Need
- Solid academic preparation
- Good communication skills (verbal and written)
- Sound science and math foundation
- Ability to think critically and make decisions
- Computer-literacy
- Team-oriented employees
12(No Transcript)
13Your High School Transcript
- It is your scorecard.
- It is how colleges/employers evaluate you.
- It is the official record of- student
efforts/grades- attendance- accomplishments-
extra-curricular activities
14State Scholars Have More Options in Their Chosen
Career Pathway
15IMAGINE your job
27,000/year 2,250/month
Tom Mortensen, Postsecondary Opportunity, No. 89,
November 1999
Federal Income Tax (15) 300 1,950
- Federal Income Tax (15)300
- Federal Income Tax (15) 300 1,950
- Social Security/Medicare (10.8) 243 1,707
Social Security/Medicare (10.8)243
- Federal Income Tax (15) 300 1,950
- Social Security/Medicare (10.8) 243 1,707
- Medical/Dental Insurance 215 1,492
Medical/Dental Insurance215
- Federal Income Tax (15) 300 1,950
- Social Security/Medicare (10.8) 243 1,707
- Medical/Dental Insurance 215 1,492
- Housing (Rent 1 Bdrm, Unfurn) 400 1,092
Housing(Rent 1 bedroom/1 bathroom)400
- Federal Income Tax (15) 300 1,950
- Social Security/Medicare (10.8) 243 1,707
- Medical/Dental Insurance 215 1,492
- Housing (Rent 1 Bdrm, Unfurn) 400 1,092
- Food 300 792
- Federal Income Tax (15) 300 1,950
- Social Security/Medicare (10.8) 243 1,707
- Medical/Dental Insurance 105 1,492
- Housing (Rent 1 Bdrm, Unfurn) 400 1,092
- Food 300 792
- Car Payments 300 492
Car Payments 300
- Federal Income Tax (15) 300 1,950
- Social Security/Medicare (10.8) 243 1,707
- Medical/Dental Insurance 215 1,492
- Housing (Rent 1 Bdrm, Unfurn) 400 1,092
- Food 300 792
- Car Payments 300 492
- Car Insurance 100 392
Car Insurance 100
- Federal Income Tax (15) 300 1,950
- Social Security/Medicare (10.8) 243 1,707
- Medical/Dental Insurance 215 1,492
- Housing (Rent 1 Bdrm, Unfurn) 400 1,092
- Food 300 792
- Car Payments 300 492
- Car Insurance 100 392
- Gas, Oil, etc. 60 332
Gas, Oil, etc. 60
- Federal Income Tax (15) 300 1,950
- Social Security/Medicare (10.8) 243 1,707
- Medical/Dental Insurance 215 1,492
- Housing (Rent 1 Bdrm, Unfurn) 400 1,092
- Food 300 792
- Car Payments 300 492
- Car Insurance 100 392
- Gas, Oil, etc. 60 332
- Telephone 25 307
Telephone 25
- Federal Income Tax (15) 300 1,950
- Social Security/Medicare (10.8) 243 1,707
- Medical/Dental Insurance 215 1,492
- Housing (Rent 1 Bdrm, Unfurn) 400 1,092
- Food 300 792
- Car Payments 300 492
- Car Insurance 100 392
- Gas, Oil, etc. 60 332
- Telephone 25 307
- Utilities 100 207
Utilities 100
- Federal Income Tax (15) 300 1,950
- Social Security/Medicare (10.8) 243 1,707
- Medical/Dental Insurance 215 1,492
- Housing (Rent 1 Bdrm, Unfurn) 400 1,092
- Food 300 792
- Car Payments 300 492
- Car Insurance 100 392
- Gas, Oil, etc. 60 332
- Telephone 25 307
- Utilities 100 207
- Clothing 50 157
Clothing 50
- Federal Income Tax (15) 300 1,950
- Social Security/Medicare (10.8) 243 1,707
- Medical/Dental Insurance 215 1,492
- Housing (Rent 1 Bdrm, Unfurn) 400 1,092
- Food 300 792
- Car Payments 300 492
- Insurance 100 392
- Gas, Oil, etc. 60 332
- Telephone 25 307
- Utilities 100 207
- Clothing 50 157
- Entertainment 50 107
Entertainment 50
- Federal Income Tax (15) 300 1,950
- Social Security/Medicare (10.8) 243 1,707
- Medical/Dental Insurance 215 1,492
- Housing (Rent 1 Bdrm, Unfurn) 400 1,092
- Food 300 792
- Car Payments 300 492
- Car Insurance 100 392
- Gas, Oil, etc. 60 332
- Telephone 25 307
- Utilities 100 207
- Clothing 50 157
- Entertainment 50 107
- Savings 50 57
Savings 50
- Federal Income Tax (15) 300 1,950
- Social Security/Medicare (10.8) 243 1,707
- Medical/Dental Insurance 215 1,492
- Housing (Rent 1 Bdrm, Unfurn) 400 1,092
- Food 300 792
- Car Payments 300 492
- Insurance 100 392
- Gas, Oil, etc. 60 332
- Telephone 25 307
- Utilities 100 207
- Clothing 50 157
- Entertainment 50 107
- Savings 50 57
- Medical Expenses 25 32
Medical Expenses 25
- Federal Income Tax (15) 300 1,950
- Social Security/Medicare (10.8) 243 1,707
- Medical/Dental Insurance 215 1,492
- Housing (Rent 1 Bdrm, Unfurn) 400 1,092
- Food 300 792
- Car Payments 300 492
- Car Insurance 100 392
- Gas, Oil, etc. 60 332
- Telephone 25 307
- Utilities 100 207
- Clothing 50 157
- Entertainment 50 107
