Title: Tracker Thermal Cooling System Electronics Status Report
1Tracker Thermal Cooling System Electronics Status
- Mauro Menichelli
- 2nd March 2005
- Status of the system
- Board Counting
- DC-DC converters and filters
3The TTCE crate
4Current Block Diagram
5Prototype development I
- The Development of TTCE Prototype
- Based on the Technical Review Meeting 1-3 Sep
04, SYSU has started the design and
implementation of TTCE prototype - The expected roadmap for TTCE prototype
development are simplified prototype V1/V2 and
prototype itself - The simplified prototype for TTCE, which has the
same structure as EM but has a greatly reduced
I/O channels, is designed and implemented for
quick evaluation of the functions and design
concept for TTCS Electronics
6Prototype development II
- The TTCE prototype has the same structure and
I/O channels as EM, except the LLC FPGA
implemented with re-configurable APA150 - Both the simplified prototype and prototype
itself are implemented with commercial and
re- configurable components, such as 89S52(MCU)
and APA150(FPGA) - The simplified prototype V1 consists of MCU
board, FPGA board, A/D board and TTEI board - The development of the simplified prototype V1,
including the schematic circuit, PCB and
components assembly, is finished and tested OK
7The block diagram for simplified prototype V1
8Simplified prototype V1 -- MCU Board
Simplified prototype V1 -- FPGA Board
9Simplified prototype V1 A/D Board
Simplified prototype V1 -- TTEI Board
10The development of TTCE simplified prototype V2
- The TTCE simplified prototype V2 includes a TTEC
board and TTEI board. The TTEC board V2 is an
integrated version of TTEC V1 (MCU, FPGA and A/D
chain) - To compare the performance of communication
modes between MCU and LLC FPGA, both the DPRAM
and FPGA parallel connection are designed in
current TTEC V2. The DPRAM will be removed in
the upcoming version of TTEC prototype - Schematic Circuit and PCB design of TTEC
- simplified prototype V2 is finished and test
on - going
11 Simplified prototype V2 TTEC Board
12TTCE on-board Software/FPGA Firmware Development
- The on-board software/FPGA firmware specification
based on the TTCS scenario development is ongoing - The set-up of simulation platform for LLC control
ongoing - The design and implementation of some of the key
modules, which includes the CAN communication,
Dallas interface, P /PI algorithm, A/D interface
and majority voting algorithm, are finished
13The Development of TTPD/TTPV and TTEI
- Update TTCE system architecture including TTPD
and TTEI according to the memorandum TTCS
Electronics Meeting 13-16 November, is proposed
and discussed by SYSU, NLR,INFN,AMS - Updated parameters such as L ,C and switching
frequency are determined through test in SYSU - The performance of the updated TTEI board is
14TTEI Design
input filter
TTEI-A (BUCK dc/dc converters)
Heaters, Peltier Elements
15Board counting
16Filters and DC/DC converters
- 2 options for the filters
- Delta DVMN28
- Picor (Vicor) QPI-2L
- MDI 6680-T15 still a good option but....
- PDT would like to use a separate DC/DC converter
for the pumps and they rise the issue of
space/military grade. - In this case we do not need the 15V polarity.
But no dual 5V and 15V available...