Title: Shape Riddles
1Shape Riddles Scavenger Hunt
2- The object of the hunt is to search around the
picture of Mr. Dawsons office for shape
riddles!!!! Follow the directions below. - Click on an object in the office. (When the hand
appears you know the object is a riddle!) - 2. Read the riddle and record your answer on your
sheet of paper. Pay attention to the numbers!!! - 3. When everyone is finished, we will go over the
answers in class!. - HAPPY HUNTING!!!!
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41. I have 4 sides. My opposite angles are always
equal. I am sometimes called a diamond. What
Shape am I?
52. I have 3 sides. The first part of my name
means three I have the same name as a musical
instrument. What Shape am I?
63. Each of my sides is the same length. I have
the same number of sides as a car has wheels. I
am the same shape as each space on a
checherboard. What Shape am I?
74. I have no curves. I have 2 fewer sides than an
octagon. I have 2 more sides than a square. What
Shape am I?
85. The first part of my name means eight. I
have 1 more dies than there are days in a
week. My name rhymes with lawn. What Shape am I?
96. I have 3 fewer angles than a triangle. My
sides are not straight. I have the same shape as
the face of a quarter. What Shape am I?
107. I am a 4-sided shape. My opposite sides are
parallel. My name has 5 syllables. What Shape am
118. All my sides are straight. I have as many
sides as there are fingers on a hand. A famous
building in Washington, D.C. is names after
me. What Shape am I?
129. I have 4 sides. Turned 1 way and I look like
a door. Rotate the other way, I am a different
height. What Shape am I?
1310. I have 4 sides. I have 4 right angles. All my
sides are always exactly the same length. What
Shape am I?
1411. I have 4 sides. I look like a hexagon cut in
half. The first part of my name is something you
catch a mouse in. What Shape am I?
1512. I have 4 sides. My opposite sides are always
the same length. My name rhymes with ham. What
Shape am I?
1613. All of my faces are rectangles. I have 12
straight edges. I am the same shape as a cereal
box. What Shape am I?
1715. All of my flat faces are the same size and
shape. I have half as many flat faces as there
are months in a year. My name rhymes with
tube. What Shape am I?
1816. I have 4 flat faces. All of my flat faces are
the same shape. My faces are same shape as a
slice of pizza. What Shape am I?
1917. I have 1 flat face. I have 1 curved
edge. Some kids like to put ice cream on me. What
Shape am I?
2018. I have 2 curved edges. You can stack
something on me or roll me. A garbage can is
sometimes my shape. What Shape am I?
2119. I have no flat faces. My name rhymes with
deer. Put me on a ramp, and I will roll. What
Shape am I?
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