- Savings 50 57
- Medical Expenses 25 32
- Furniture, TV, Appliances 15 17
Furniture, TV, Appliances 15
- Federal Income Tax (15) 300 1,950
- Social Security/Medicare (10.8) 243 1,707
- Medical/Dental Insurance 215 1,492
- Housing (Rent 1 Bdrm, Unfurn) 400 1,092
- Food 300 792
- Car Payments 300 492
- Car Insurance 100 392
- Gas, Oil, etc. 60 332
- Telephone 25 307
- Utilities 100 207
- Clothing 50 157
- Entertainment 50 107
- Savings 50 57
- Medical Expenses 25 32
- Furniture, TV, Appliances 15 17
- Miscellaneous 17 0
Miscellaneous 17
- Federal Income Tax (15) 300 1,950
- Social Security/Medicare (10.8) 243 1,707
- Medical/Dental Insurance 215 1,492
- Housing (Rent 1 Bdrm, Unfurn) 400 1,092
- Food 300 792
- Car Payments 300 492
- Insurance 100 392
- Gas, Oil, etc. 60 332
- Telephone 25 307
- Utilities 100 207
- Clothing 50 157
- Entertainment 50 107
- Savings 50 57
- Medical Expenses 25 32
- Furniture, TV, Appliances 15 17
- Miscellaneous 17 0
33Minimum Wage vs. Skilled Job
Unskilled Labor
6.55 x 40 hrs/wk 262.00 x
52 wks/yr 13,624.00 year
You choose!
34Utah Scholars Coursework
35World-Class Jobs for State Scholars
- Starting Salaries in with 2-year Associates or
Certificate Degree
Computer Support 39,020 Industrial Engineering
47,140 Paralegal 36,460
SOURCE US Bureau of Labor Statistics and US
Census Bureau, 2005
36World-Class Jobs for State Scholars
- Starting Salaries with a Bachelors Degree
Chemical Engineering 54,256 Business
Administration 39,448 Liberal Arts 30,337
SOURCE National Association of Colleges and
Employers, 2005
37Academic Competitiveness Grants (ACG)
- Students who are Pell-eligible U.S. Citizens
enrolled full-time and have participated in a
rigorous high school course of study, like the
SSI Core Course of Study, may qualify for - Up to 750 for first year college students
- Up to 1,300 for second year college students
- Check State Scholar Graduate on your Free
Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form
to apply
38Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Any student seeking need-based or government aid
of any kind must complete the FAFSA every year to
remain eligible for Federal aid.
The U.S. Department of Educations Federal
student aid programs are the largest source of
student aid in America. These programs provide
more than 80 billion a year in grants, loans,
and work-study assistance.
- More info at www.studentaid.ed.gov
39Regents Scholarship
- The Utah Scholars Core Course of Study builds
upon Utahs high school graduation requirements - The Utah Scholars core courses (completed during
grades 9-12) includes - 4 years of English
- 4 years of math
- 3.5 years of social science
- 3 years of lab science
- 2 years of the same foreign language
40Regents Scholarship (cont.)
- Base Award (up to 1000) Complete the Utah
Scholars core course of study, earn a C or
higher in each core course, 3.0 or higher
cumulative GPA and submit an ACT score - Exemplary Award (Base Award up to 75 of
tuition for up to 2 years) Complete the Utah
Scholars core course of study outlined in the
Base Award, earn a B or higher in each core
course, a 3.5 or cumulative higher GPA, 26 or
higher ACT score - Utah Education Savings Plan Supplemental Award
(up to 400) Contribute 100 annually to the
students Utah Educational Savings Plan account
during 14-17 years of age -
more info talk to your school counselor or visit
Note The information provided on this slide is
only a summary of the requirements and awards.
Award amounts are subject to legislative
41- The next four years are the best chance you have
to determine your future. - No matter what your past performance was, you
have a brand new opportunity to become a better
student and succeed in life! - Make becoming a State Scholar part of preparing
for your Career Pathway!
42Its YOUR choice...
43Dont Ever Give Up!
44Become a today Become a
Scholar success
45The work reported herein was supported under
State Scholars Initiative, PR/Award Number
(V051U050006), as administered by the Office of
Vocational and Adult Education, U.S. Department
of Education. However, the contents do not
necessarily represent the positions or policies
of the Office of Vocational and Adult Education
or the U.S. Department of Education, and you
should not assume endorsement by the Federal