Title: Database Design
1Database Design
- Sections 4 5Subtype, Supertype, Mutually
exclusive, non-transferability, transferable,
11, 1M, MM, Redundant, Intersection entity,
Barred relationship, CRUD analysis
2DJs on Demand Partial ERD
3Reserved Words
- A reserved work is one that has a specific
meaning and function in the computer system,
language, or database. - Examples
4Video Store example next slide
- Identify business rules
- Construct ERD
- Class activity
5Video Store example
- Read the given business scenario and walk through
the steps below. - 1. Examine the nouns. Are they things of
significance? - 2. Name each entity.
- 3. Is there information of interest about the
entity that the business needs to hold? - 4. Is each instance of the entity uniquely
identifiable? Which attribute or attributes could
serve as its UID? - 5. Write a description of the entity.
- 6. Diagram each entity and a few of its
attributes. Â Remember, entity names are always
singular. - 7. Identify the relationships and draw them on
the ERD.
6Video ERD
featured in
7Use Source Documents
- Source document assist in identifying entities,
attributes, and relationships
- A subtype
- inherits all attributes of the supertype
- inherits all relationships of the supertype
- usually has its own attributes or relationships
- is drawn within the supertype
- never exists alone
- may have subtypes of its own
- is also known as a "subentity
9Subtype Supertype
- Supertype (entity) can be subdivided into
Subtypes - Example
JOB manager clerk sales support
- Supertype can have attributes at supertype level
- Attributes at supertype level are for all
subtypes - Subtypes can have own attributes for only that
12Global Fast Food Employees
- STAFF is an entity with supertypes
- What are the attributes of STAFF?
- id
- first name
- last name
- salary
- What subtypes exist in STAFF?
- overtime
- training
- Are there any attributes in any of the subtypes?
13Example an incorrect subtypes in the
- AUTOMOBILE subtypes are not mutually exclusive
- AUTOMOBILE possible solution
- BUILDING subtypes have problem of not being
exhaustive, should be minimum of 2 types
14Subtype Needs
- Exhaustive
- Every instance of the supertype is also an
instance of one of the subtypes. - Treating all parts or aspects without omissions.
- 2 or more items
- Mutually exclusive
- Every instance of the supertype is of one and
only one subtype. - A relationship that presents choices which are
unable to be true at the same time.
15Correctly identify subtypes
- When considering supertypes and subtypes, you can
use three questions to see if the subtype is
correctly identified - Is this subtype a kind of supertype?
- Have I covered all possible cases? (exhaustive)
- Does the example fit into one and only one
subtype? (mutually exclusive)
16Nested subtypes
17Documenting Business Rules
- Source documents assist in identiying
- entities
- attributes
- relationships
- Some business rules are implemented by
18Business Rules
- Recognize if Business rule is implemented by the
data model or by programming - Example
- Only an employee with a title of manager can
manage other employees - The event planner must contact the customer
before the DJ can be assigned - Business rules can changed as society changes or
business leaders feel change needed
19Business rule types
- Structural
- Must be entered at time of initial data entry
- Example When ORDER entered a staff id must be
entered - Does not require code written to enforce
- Procedural
- Work flow related
- Programmed validation is procedural constraint
- Generally need to write code
- Example Commission can not be 25 of salary
20Structural Business Rule examples
21Procedural Business Rule example
- Students must have studied algebra and geometry
in order to sign up for trigonometry. Could you
represent this in the ERD? - How would you implement this with programming?
- If the student had taken the subjects, can you
think of an additional business rule that a
school may want in this scenario?
23Each entity has
- Name
- Optionality
- Cardinality
- Transferability
- Example on next slide.
24Relationship Transferability
25Relationship transferability
- Rules established for the purpose such as safety,
efficiency, or increased profit - Example Airline tickets
- can be transferable or non-transferable?
- Non-transferable means also not updatable
- symbol used to denote non-transferable
- blood type is non-transferable
26Non-transferable relationship
- Orders are non-transferable
- Resolution would be to cancel order and create
new order
27Example 5.1 exercise 1 a
- Each town may be the birthplace of many people.
Each person must be born in one and only one
28Relationship types
- One to One (11)
- One to Many (1M)
- Many to Many (MM)
29One to One relationship
30One to One relationship
- Usually few of these relationships
- Often mandatory at one side
- If mandatory at both ends be aware, it might be a
error. Possible should be only one entity not
31One to One relationship
32One to Many relationship
33One to Many
- Most common type are mandatory on one side and
optional on the other - Mandatory at both ends models entities that
cannot exist without each other
34One to Many example
35Many to Many relationship
36Many to Many
- Often common in initial version of ERD
- Later stage of design converted to other type
37Redundant relationship
- Redundant relationship is one that can be derived
from another relationship in the model
38Many to Many Relationship Resolution
- All MM relationships must be changed to a set of
1M and M1 relationship - Insert a transition entity between
- Occurs when you go from conceptual model to
design model
39Example MM with Intersection Entity
40Resolving MM with Intersection
- Create an intersection entity
- If you cant find a good intersection entity
create one by concatenate two entities together
42CRUD analysis
- Create ER models that reflect all business rules
gathered during the interview process - Identify the create, retrieve, update, and delete
(CRUD) requirements of the business - Validate your ER model by performing a CRUD
43CRUD requirements
- CRUD analysis will help you
- Translate between the consultant and the client.
- Provide a guideline for the DBA who will
eventually build the database. - Check that you havent missed any entities or
relationships in your data model. - Check to make sure that you havent modeled
anything that the business does not require.
44What is CRUD?
- CRUD is an acronym for create, retrieve, update,
delete. - Check for completeness and accuracy.
45Create keywords
- Look for these words when you interview the
client. - INPUT
46Retrieve keywords
- Look for
47Update keywords
- Look for
48Delete keywords
- Look for
49CRUD analysis
- If you have a business function that has no
entity to CRUD against, then your data model may
be incomplete. Similarly, if you have entities in
your ERD that are not touched by any CRUD (there
is no business function that creates, retrieves,
updates, or deletes from it), then you may not
need that entity in your model.