Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
1Oncogenes et Gènes Suppresseurs de
Tumeurs Introduction
I. Les Conditions de la Prolifération
Cellulaire Les Conditions Normales Sénescence I
nhibition de Contact, Adhérence et Facteurs de
Croissance Transformation Cellulaire,
Définitions Le Développement Tumoral
II. Les Gènes Impliqués Dans les Contrôle
Cellulaire Anomalies Génétiques Oncogènes et
Gènes Suppresseurs de Tumeurs Hypothèse de
Knudson LÂ Exemple de Rb
III. Découverte des Oncogènes Le Virus du
Sarcome de Roux Découverte de lAgent
Transformant src Les Protéines Cellulaires
Equivalentes Mode d Action des Oncogènes
LÂ Exemple de T
2Gel retard
Les Activations Sont Transitoires
Western Blot
3 Tumeurs
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12Les Etapes du Développement Tumoral
 The Hallmarks of Cancer  Robert Weinberg
Cell, 2000, 100 57
13Genes involved in cancer
Oncogenes Activated from protooncogenes Usually
enhance cell proliferation Tumor suppressor
genes Inactivated by mutation or deletion Usually
arrest cell proliferation Genes regulating
apoptosis Control cell survival Overexpression,
mutation or deletion can enhance cell
survival Genes regulating metastasis Control
cell motility and interaction with the
environment Both activating and inactivating
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32Detection of Oncogenes in Human Tumors
DNA transfections
33Activation of ras Oncogenes by Point Mutations
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- Ras mutations in tumors usually involve codons
12, 13, 59 and 61. - Mutated ras is found in 50 of colorectal cancers
and 95 of pancreatic cancers.
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35Functions and Mechanisms of Activation of
Proto-oncogenes Products
- Protein phosphorylation.
- Can activate kinase activity of the protein.
- Can generate docking sites to recruit target
proteins. - Signal transmission by GTPases.
- Signal transduction.
- Ras family proteins are prototypical members.
- Proteins localized in nucleus.
- Control of progress through cell cycle.
- Involvement in DNA replication.
- Proteins that regulate cell death (apoptosis).
36From the Growth Factor to the Cell Cycle